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Last active April 6, 2016 08:25
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Drone Sighting Vis

Flight Data Vis

Spots represent Cities where drones have been sighted by pilots. Size of circle represents number of sightings.

#thanks to bob for the code that gets the excel and turns it into a nice format!!
URL1 <- ""
URL2 <- ""
fil1 <- basename(URL1)
fil2 <- basename(URL2)
if (!file.exists(fil1)) download.file(URL1, fil1)
if (!file.exists(fil2)) download.file(URL2, fil2)
xl1 <- read_excel(fil1)
xl2 <- read_excel(fil2)
flight_data <- setNames(bind_rows(xl2[,1:3],
c("event_time", "city", "state"))
flight_data$city_state <- paste(flight_data$city, ', ', flight_data$state, sep = '')
#get list of unique cities
cities <- data.frame(flight_data %>% count(city_state))
#initialise empty data and loop through unique city names to get longlat from the geocode
#function in ggmap (just an easy way of interacting with the Google Maps API)
#don't run unless you want to make 400+ calls to the google maps API (takes ~10minutes)
longlats <- data.frame()
for (i in 1:nrow(cities)){
city_state <- cities[i,1]
ll <- geocode(city_state)
record <- cbind(city_state, ll)
longlats <- rbind(longlats, record)
#add long/lats to flight data
flight_data <- left_join(flight_data, longlats)
#group data by city
flight_data_grouped <- flight_data %>% group_by(lon, lat) %>% summarise(ct = n())
#create map
leaflet(flight_data_grouped) %>%
addProviderTiles("CartoDB.Positron") %>%
addCircleMarkers(radius = flight_data_grouped$ct/2, color = "steelblue", stroke = FALSE, fillOpacity = 0.6) %>%
setView(lng = mean(flight_data$lon, na.rm = T), lat = mean(flight_data$lat, na.rm = T), zoom = 5)
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