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Last active July 14, 2023 15:54
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United States Standard Atmosphere
__all__ = ['usstdatmdf', 'usstdatmds', 'M0', 'R', 'Rs', 'g', '__version__']
__version__ = '0.1.0'
__doc__ = """
This GIST implements the US Standard Atmosphere for Temperature, Pressure,
and Density. The constants and equations are implemented according to the U.S.
Standard Atmosphere (1976) and are only implemented through 84km. The results
can be presented as a Pandas DataFrame or an xarray Dataset.
- numpy
- Pandas
- Optional, xarray
The code below assumes you have downloaded It imports the library,
creates standard atmosphere objects, and plots the results.
import ussa
import numpy as np
# Create a default standard atmosphere dataframe at 100m resolution
stdatmdf = ussa.usstdatmdf()
# Plot pressure
# Create a default standard atmosphere dataset with 10 rows and cols
stdatmds = ussa.usstdatmds(ROW=np.arange(10), COL=np.arange(10))
# Plot temperature
stdatmds['T'].sel(ROW=0, COL=0).plot(y='z')
usaa.stdatmdf : function
Returns a dataframe of the standard atmosphere
usaa.stdatmdf : function
Returns a dataset of the standard atmosphere
usaa.stdatmbdf : function
Returns base-level constants described by the USSA 1976 include altitude,
lapse rate, temperature (calculated), and pressure (calculated)
ussa.g : float
Gravitational acceleration
ussa.M0 : float
Atmospheric molecular weight (weighted mole fraction weight)
ussa.R : float
Ideal gas constant
ussa.Rs : float
Specific ideal gas constant (R / M0)
U.S. Standard Atmosphere, 1976, U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C., 1976
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
# Downloaded from Wikipedia 2023-07-13
# Confirmed from:
# U.S. Standard Atmosphere, 1976, U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C., 1976
# zb : Geopotential height in meters above mean sea level
# Tb : Standard temperature in Kelvin
# Pb : Base pressure
stdatmbdf = pd.DataFrame(dict(
zb=np.array([0, 11, 20, 32, 47, 51, 71, 84.852]) * 1e3,
Tb=np.array([288.15, 216.65, 216.65, 228.65, 270.65, 270.65, 214.65, 187.15]),
# Pb=np.array([
# 101325, 22632.1, 5474.89, 868.019, 110.906, 66.9389, 3.95642, np.nan
# ])
# Recalculated for precision
1.01325000e+05, 2.26320640e+04, 5.47489738e+03, 8.68018896e+02,
1.10906346e+02, 6.69386887e+01, 3.95642202e+00, 3.73853320e-01
), index=np.arange(8))
# Add Lapse rate (K/m)
stdatmbdf.loc[0:6, 'Lb'] = np.diff(stdatmbdf['Tb']) / np.diff(stdatmbdf['zb'])
# Define useful constants
R = 8.31432
M0 = 0.0289644
Rs = R / M0
g = 9.80665
def usstdatmdf(zs=None, debug=False):
zs : array-like
Geopotential altitude levels to return. If None, 100m spacing will be used.
debug : bool
If True, include intermediate calculations
zdf : pandas.DataFrame
Standard atmosphere P, T, and density at zs levels
if zs is None:
zs = np.linspace(0, 84852 + 100, 100)
zs = np.asarray(zs)
# In case zs is a dataframe series
stdbdf = stdatmbdf
idx = np.maximum(0, (zs[:, None] > stdbdf['zb'].values[None, :]).sum(1) - 1)
zdf = stdbdf.loc[idx]
zdf['z'] = zs
zdf['T'] = zdf.eval('Tb + (z - zb) * Lb')
# U.S. Standard Atmosphere, 1976, U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C., 1976
# Equations 33a and 33B
zdf['Pfactor_fT'] = zdf.eval('(Tb / T)')**(g / Rs / zdf['Lb'])
zdf['Pfactor_iT'] = np.exp(-g * zdf.eval('(z - zb) / Tb') / Rs)
# Select 33b when lapse rate is 0 and 33a otherwise
zdf['Pfactor'] = np.where(
zdf['Lb'] == 0, zdf['Pfactor_iT'], zdf['Pfactor_fT']
zdf['P'] = zdf.eval('Pb * Pfactor')
zdf['dens'] = zdf['P'] / Rs / zdf['T']
zdf = zdf.set_index('z')
if not debug:
zdf = zdf[['T', 'P', 'dens']]
return zdf
def usstdatmds(zs=None, **dims):
zs : array-like
Geopotential altitude levels to return. If None, 100m spacing will be used.
dims : mappable
Dimensions to be added.
zdf : xarray.Dataset
Standard atmosphere P, T, and density at zs levels
oned = {k: 1 for k in dims}
temp = usstdatmdf(zs).to_xarray().expand_dims(**oned)
long_name='Pressure', units='Pascals'
long_name='Temperature', units='K'
long_name='Density', units='kg/m3'
for k in dims:
temp.coords[k] = np.array([1])
newdims = ['z'] + list(dims)
temp = temp.sel(**dims, method='nearest').transpose(*newdims)
for k in dims:
temp.coords[k] = dims[k]
return temp
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barronh commented Jul 14, 2023

Here is a basic method of downloading and applying.

The code below can be copied into a terminal and run:

wget -N

python -ic "
import ussa
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

stddf = ussa.usstdatmdf()
z = stddf.index.get_level_values('z')

fig, axx = plt.subplots(1, 3, sharey=True)
axx[0].plot(stddf['T'], z)
axx[0].set(xlim=(100, 300), xlabel='Temperature [K]')
axx[1].plot(stddf['dens'], z)
axx[1].set(xlim=(0, 2), xlabel='Density [kg/m3]')
axx[2].plot(stddf['P'] / 1000, z)
axx[2].set(xlim=(0, 100), xlabel='Pressure [kPa]')

To run in a jupyter notebook, run two cells as described below.

!wget -N
import ussa
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

stddf = ussa.usstdatmdf()
z = stddf.index.get_level_values('z')

fig, axx = plt.subplots(1, 3, sharey=True)
axx[0].plot(stddf['T'], z)
axx[0].set(xlim=(100, 300), xlabel='Temperature [K]')
axx[1].plot(stddf['dens'], z)
axx[1].set(xlim=(0, 2), xlabel='Density [kg/m3]')
axx[2].plot(stddf['P'] / 1000, z)
axx[2].set(xlim=(0, 100), xlabel='Pressure [kPa]')

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