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Last active August 31, 2022 15:03
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Code for reading Vblank Entertainment' Shakedown: Hawaii's BFP archives
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Globalization;
using System.IO;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
using System.Linq;
using ICSharpCode.SharpZipLib.Zip.Compression.Streams;
using System.IO.Compression;
static class ShakedownHawaiiBFP2
private static readonly Dictionary<uint, string> NameLookup;
private static readonly Regex ScriptRegex = new Regex("script_([0-9A-F]{2}).bin");
private static readonly Regex UnknownRegex = new Regex("unknown_([0-9A-F]{8}).bin");
static ShakedownHawaiiBFP2()
NameLookup = new Dictionary<uint, string>(KnownNames.Length);
foreach (var name in KnownNames)
NameLookup[HashName(name)] = name;
public static void Export()
if (!File.Exists("gamedata.bfp"))
throw new Exception("Unable to find gamedata.bfp");
var fs = File.OpenRead("gamedata - Copy.bfp");
var header = fs.Read<BFP2>();
var fileEntries = new FileEntry[header.FileEntryCount + 0x100];
var eagerLoadSegmentSizes = new Queue<int>(header.EagerLoadSegmentCount);
// read file entries
for (int i = 0; i < header.FileEntryCount; i++)
fileEntries[i] = new FileEntry
NameHash = fs.Read<uint>(),
DataOffset = fs.Read<int>(),
DecompressedSize = fs.Read<int>(),
CompressedSize = fs.Read<int>()
// read script entries
for (int i = header.FileEntryCount; i < fileEntries.Length; i++)
fileEntries[i] = new FileEntry
DataOffset = fs.Read<int>(),
DecompressedSize = fs.Read<int>(),
CompressedSize = fs.Read<int>()
// read eager load sizes
for (int i = 0; i < header.EagerLoadSegmentCount; i++)
int lazyLoadByteCount = header.LazyLoadByteCount;
int prevLazyLoadCount = header.LazyLoadByteCount;
for (int i = 0; i < fileEntries.Length; i++)
var entry = fileEntries[i];
// null entry
if (entry.DecompressedSize == 0 || entry.CompressedSize == 0)
// seek data position
fs.Position = entry.DataOffset;
// check if this file exceeds the lazy load limit
if (entry.DataOffset + entry.CompressedSize > lazyLoadByteCount)
if (!eagerLoadSegmentSizes.TryDequeue(out var size))
throw new Exception("Exceeded EagerLoadSegmentCount");
// increase cutoff
prevLazyLoadCount = lazyLoadByteCount;
lazyLoadByteCount += size;
// the game uses this mechanic to check for which
// files to lazy load and which ones to eager load
// e.g.
if (entry.DataOffset > header.LazyLoadByteCount &&
entry.DataOffset > prevLazyLoadCount &&
entry.DataOffset + entry.CompressedSize < lazyLoadByteCount)
// Eager load
// NOTE: scripts MUST be eager loaded!!!!
// read the file's data
byte[] buffer = fs.ReadBytes(entry.CompressedSize);
// zlib deflate
if (entry.CompressedSize != entry.DecompressedSize)
using (var msIn = new MemoryStream(buffer, 2, buffer.Length - 2))
using (var msOut = new MemoryStream(entry.DecompressedSize))
using (var ds = new DeflateStream(msIn, CompressionMode.Decompress))
buffer = msOut.ToArray();
// export
if (NameLookup.TryGetValue(entry.NameHash, out var name))
File.WriteAllBytes($"Dump\\{name}", buffer);
else if (entry.NameHash > 0)
File.WriteAllBytes($"Dump\\unknown_{entry.NameHash:X8}.bin", buffer);
Console.WriteLine($"script_{i - header.FileEntryCount:X2}");
File.WriteAllBytes($"Dump\\script_{i - header.FileEntryCount:X2}.bin", buffer);
public static void Import()
var fileEntries = new List<FileEntry>();
var scriptEntries = new FileEntry[0x100];
var unionedEntries = fileEntries.Union(scriptEntries);
AllocateEntries(ref fileEntries, ref scriptEntries);
var fileCompressedSize = fileEntries.Sum(e => e.AlignedCompressedSize);
var scriptCompressedSize = scriptEntries.Sum(e => e.AlignedCompressedSize);
var headerBlockSize = 64 + (fileEntries.Count * 16) + 0xC00 + 0x110;
var dataBlockSize = fileCompressedSize + scriptCompressedSize;
var totalFileSize = headerBlockSize + dataBlockSize;
// update offsets
var lastOffset = headerBlockSize;
foreach (var entry in unionedEntries)
if (entry.CompressedSize != 0)
entry.DataOffset = lastOffset;
lastOffset += entry.AlignedCompressedSize;
using (var fs = File.Create("gamedata.bfp"))
Console.WriteLine("Writing gamedata.bfp");
fs.Write(new BFP2
Magic = 0x32504642,
FileEntryCount = fileEntries.Count,
TotalAlignedFileDecompressedSize = fileEntries.Sum(e => e.AlignedDecompressedSize),
TotalAlignedScriptDecompressedSize = scriptEntries.Sum(e => e.AlignedDecompressedSize),
AllDataDecompressedBufferSize = unionedEntries.Sum(e => e.AlignedDecompressedSize),
LazyLoadByteCount = headerBlockSize + fileCompressedSize, // all files
FileDataSize = scriptCompressedSize,
DecompressionBufferSize = unionedEntries.Max(e => e.AlignedDecompressedSize),
EagerLoadSegmentCount = 1,
foreach (var entry in fileEntries)
foreach (var entry in scriptEntries)
// set the first script to eager load and use the
// remainder of the file as the eager load size -
// this forces all scripts to load
fs.Write(totalFileSize - scriptEntries[0].DataOffset);
fs.Position = headerBlockSize; // seek to data table
foreach (var entry in unionedEntries)
if (entry.DataOffset != 0)
fs.Position = entry.DataOffset;
fs.Write(entry.Data, 0, entry.Data.Length);
// final padding
private static void AllocateEntries(ref List<FileEntry> files, ref FileEntry[] script)
foreach (var file in Directory.GetFiles("."))
var name = Path.GetFileName(file);
if (name.ToLower() == "gamedata.bfp")
Console.WriteLine($"Compression {name}...");
var decompressedData = File.ReadAllBytes(file);
var decompressedSize = decompressedData.Length;
var compressedData = ZlibCompress(decompressedData);
var compressedSize = compressedData.Length;
var entry = new FileEntry()
DecompressedSize = decompressedSize,
CompressedSize = compressedSize,
Data = compressedData
if (ScriptRegex.IsMatch(file))
var ordinal = int.Parse(ScriptRegex.Match(file).Groups[1].Value, NumberStyles.HexNumber);
script[ordinal] = entry;
else if (UnknownRegex.IsMatch(file))
entry.NameHash = uint.Parse(UnknownRegex.Match(file).Groups[1].Value, NumberStyles.HexNumber);
entry.NameHash = HashName(name);
// fill blank slots
for (var i = 0; i < script.Length; i++)
script[i] = script[i] ?? new FileEntry();
files.Sort((a, b) => a.CompressedSize.CompareTo(b.CompressedSize));
public static uint HashName(string value)
value = value.ToUpper(); // uppercse
uint h = 0u;
for (int i = 0; i < value.Length; i++)
// xor char with hash lo byte to get table index
uint index = value[i] ^ (h & 0xFF);
// xor table entry with 2 x hash value
h = HashTable[index] ^ (h * 2);
return h;
private static byte[] ZlibCompress(byte[] buffer)
using (var msIn = new MemoryStream(buffer))
using (var msOut = new MemoryStream(buffer.Length))
using (var ds = new DeflaterOutputStream(msOut))
return msOut.ToArray();
struct BFP2
public uint Magic; // "BFP2"
public int FileEntryCount;
public int TotalAlignedFileDecompressedSize; // sum of "file" DecompressedSizes when 64 byte aligned
public int TotalAlignedScriptDecompressedSize; // sum of "script" DecompressedSizes when 64 byte aligned
public int AllDataDecompressedBufferSize; // size of a buffer which stores all decompressed data
public int LazyLoadByteCount;
public int FileDataSize; // length of file minus FakeSizeLimit
public int DecompressionBufferSize; // size of the zlib decompression buffer (largest 64 byte aligned CompressedSize)
public int EagerLoadSegmentCount;
[MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValArray, SizeConst = 28)]
private readonly byte[] Padding;
class FileEntry
public uint NameHash; // if > 0, "file" else "script"
public int DataOffset;
public int DecompressedSize;
public int CompressedSize; // if compressed != decompressed, zlib else uncompressed
public int AlignedDecompressedSize => (DecompressedSize + 63) & ~0x3F;
public int AlignedCompressedSize => (CompressedSize + 63) & ~0x3F;
public byte[] Data;
private static readonly uint[] HashTable = new uint[]
0x3C5F0CEB, 0x67465CEA, 0x9BB5A2C, 0x377B67B7, 0x563BF7, 0x62707630, 0x5B823037, 0x79257731,
0x86C2B35, 0x475A04FD, 0x4EF43A04, 0x63023ACB, 0x7CBC241C, 0x4FF50381, 0x467F5045, 0xBE545BF,
0x53A570B7, 0x1693111F, 0x28143A7F, 0x4A4230BB, 0x60482C24, 0x186C46F0, 0x73A6278B, 0x7EB55662,
0x710D6318, 0x481D5C40, 0x69AF7616, 0x6E795FCA, 0x7E1F0459, 0x30241B10, 0x41AA4D21, 0x2DF220FC,
0x67EB2142, 0x25652492, 0x709A0482, 0x1B244577, 0x45A57E43, 0x9A805B0, 0x7F825D62, 0x68394CAD,
0x43C3735E, 0x1E191B86, 0x71EB0ABD, 0x35FF5684, 0x12801CAB, 0x65C647E3, 0x3C6109E5, 0x3E673FD6,
0x645A5AD5, 0x182575CC, 0x4AF64AFE, 0xF070EF2, 0x7C94239B, 0x238B6DF9, 0x17BD2983, 0x53993019,
0x4DB52250, 0x3FB67B56, 0x515034C0, 0x307A0202, 0x2807285C, 0x10445F83, 0x114B4857, 0x2D2C3256,
0x781A6DB8, 0x57391754, 0x22CF74BC, 0x2ED56A34, 0x153E2175, 0x377D6F52, 0x590037B8, 0x2BD4AAE,
0x200C4A36, 0x75C6838, 0x758704E9, 0x78D4394B, 0x70DE76B2, 0x33046B77, 0x1F111E40, 0xE297C83,
0x16523E33, 0x2F0B4FB2, 0x67CE3C81, 0x27742846, 0x63CB1119, 0x7AE62D43, 0x63F307C7, 0x5B8D5A75,
0xFEF5958, 0x337302B4, 0x50385FFE, 0x4DF34767, 0x632A6AF6, 0x35702947, 0x485B7567, 0x19471666,
0x762A448E, 0x5001196F, 0xD9B3118, 0x49CE0E2F, 0x621FCF, 0x72F7F54, 0x5D3D6D79, 0x67F21175,
0x368751FD, 0x66631F53, 0x570B7EC8, 0x12C16B5F, 0x39167C6F, 0x62EF0A7C, 0x73D00B96, 0x2A6C6C05,
0x12CB0D10, 0x4E852312, 0xBDD3548, 0xAC954F7, 0x472B0EDF, 0x59BE710E, 0x6D871096, 0x55D215B7,
0x70FC4A6F, 0x2694469C, 0x3A66E0F, 0x4E24583A, 0x70C73667, 0x6AE8349D, 0xC187293, 0x41815D6A,
0x2B5D3802, 0x22FE4F23, 0x5E3C7FD8, 0x34F29A7, 0x584F3390, 0x53FC41F8, 0x41786CE6, 0x77170141,
0x60756CF4, 0x5E6F3518, 0x53B40E9B, 0x2B063500, 0x4C683824, 0x60C50132, 0x7FDC1027, 0x26F3E9D,
0x430779AC, 0x29D4342B, 0x4621B91, 0x70472D46, 0x17F6772C, 0x3B51659B, 0x9B95230, 0x41A7621D,
0x6A1A77D5, 0x5C5A5B4D, 0x48DB1533, 0x784E1CB9, 0x521F34EF, 0x3BED7DC3, 0x41C41E1A, 0x351C57A4,
0x20F21A56, 0x236E1CB1, 0x1F4673B, 0x329874DC, 0x2E4756F9, 0x3926037D, 0x7AF1643E, 0x4F6C3A53,
0x37143D5A, 0x52BE5DC5, 0x68C30AA1, 0x28E41E6E, 0x4C147410, 0x57C86BD9, 0x48772A34, 0x45726489,
0x50467648, 0x3436073D, 0x5E9D159E, 0x4F2C0972, 0x76B6440, 0x5AE17728, 0x4DC91AD6, 0x5E4C7FE9,
0x348B23CA, 0x58041508, 0x3D154BAB, 0x53B03D27, 0x487150CF, 0x73BE40FB, 0xE9E163D, 0x43581554,
0x202A7DC9, 0x64932657, 0x26032D81, 0x6EEA680E, 0x538A4448, 0x11EC5024, 0x3EE941C1, 0x50311CE9,
0x13A6256F, 0x66920D9C, 0x5379091A, 0x33996FEA, 0x195B3A74, 0x333726B2, 0x12E017FC, 0x62B50E0B,
0x23C63523, 0x20ED6088, 0x67CE09AD, 0x5EBA01BB, 0x6CA305B, 0x33AD51F7, 0xEF878C7, 0x2B026F5A,
0x498E508F, 0x5CD2080B, 0x3D9647B5, 0x278A21C1, 0x54FC3446, 0x1D9B7A85, 0x57E6393A, 0x7B7366B8,
0x3243349C, 0x39AD5057, 0x37A758EB, 0xF843B7E, 0x595675BF, 0x798E742B, 0x29F33AF, 0x18A74945,
0xF6B4773, 0x7D2A78DD, 0x11156046, 0x326831B3, 0x557C558E, 0x1E524DFC, 0x645757BF, 0x9792B62,
0x66C9287D, 0x6339444D, 0x2D361E01, 0x16306E61, 0x475475BD, 0xF56248, 0x62853A43, 0x670770B1,
0x62644063, 0x6E040898, 0x679D7F93, 0x7B1C72C8, 0x39034995, 0x4C4669F, 0x42DC2553, 0x2CAF5C12
private static readonly string[] KnownNames = new[]
"changes.txt", "credits.txt", "demo1.rec", "demo2.rec", "demo3.rec",
"enemydefs.bin", "fonts.bin", "fonts_rgb_1555.bin", "gametext.bxt",
"inklevel_1.bin", "kiki.bld", "kiki.bmd", "kiki.cls", "kiki.dyn",
"", "kiki.til", "kiki.wal", "kiki_anims.bin", "kiki_anims_cars.bin",
"kiki_anims_cutscenes.bin", "kiki_anims_dynamics.bin", "kiki_anims_effects.bin",
"kiki_anims_mainmenu.bin", "kiki_anims_minigame.bin", "kiki_anims_misc.bin",
"kiki_anims_n3ds.bin", "kiki_anims_shared.bin", "kiki_bg_pal_rgb_1555.bin",
"kiki_cutscenedefs.bin", "kiki_data.nav", "kiki_effects.bin",
"kiki_interiors.bin", "kiki_regions.bin", "kiki_roads.bin", "kiki_roads.nav",
"missiondefs.bin", "objectives.bxt", "records.bxt", "scenedefs.bin",
"thighlevel_1.bin", "thighlevel_2.bin", "thighlevel_3.bin", "thighlevel_4.bin",
"thighlevel_5.bin", "waterlevel_1.bin", "waterlevel_2.bin", "waterlevel_3.bin",
"waterlevel_4.bin", "waterlevel_5.bin"
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barncastle commented Aug 27, 2022

Extract ShakedownHawaiiExporter.exe and run with the following arguments:

  • -e <Game Directory> e.g. ShakedownHawaiiExporter.exe -e "D:\Games\Shakedown" to export all files
  • -i <Import Directory> e.g. ShakedownHawaiiExporter.exe -i "D:\Games\Shakedown\Dump" to import/pack all files into a new gamedata.bfp

Some notes:

  • Exporting files will generate a new subfolder called Dump
  • Files will be named correctly if known, [namehash].bin not known or script_xx.bin if a script
  • Importing will import all files within the specified folder - be warned!
  • The new gamedata.bfp generated from an import will be found in the specified folder, this is to prevent overwriting any legitimate files

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