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Last active December 2, 2016 02:01
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links for uservoice post
/// assumes that this is a 'time' html element
let time (el : IWebElement) = el |> attr "datetime" |> DateTime.Parse
/// used to find things that can be turned into markdown links
let markdownLinkRegex = Regex("(\/ideas\/(\S+))\s*")
/// attempts to rewrite all urls to uservoice to map to the matching issue document on github.
let rewriteUrls (text : string) =
// simple match and replace
let urls = [
let rewritten = urls |> List.fold (fun (s:string) url -> s.Replace(url, "/archive/suggestion-")) text
// now rewrite things into markdown link syntax : [XXX](YYY)
match markdownLinkRegex.Matches(rewritten) with
| m when m.Count = 0 -> rewritten
| m ->
|> Seq.cast<Match>
|> Seq.fold (fun s m' ->
// rewrite the /ideas/suggestion string to [name of link](/ideas/suggestion-XXXX)
let whole = m'.Groups.[0].Value.Trim()
let file = m'.Groups.[1].Value.Trim()
s.Replace(whole, sprintf "[%s](" whole file)
) rewritten
/// this is a recursive call because the comments themselves are paged and so we need to be able to
/// concat a list of comments across pages that we visit
let rec parseCommentsFromPage address =
let parseComment pos (el :IWebElement) : Comment =
let submitter = el |> elementWithin "span" |> read
let submitted = el |> elementWithin "time" |> read |> DateTime.Parse
let content = el |> elementWithin "div.typeset" |> read
{Submitter = submitter; Submitted = submitted; Content = content |> rewriteUrls }
url address
let commentBlocks = unreliableElements ".uvIdeaComments li.uvListItem" |> List.mapi parseComment
match someElement "a.next_page" |> href with
| None -> commentBlocks
| Some page -> commentBlocks @ parseCommentsFromPage page
/// this is mostly just a lot of pulling out individual fields by accessor classes
let parseIdeaFromPage pos address : Choice<Idea,string> =
url address
printfn "parsing idea %d: %s" pos address
let voteCount = element "div.uvIdeaVoteCount"
let number = voteCount |> attr "data-id"
let votes = voteCount |> elementWithin "strong" |> read |> Int32.Parse
let title = element "h1.uvIdeaTitle" |> read
let submitter = element "div.uvUserActionHeader span.fn" |> read
// the text of a comment can have uservoice links, so lets rewrite those to refer to relative urls so that links in
// the new github issues are valid still!
let text = defaultArg (someElement "div.uvIdeaDescription div.typeset" |> (read >> rewriteUrls)) ""
let submitted = element "section.uvIdeaSuggestors div.uvUserAction div.uvUserActionHeader span time" |> time
let comments = parseCommentsFromPage address |> List.rev
let state =
someElement "span.uvStyle-status"
|> (fun el ->((attr "class" el)
.Split([|' '|], StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries) |> Array.last)
.Substring "uvStyle-status-".Length)
let response =
let responded = someElement "article.uvUserAction-admin-response time" |> time
// likewise, responses can have links that need rewritten
let text = someElement "article.uvUserAction-admin-response .typeset" |> (read >> rewriteUrls)
match responded, text with
| Some r, Some t -> { Responded = r; Text = t; Exists = true }
| _, _ -> {Exists = false; Responded = DateTime.MinValue; Text = ""}
{ Number = number
Submitter = submitter
Submitted = submitted
Title = title
Votes = votes
Text = text
Comments = comments
Status = defaultArg state "open"
Response = response } : Idea |> Choice1Of2
| ex -> Choice2Of2 <| sprintf "error accessing %s: %s" address (ex.Message)
type Comment =
{ Submitter : string
Submitted : DateTime
Content : string }
type Response =
{ Responded : DateTime
Text : string
Exists : bool }
type Idea =
{ Number : string
Submitter : string
Submitted : DateTime
Title : string
Text : string
Votes : int32
Comments : Comment list
Status : string
Response : Response }
module FslangMigration.Templating
open DotLiquid
open FSharp.Reflection
open System.IO
open System.Text.RegularExpressions
open System.Collections.Generic
// we want to store type registrations in DotLiquid so that we don't have to recompute them
let registrations = Dictionary<_,_>()
let parseTemplate<'T> template =
// walk types and register them
let rec registerTypeTree ty =
if registrations.ContainsKey ty then ()
elif FSharpType.IsRecord ty then
// register all the fields of the record
let fields = FSharpType.GetRecordFields ty
Template.RegisterSafeType(ty, [| for f in fields -> f.Name |])
registrations.[ty] <- true
for f in fields do registerTypeTree f.PropertyType
elif ty.IsGenericType then
// certain generic types have to be handled differently
let t = ty.GetGenericTypeDefinition()
if t = typedefof<seq<_>> || t = typedefof<list<_>> then
// collections are supported and just need the inner items type registered
registrations.[ty] <- true
registerTypeTree (ty.GetGenericArguments().[0])
elif t = typedefof<option<_>> then
// for option, we manually register some properties
Template.RegisterSafeType(ty, [|"Value"; "IsSome"; "IsNone";|])
registrations.[ty] <- true
// and then the inner type
registerTypeTree (ty.GetGenericArguments().[0])
elif ty.IsArray then
registrations.[ty] <- true
// arrays just have a shortcut due to the .Net reflection API
registerTypeTree (ty.GetElementType())
else ()
// register the model type
registerTypeTree typeof<'T>
// parse the template
let t = Template.Parse template
// given an label name and an instance of the model, render the template with a dictionary made of all of the properties of the model
fun k (v:'T) -> t.Render(Hash.FromDictionary(dict [k, box v]))
Template.NamingConvention <- NamingConventions.CSharpNamingConvention()
//host the templates from the file system
let templatedir = Path.GetFullPath "../templates/"
let fs = DotLiquid.FileSystems.LocalFileSystem templatedir
Template.FileSystem <- fs :> DotLiquid.FileSystems.IFileSystem
// this helper functions ensures that we can never use the wrong template for the wrong model type
let templateFor<'a> file variableName = parseTemplate<'a> (File.ReadAllText(Path.Combine(templatedir, file))) variableName
let archiveTemplate = templateFor<Idea> "_idea_archive.liquid" "idea"
let submissionTemplate = templateFor<Idea> "_idea_submission.liquid" "idea"
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