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Last active August 29, 2015 14:05
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Dreams of Mirah 1.0

Dreams of Mirah 1.0

What is Mirah?

Runtimeless JVM language that tries as hard as possible to feel like writing Ruby without cheating.

  • Should produce class files that are drop in replacements for Java.
  • Should interop well with Java and Java tools
  • It'd be nice if it interopped well with JRuby too, as well as other JVM langs, through compiler extensions.
  • It should have an extensible compiler
  • As a user, it should be easy to take advantage of library writer's macros, and it should be possible to write your own without shooting yourself in the foot
  • User happiness over compiler writer happiness


  • no runtime. Compiler tricks have to happen at compile time. Any new features have to avoid core jar dependencies (libraries can make different choices, of course).

  • Ruby behavior over Java behavior Mirah should feel like a do what I mean, not what I say kind of language. Where possible, we should try our hardest to optimize for programmer happiness. Sometimes this won't be possible.

  • Good Java Interop Mirah should interact well with Java and javac, since it's a drop in replacement. This has implications for macro implementation, and method name generation.

  • Macros are Methods Mirah's internal DSL for macro creation forces macros to be method invocations inlined at compile time. Unless you "know what you are doing", macros shouldn't modify things parentward in the AST, with some exceptions.

Things that should be easy to do should have easy representations.

Features fit well in Mirah if

  • they make users happy
  • they don't cause runtime dependencies
  • they are cool :)

Variable Scoping / Typing / Casting

What introduces new scopes, and how do they behave? Introducing a new scope means means that variables defined in that scope are not visible outside it.


  • always introduce new scope
  • shadows existing variables

current behavior macro blocks don't introduce new scope, but they should

i = "eye"
10.times { |i| puts i}
puts i

If / Conditional Expressions

No new scope. This is tricky for cases like

if ARGV[0]
  a = 1
puts a

a is 1: Integer, or null: Integer

if ARGV[0]
  a = 1
  a = "hello"
puts a

a is 1: Object, or "hello": Object

if ARGV[0]
  a = 1
  a = "hello"
puts a + 2

Is a compile error as Object doesn't know how to +.


Specifically rescue clauses: What we want to do is support these usages

  if ARGV[0]
    raise ErrorTypeOne
  	raise ErrorTypeTwo
rescue ErrorTypeOne => e
rescue ErrorTypeTwo => e
  puts e.two
x = begin
rescue ErrorTypeOne => e
rescue ErrorTypeTwo => e
puts x
  x = 1
rescue ErrorTypeOne => e
  x = 2
rescue ErrorTypeTwo => e
  x = 3
puts x
  raise ErrorTypeOne
rescue ErrorTypeOne => e
  raise ErrorTypeTwo
rescue ErrorTypeTwo => e
  puts e.two

Compiler Error?

  raise ErrorTypeOne
rescue ErrorTypeOne => e
puts e

How about?

e = nil
  raise ErrorTypeOne if ARGV[0]
rescue ErrorTypeOne => e
puts e

Working idea is that rescue clauses introduce a new cast scope

If there's a case like this:


Class Bodies

Some earlier scoping notes:

Access Control

Default method access control is public (current behavior). To change it, I(Nick), want Ruby style access control modifiers.

class Foo
  def pub; 1; end
  def pri1; 2; end
  def pri2; 2; end

We could do Javaish

class Foo
  def pub; 1; end
  private def pri1; 2; end
  private def pri2; 2; end

We could have the other Ruby access syntax

class Foo
  def pub; 1; end
  def pri1; 2; end
  def pri2; 2; end
  private :pri1, :pri2


  • blocks should always introduce new scope, whether the block is a macro or a closure. This isn't true right now.

  • hygene. Either document lack of hygene well, or maybe make macros hygenic. I think it should be possible. Essentially, you'd need to find all not unquoted var declarations and give change them and their references to temp names.

  • tree walking helper methods. make doing upstream modifications less difficult, and make common types of modifications easy.

  • make it harder to reach into the compiler directly from macros.

  • allow macros that need to know the types of their arguments and not just AST node types. Maybe those could be called something different like extension methods.

File scoped extension methods

  • add some notion of an extension method, eg 100.millis could live in it. Then you could as a user, import it somehow and make it scoped to that file.

Compile Scoped Extension Methods

It might be nice to allow entire projects to use a set of extension methods.


currently limited to inferring generic types of Collections


  • Syntax
  • InterOp



mutable bindings? lambdas vs blocks

Mirah Lambda Proposal:

TL;DR: 2 types of closures. One, the block, has non-local return. The other, the lambda, doesn't have it. Both should do include the scope they exist in in their scope, eg methods, fields, should be directly referenceable.!searchin/mirah/generic$20syntax/mirah/WT7erIjcwHA/nZESKbLDOCgJ


Naive answer is: Just like Java's. We can do more though. We've got Java's std lib to play with so we could make assumptions about what primitives we have available, and create macros in the compiler for them. Also, we need to figure out how to give access to things like volatile.


  • synchronize intrinsic ala Java's
o =
o.synchronize do
  puts "This. Is. Critical."

We could even have a method modifier

class Safe
  synchronize def foo;end
  synchronize def bar;end

Or ala Ruby

class Safe
  def foo;end
  def bar;end
  synchronize :foo, :bar

It might be a good idea to have a core extension method for locks

@lock.sync do
  # do stuff

To make things like.


harder to screw up

We could even combine Ruby meta style and get

class Safe
  def foo;end
  def bar;end
  synchronize :foo, :bar, with: @lock

Other concurrency idea: Quasar Lib w/ macros / extension methods.

Dynamic Types

previously we had support for a dynamic type. I think it'd be nice to bring that back, especially since dynamic is baked into Java 8.

Debugging / IDE support

  • support netbeans work
  • investigate plugging eval4j into things

Compiler Plugins

  • library-able
  • mvn friendly, ie discoverable w/ mvn compiler plugin

Compiler Architecture / Phases

  • Make Compiler phases more explicit
  • Easier to follow
  • document them!


  • Auto gen equals/hashCode/toString

  • change == to -> !=nil && equals for refs. otherwise boxing'll fuck up numeric equality

  • goto: Mirah can have goto available which would allow neater construction of state machines. How to expose it would be the question One thought I had was to make it so that Goto exists as an artificial ASTNode, that can be injected via macros, making it possible to create state machine DSLs, but without making goto an userland language feature directly.

  • case expressions Thinking on this is: have an extension/macro method that case maps to, with intrinsic impls for switch-able types. This gets tricky for types, especially if we don't have arg-type based macro dispatch, but it'd be super cool.

  • write a JMH plugin

  • casting!searchin/mirah/generics$20syntax/mirah/aA6vP9wo9Q0/aujwUEvPkFwJ

  • Constants

  • Symbols. We could translate symbols into enums + look up symbols with some compiler trickery. Might not be worth it, might be.

Java InterOp

  • Extension Methods on Java classes should be easy to make
  • Mirah generated class files should not require mirahc on the classpath for javac to be happy
  • generated operator method names should either be java friendly, or at least have java referenceable aliases. Macro annotations shouldn't exist on class files that javac might read.
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