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Last active November 13, 2023 10:28
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Code for decrypting Pokémon HOME v2.0 Unity AssetBundles
using System;
using System.IO;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using System.Security.Cryptography;
using System.Text;
namespace ConsoleAppFramework
public static class ABA
private const string Key_0 = "lrZ6++Ln5tLnBsJk.ae6J8BLaLbMhVn@";
private const string IV_0 = "X6TU@VYU$HyqKy57PfwWg7.t7wk2oqtg";
private const int DEFAULT_KEYSIZE = 256;
private const int DEFAULT_BLOCKSIZE = 256;
public static FileHeader ExtractPackage(string abapPath, string outDirectory)
using (var fs = File.OpenRead(abapPath))
using (var br = new BinaryReader(fs))
// read the header
var header = new FileHeader()
Magic = br.ReadUInt32(),
RootHeadOffset = br.ReadInt32(),
NameHeadOffset = br.ReadInt32(),
DataHeadOffset = br.ReadInt32()
header.Bundles = new BundleInfo[header.DataCount];
// read each package
for (var i = 0; i < header.DataCount; i++)
// seek to package info offset
fs.Seek(i * 16 + header.RootHeadOffset, SeekOrigin.Begin);
// read package info details
var bundle = header.Bundles[i] = new BundleInfo()
NameOffset = br.ReadInt32(),
NameSize = br.ReadInt32(),
DataOffset = br.ReadInt32(),
DataSize = br.ReadInt32(),
// seek to name offset and read
fs.Seek(header.NameHeadOffset + bundle.NameOffset, SeekOrigin.Begin);
bundle.Name = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(br.ReadBytes(bundle.NameSize));
// seek to data offset and read
fs.Seek(header.DataHeadOffset + bundle.DataOffset, SeekOrigin.Begin);
bundle.Data = br.ReadBytes(bundle.DataSize);
// decrypt package contents
Decrypt(bundle, outDirectory);
return header;
public static void Decrypt(BundleInfo package, string outPath)
var filename = Path.Combine(outPath, package.Name + ".unity3d");
using (var ms = new MemoryStream(package.Data))
DecryptImplementation(ms, filename);
public static void Decrypt(string abaPath, string outPath)
using (var fsInput = File.OpenRead(abaPath))
DecryptImplementation(fsInput, outPath);
private static void DecryptImplementation(Stream stream, string outPath)
using (var algo = new RijndaelManaged())
using (var strInput = stream)
using (var strOutput = File.Create(outPath))
// set up our params
algo.Padding = PaddingMode.PKCS7;
algo.Mode = CipherMode.CBC;
algo.Key = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(Key_0);
algo.IV = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(IV_0);
// calculate our buffer size
var bufferLen = Math.Min(strInput.Length, 1024);
var buffer = new byte[bufferLen];
// create a crypto stream and process bufferLen bytes
using (var transform = new CryptoStream(strInput, algo.CreateDecryptor(), CryptoStreamMode.Read, true))
transform.Read(buffer, 0, buffer.Length);
// write the decrypted bytes to our output
strOutput.Write(buffer, 0, buffer.Length);
// finally, copy the remaining unread bytes from the input to the output
public struct FileHeader
public uint Magic; // "ppir" aka "pupitar"
public int RootHeadOffset;
public int NameHeadOffset;
public int DataHeadOffset;
public BundleInfo[] Bundles; // [DataCount]
public int RootBufferSize => NameHeadOffset - RootHeadOffset;
public int NameBufferSize => DataHeadOffset - NameHeadOffset;
public int DataCount => RootBufferSize >> 4;
public struct BundleInfo
public int NameOffset; // + header.NameHeadOffset
public int NameSize;
public int DataOffset; // + header.DataHeadOffset
public int DataSize;
public string Name;
public byte[] Data;
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for some reason with the newer gen the assetbundles for the models just have a different encryption that the older files dont

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When they get saved on the Cache they are "readable" we could say

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Comparison with the one in the Cache and the one from website

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DahniMae commented May 30, 2023

they are definitely unity3d assets as we can see the cab names

maybe these pictures inside will help figure it out?
does this help at all?

Copy link Also this one seems to include a manifest in it or something maybe it contains model strings to know which one to pull

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ok 100% the ones stored in the Cache are Decrypted

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dependencies seems to be where textures are stored

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k i found out something <-- this is sprigatito decrypted the one stored in cache

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did some more research, we think we found out basically whats going on, format for the home bundles has essentially that theyve been split into 3 bundles
A compressed file named pm0980_00_00 something like that, which needs help/decompressing or decrypting or something, this contains the rig and the materials and such

and it has two other files that accompany it that are uncompressed, one that contains textures, and one that contain the mesh, so its not a before and after of compressed to decompressed, its that we have three files that work together to create a pokemon

but we still need to figure out and decompress that first core bundle

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found this in ram

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