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Last active April 25, 2024 00:11
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  • Save barronh/1a5c0529543a34ecab3bb5d8990b6603 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save barronh/1a5c0529543a34ecab3bb5d8990b6603 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Creates a json in the format required by earth[1] from Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) outputs.
from __future__ import print_function, unicode_literals
import os
import json
import numpy as np
from netCDF4 import Dataset
import argparse
from argparse import RawDescriptionHelpFormatter
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description = """
Creates a json in the format required by earth[1] from
Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) outputs. The script
was made for and tested with Python3, but to be compatible
with Python2. See the example for a typical usage
""", epilog = """
Create input for earth from wrfinput_d01. This script was run
from the root directory of the earth-master so that the outroot
is in the standard weather location. The second line starts
a node server with earth loaded. The third line (on a mac)
starts the default webbrowser with the data loaded.
$ python ../wrf/wrfinput_d01 public/data/weather/
Latitude Error: 0.015507
Latitude Sum Error: 0.00580698
Longitude Error: 0.0334339
Longitude Sum Error: 0.0344685
Add "#2015/06/23/1800Z/wind/surface/level/orthographic" to url to see this time
$ node dev-server.js 8089 &
$ open http://localhost:8089/#2015/06/23/1800Z/wind/surface/level/orthographic
""", formatter_class = RawDescriptionHelpFormatter)
parser.add_argument('--lat', default = 'XLAT', dest = 'latitude_name', help = 'Name for latitude variable')
parser.add_argument('--lon', default = 'XLONG', dest = 'longitude_name', help = 'Name for longitude variable')
parser.add_argument('-u', '--ucomponent', default = 'U10', dest = 'ucomponent', help = 'Name for u-component of wind')
parser.add_argument('-v', '--vcomponent', default = 'V10', dest = 'vcomponent', help = 'Name for v-component of wind')
parser.add_argument('wrffile', help = 'Path to wrfout or wrfinput file that contains latitude_name, longitude_name, ucomponent, and vcomponent')
parser.add_argument('outroot', help = 'Path for output', default = '../public/data/weather/')
args = parser.parse_args()
outroot = args.outroot
# Copied a bunch of meta data. Some should (and has not)
# been updated. For example, should the earth radius be updated?
# If it is part of the display, maybe not. If it is part of the
# data meta-data, it should be set to 6,370,000.0
uhdr = {"header":{"discipline":0,"disciplineName":"Meteorological products","gribEdition":2,"gribLength":131858,"center":0,"centerName":"WRF OUTPUT","subcenter":0,"refTime":"2014-01-31T00:00:00.000Z","significanceOfRT":1,"significanceOfRTName":"Start of forecast","productStatus":0,"productStatusName":"Operational products","productType":1,"productTypeName":"Forecast products","productDefinitionTemplate":0,"productDefinitionTemplateName":"Analysis/forecast at horizontal level/layer at a point in time","parameterCategory":2,"parameterCategoryName":"Momentum","parameterNumber":2,"parameterNumberName":"U-component_of_wind","parameterUnit":"m.s-1","genProcessType":2,"genProcessTypeName":"Forecast","forecastTime":3,"surface1Type":103,"surface1TypeName":"Specified height level above ground","surface1Value":10,"surface2Type":255,"surface2TypeName":"Missing","surface2Value":0,"gridDefinitionTemplate":0,"gridDefinitionTemplateName":"Latitude_Longitude","numberPoints":65160,"shape":6,"shapeName":"Earth spherical with radius of 6,371,229.0 m","gridUnits":"degrees","resolution":48,"winds":"true","scanMode":0,"nx":360,"ny":181,"basicAngle":0,"subDivisions":0,"lo1":0,"la1":90,"lo2":359,"la2":-90,"dx":1,"dy":1}}
vhdr = {"header":{"discipline":0,"disciplineName":"Meteorological products","gribEdition":2,"gribLength":131858,"center":0,"centerName":"WRF OUTPUT","subcenter":0,"refTime":"2014-01-31T00:00:00.000Z","significanceOfRT":1,"significanceOfRTName":"Start of forecast","productStatus":0,"productStatusName":"Operational products","productType":1,"productTypeName":"Forecast products","productDefinitionTemplate":0,"productDefinitionTemplateName":"Analysis/forecast at horizontal level/layer at a point in time","parameterCategory":2,"parameterCategoryName":"Momentum","parameterNumber":3,"parameterNumberName":"V-component_of_wind","parameterUnit":"m.s-1","genProcessType":2,"genProcessTypeName":"Forecast","forecastTime":3,"surface1Type":103,"surface1TypeName":"Specified height level above ground","surface1Value":10,"surface2Type":255,"surface2TypeName":"Missing","surface2Value":0,"gridDefinitionTemplate":0,"gridDefinitionTemplateName":"Latitude_Longitude","numberPoints":65160,"shape":6,"shapeName":"Earth spherical with radius of 6,371,229.0 m","gridUnits":"degrees","resolution":48,"winds":"true","scanMode":0,"nx":360,"ny":181,"basicAngle":0,"subDivisions":0,"lo1":0,"la1":90,"lo2":359,"la2":-90,"dx":1,"dy":1}}
data = [uhdr, vhdr]
newf = Dataset(args.wrffile)
lat = newf.variables[args.latitude_name][0]
lon = newf.variables[args.longitude_name][0]
dys = np.diff(lat, axis = 0).mean(1)
dy = float(dys.mean())
print('Latitude Error:', np.abs((dy / dys) - 1).max())
print('Latitude Sum Error:', (dy / dys - 1).sum())
dxs = np.diff(lon, axis = 1).mean(0)
dx = float(dxs.mean())
print('Longitude Error:', np.abs(dx / dxs - 1).max())
print('Longitude Sum Error:', (dx / dxs - 1).sum())
nx = float(lon.shape[1])
ny = float(lat.shape[0])
la1 = float(lat[-1, -1])
la2 = float(lat[0, 0])
lo1 = float(lon[0, 0])
lo2 = float(lon[-1, -1])
times = newf.variables['Times'][:].copy().view('S19')
for ti, time in enumerate(times):
datestr = (time[0][:10]).decode('ascii').replace('-', '/')
timestr = (time[0][11:13]).decode('ascii') + '00'
print('Add "#' + datestr + '/' + timestr + 'Z/wind/surface/level/orthographic" to url to see this time')
dirpath = os.path.join(args.outroot, *datestr.split('/'))
os.makedirs(dirpath, exist_ok = True)
outpath = os.path.join(dirpath, '%s-wind-surface-level-gfs-1.0.json' % (timestr,))
for u0_or_v1 in [0, 1]:
# Update header data for some properties
# that are now to affect.
h = data[u0_or_v1]['header']
h['la1'] = la1
h['la2'] = la2
h['lo1'] = lo1
h['lo2'] = lo2
h['nx'] = nx
h['ny'] = ny
h['dx'] = dx
h['dy'] = dy
h['forecastTime'] = 0
h['refTime'] = time[0].decode('ascii').replace('_', 'T') + '.000Z'
h['gribLength'] = 1538 + nx * ny * 2
if u0_or_v1 == 0:
data[u0_or_v1]['data'] = newf.variables[args.ucomponent][ti].ravel().tolist()
elif u0_or_v1 == 1:
data[u0_or_v1]['data'] = newf.variables[args.vcomponent][ti].ravel().tolist()
if ti == 0:
outf = open(outpath, 'w')
json.dump(data, outf)
outf = open(outpath, 'w')
json.dump(data, outf)
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domagojp1 commented Feb 28, 2017

Using this script for regional WRF data and plugging created json files directly into Earth will cause data to be flipped in vertical as the origins between GFS and WRF differ. In order for data to show correctly I had to change line 621 of products.js into "for (var j = nj -1; j > -1; j--) {" to correct the origin difference.

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