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Created August 25, 2022 20:53
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python chalenge
def find_quadruplet_sum(numbers, target):
Finds four integers within `numbers` whose sum amounts to
exactly `target`, and returns them.
There will always be a valid quadruplet, and the same number
can be picked several times.
for a in numbers:
for b in numbers:
for c in numbers:
for d in numbers:
if a+b+c+d == target:
return (a, b, c, d)
def cache(numbers, target):
cache = {}
for a in numbers:
for b in numbers:
cache[a+b] = (a, b)
for c in cache:
d = target - c
if d in cache:
return cache[c] + cache[d]
def product(numbers, target):
import itertools
numbs = set(numbers)
for a in itertools.product(numbs, repeat = 3):
d = target - sum(a)
if d in numbs:
return (a[0], a[1], a[2], d)
def n3(numbers, target):
numbs = set(numbers)
for a in numbs:
for b in numbs:
for c in numbs:
d = target - (a+b+c)
if d in numbs:
return (a, b, c, d)
def find_quadruplet_sum_fast(numbers, target):
return cache(numbers, target)
#return product(numbers, target)
return n3(numbers, target)
# =============== DO NOT EDIT BELOW THIS LINE ===============
import random
import sys
import time
def run_testcase(numbers, target, testcase_name):
print(testcase_name.ljust(25), end='- ')
t0 = time.time()
result = find_quadruplet_sum_fast(numbers, target)
elapsed = time.time() - t0
if type(result) not in (tuple, list):
print(f'FAILED: the function returned {result} of type {type(result)}, not a tuple or list.')
if len(result) != 4:
print(f'FAILED: the result has {len(result)} elements, not 4')
if sum(result) != target:
print(f'FAILED: the sum of {result} is {sum(result)}, not {target}')
if any(r not in numbers for r in result):
print('FAILED: one of the numbers is not in the list')
print(f'PASSED ({elapsed})')
run_testcase([5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0], 11, 'Small testcase')
run_testcase([54, 3, 42, 16, 4, 24], 90, 'Solution with duplicates')
run_testcase([89, -62, -92, -37, 28, 29], -7, 'With negative numbers')
run_testcase([39, -57, -53, -79, 83, -6, 27, -97], 0, 'Target is zero')
for i in range(1, 6):
numbers = random.sample(range(-100_000_000, 100_000_000), 10000)
target = sum(numbers[-4:]) # Make sure the target can be done by summing the last 4 numbers
random.shuffle(numbers) # Shuffle the list to avoid cheaters who just return the last 4 elements ;)
run_testcase(numbers, target, f'Large test #{i}')
print('Congratulations. You passed all testcases!')
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