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Last active November 5, 2019 10:47
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Trying to mirror VRIK targets
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
public class OffsetTargetIK : MonoBehaviour
float zOffsetPos = 2f;
Vector3 headRotation = new Vector3(0f,180f,0f);
Vector3 handsRotation = new Vector3(0f,180f,0f);
[Tooltip("transformsToFollow and transformsToOffset arrays need to match. Swap Left/Right for mirror")]
Transform[] transformsToFollow;
Transform[] transformsToOffset;
private void Awake() {
if(transformsToOffset.Length == 0){
transformsToOffset = this.GetComponentsInChildren<Transform>();
if(transformsToOffset.Length != transformsToFollow.Length){
Debug.LogError("transformsToFollow and transformsToOffset arrays don't match");
private void Update() {
for (int i = 0; i < transformsToOffset.Length; i++)
if(i==0){ // HEAD
//v1 Mirrors x-axis only
/* Quaternion offsetRotation = transformsToFollow[i].rotation * Quaternion.Euler(headRotation);
Quaternion invertedRotation = new Quaternion (offsetRotation.x, -offsetRotation.y, offsetRotation.z, -offsetRotation.w);
transformsToOffset[i].rotation = invertedRotation; */
//v2 Mirrors x-axis and y-axis BUT NOT z
/*Quaternion headCacheAngle = transformsToFollow[i].rotation;
Quaternion headInvertedRotation = new Quaternion (-headCacheAngle.x, headCacheAngle.y, -headCacheAngle.z, headCacheAngle.w);
Quaternion headOffsetRotation = Quaternion.Inverse(Quaternion.Euler(headRotation)) * Quaternion.Inverse(headInvertedRotation);
transformsToOffset[i].rotation = headOffsetRotation;*/
// Mirror all, with reverse on z-axis
Quaternion offsetRotation = Quaternion.Inverse(transformsToFollow[i].rotation) * Quaternion.Euler(headRotation);
Vector3 targetEuler = offsetRotation.eulerAngles;
transformsToOffset[i].rotation = Quaternion.Euler(targetEuler.x,targetEuler.y,-targetEuler.z);
} else{ // HANDS
// Y:180
Quaternion cacheAngle = transformsToFollow[i].rotation;
Quaternion handsInvertedRotation = new Quaternion (-cacheAngle.x, -cacheAngle.y, cacheAngle.z, cacheAngle.w);
Quaternion handsOffsetRotation = handsInvertedRotation * Quaternion.Inverse(Quaternion.Euler(handsRotation));
transformsToOffset[i].rotation = handsOffsetRotation;
transformsToOffset[i].position = transformsToFollow[i].position + new Vector3(0f,0f,zOffsetPos);
// ?? Hands z- axis movement is inverted
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