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Last active February 7, 2024 14:32
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Python Taylor Diagram
This example calculates statistics for a single day from the EPA EQUATES CMAQ simulation for 2018-06-14
and creates a taylor diagram.
import pyrsig
import pandas as pd
import pyproj
import taylordiagram as td
api = pyrsig.RsigApi(bdate='2018-06-14T00Z', edate='2018-06-14T23:59:59Z', bbox=(-140, 0, -50, 70))
qds = api.to_ioapi('cmaq.equates.conus.aconc.O3')
proj = pyproj.Proj(qds.attrs['crs_proj4'])
adf = api.to_dataframe('airnow.ozone', unit_keys=False, parse_dates=True)
adf['COL'], adf['ROW'] = proj(adf['LONGITUDE'], adf['LATITUDE'])
qatobs = qds['O3'].isel(LAY=0).sel(
COL=adf['COL'].to_xarray(), ROW=adf['ROW'].to_xarray(), method='nearest'
adf['MODCOL'] = qds.COL.sel(COL=adf['COL'].to_xarray(), method='nearest')
adf['MODROW'] = qds.ROW.sel(ROW=adf['ROW'].to_xarray(), method='nearest')
adf['mod'] = qatobs
tdf = adf[['ozone', 'mod']].dropna()
sdf = tdf.describe().T
sdf.loc[:, 'r'] = tdf.corr()['ozone'].values
bias = tdf.subtract(tdf['ozone'], axis=0)
sdf.loc[:, 'mb'] = bias.mean()
sdf.loc[:, 'rmse'] = (bias**2).mean()**.5
ax = td.taylordiagram(sdf, refkey='ozone')
__all__ = ['taylordiagram', 'test_taylordiagram']
__version__ = '1.0'
def taylordiagram(
sdf, refkey='obs', r_levels=None, std_levels=None, crmse_levels=None,
circlepoints=None, ax=None, **popts
Taylor Diagram (doi:10.1029/2000JD900719) which simultaneously shows
correlation (r), standard deviation (std) and centered root mean square
error (cRMSE). This provides multiple statistical evaluation on a single
plot for synthesizing several elements of model performance.
sdf : pandas.DataFrame
Must contain refkey and all keys in popts in its index and r, crmse,
and std in its columns. If crmse is not present, it will be calculated
from rmse and mb.
refkey : str
Must exist in the index and will be used as the "truth" or observation.
r_levels : array-like
Correlation levels to mark and annotate
std_levels : array-like
Standard deviation levels to mark and annotate
crmse_levels : array-like
Centered RMSE levels to mark and annotate
circlepoints : int
Number of points to resolve in the cirlce defaults to 20k
ax : matplotlib.axes.Axes
axes to plot on. Defaults to fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(6, 6))
popts : dict
Plotting options for
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
if ax is None:
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(6, 6))
# obs std is used in several calculations
ref_std = sdf.loc[refkey, 'std']
max_std = sdf['std'].max()
std_step = 10**np.int32(np.log10(max_std)) / 2
if std_levels is None:
std_levels = np.arange(std_step, max_std + std_step, std_step)
std_levels = np.asarray(std_levels)
rmax = std_levels.max() + std_step
if (sdf['r'] > 0).all():
rmin = 0
rmin = -rmax
if 'crmse' not in sdf.columns:
sdf = sdf.copy()
sdf['crmse'] = (sdf['rmse']**2 - sdf['mb']**2)**.5
# Points of the arc from r=0 to r=1 in radians
if circlepoints is None:
circlepoints = 10001
if rmin >= 0:
xr = np.linspace(0, 1, circlepoints)
xr = np.linspace(-1, 1, circlepoints)
yr = np.sin(np.arccos(xr))
for pkey in sdf.index:
popts.setdefault(pkey, {})
popts[refkey].setdefault('marker', 'x')
popts[refkey].setdefault('color', 'k')
popts[refkey].setdefault('s', 96)
for k, popt in popts.items():
r = sdf.loc[k, 'r']
std = sdf.loc[k, 'std']
popt.setdefault('label', k)
ax.scatter(r * std, np.sin(np.arccos(r)) * std, zorder=3, **popt)
# Add std deviation reference lines
x = xr * ref_std
y = yr * ref_std
ax.plot(x, y, label='ref std', linestyle='--', color='k')
if len(std_levels) > 0:
ax.plot(xr[:, None] * std_levels, yr[:, None] * std_levels, 'k-', zorder=2);
# Add correlation reference lines
if r_levels is None:
if rmin < 0:
r_levels = np.linspace(-.9, .9, 20)
r_levels = np.linspace(0, .9, 10)
radius = std_levels.max()
for rv in r_levels:
x = rv * radius
y =**2 - x**2, 0)**.5
ax.plot([0, x], [0, y], color='cyan', zorder=1)
xy=(x * 1.05, y * 1.05), text=f'{rv:.1f}', color='cyan', horizontalalignment='center',
bbox=dict(facecolor='w', edgecolor='w', alpha=0.8)
if len(r_levels) > 0:
# Add cRMSE reference lines
if crmse_levels is None:
crmse_max = sdf['crmse'].max()
crmse_step = 10**np.int32(np.log10(sdf['crmse'].max())) / 2
crmse_levels = np.arange(crmse_step, crmse_max + crmse_step, crmse_step)
for rms in crmse_levels:
x = xr * rmax
y =**2 - (x - ref_std)**2, 0)**.5
ax.plot(x, y, color='palegreen', zorder=0)
xa = x[~y.mask].max()
ya = y.compressed()[-1]
xy=(xa, ya), text=f'{rms:.1f}', color='palegreen',
horizontalalignment='right', verticalalignment='bottom',
bbox=dict(facecolor='w', edgecolor='w', alpha=0.8)
if len(crmse_levels) > 0:
xlim=(rmin, rmax), ylim=(0, rmax), xlabel='Standard Deviation',
ylabel='Standard Deviation'
ax.legend(ncol=3, bbox_to_anchor=(.5, .85), loc='lower center')
return ax
def test_taylordiagram():
ax : matplotlib.axes.Axes
Axes object with Taylor diagram.
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
# Create model data first.
yhat = np.cos(np.linspace(-np.pi, np.pi))
# Add noise to create a reference truth
y = yhat + np.random.normal(0, 1, size=yhat.size)
tdf = pd.DataFrame(dict(obs=y, mod=yhat))
# Calculate stats
bias = tdf.subtract(tdf['obs'], axis=0)
sdf = pd.DataFrame(dict(
std=tdf.std(), mb=bias.mean(),
rmse=(bias**2).mean()**.5, r=tdf.corr()['obs']
ax = taylordiagram(sdf)
return ax
if __name__ == "__main__":
ax = test_taylordiagram()
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barronh commented Feb 6, 2024

On Google Colab you can run a basic test with the following code.

!wget -qN
%run -i

If you want to see a real application, run the

!python -m pip install -qq pyrsig netcdf4
!wget -qN
!wget -qN
%run -i

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