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Created January 19, 2022 16:52
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Save barn/79e9f500e699361eea543abcd1df3111 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
zsh function to copy files out of a container image.
# Supports <image>:<path>, supports sha256/tags, path supports wildards, if a second arg is a path, it will output there, creating paths if needed
# $ copy_from_docker_image ruby:2.7.4:/etc/hosts ./
copy_from_docker_image() {
if [ -z "$ZSH_VERSION" ]; then
echo "sorry I need to use zsh"
exit 1
setopt local_options pipefail errexit nounset
local image_arg _filename _image output_path
typeset -a bits _f lessbits
# If the target directory doesn't exist, try to make it, fail
# otherwise
[ -d "$output_path" ] || mkdir -p "$output_path" || { echo "cannot make output dir" ; exit 20; }
# split string by :
# Get the last element of the split array
_f=($_filename) # make a temp array just with it.
# remove _f from the array
# join them back together with ':'
# dirname and basename in zsh
# Run the container, but with as many options to increase safety as
# possible. No networking, no caps, read-only, etc etc
# We're trusting the tar on the target host sadly.
docker run \
--pull missing \
--user 0:0 \
--no-healthcheck \
--read-only \
--cap-drop=all \
--security-opt=no-new-privileges:true \
--network none \
--entrypoint /bin/sh \
--rm \
"$_image" -c "tar -cf - -C \"${cdpath}\" ${files}" | tar xvvf - -C "$output_path"
# No one has ever gotten pv to be helpful.
# | ( if [ -n "$commands[pv]" ]; then pv -tr -B 1024 -W --cursor | tar xvvf - -C "$output_path" >&4 ; else tar xvvf - -C "$output_path" ; fi )
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Hi Bea, just saw this on Twitter, hope you don't mind some feedback:

You don't need, you can rejoin just from the first to the second-to-last bits in the array by selecting [1,-2]:


BTW I think using dots in (j.:.) and (s.:.) is more frequently used in zsh code when the delimiter is a colon.

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