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Last active March 22, 2023 17:12
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xarray wrapper for MODIS
__all__ = ['open_modis']
__version__ = '0.1.0'
def parse_hdfeos_metadata(string):
Borrowed from ARSET training materials
out = dict()
lines = [i.replace('\t','') for i in string.split('\n')]
i = -1
while i<(len(lines))-1:
line = lines[i]
if "=" in line:
key,value = line.split('=')
if key in ['GROUP','OBJECT']:
endIdx = lines.index('END_{}={}'.format(key,value))
out[value] = parse_hdfeos_metadata("\n".join(lines[i+1:endIdx]))
i = endIdx
if ('END_GROUP' not in key) and ('END_OBJECT' not in key):
out[key] = eval(value)
except NameError:
out[key] = str(value)
return out
def open_modis(path, keys=None, verbose=0):
from pyhdf import SD
import xarray as xr
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
sds = SD.SD(path)
attrs = sds.attributes()
dadefs = sds.datasets()
meta = parse_hdfeos_metadata(attrs['StructMetadata.0'])
earth_radius = meta['GridStructure']['GRID_1']['ProjParams'][0]
attrs['crs_proj4'] = f"+proj=sinu +lon_0=0 +x_0=0 +y_0=0 +a={earth_radius} +units=m +no_defs"
attrs.pop('StructMetadata.0', '')
attrs.pop('CoreMetadata.0', '')
attrs.pop('ArchiveMetadata.0', '')
ds = xr.Dataset(attrs=attrs)
if keys is None:
keys = list(dadefs)
for key, (dims, shape, dtype, index) in dadefs.items():
if key not in keys:
sdv =
sdvattrs = sdv.attributes()
sdval = sdv.get() * sdvattrs.get('scale_factor', 1) + sdvattrs.get('add_offset', 0)
if verbose > 0:
ds[key] = xr.DataArray(sdval, dims=dims, attrs=sdvattrs)
for gridkey, griddef in meta['GridStructure'].items():
gdnam = griddef['GridName']
xkey = f'XDim:{gdnam}'
ykey = f'YDim:{gdnam}'
x = np.linspace(griddef['UpperLeftPointMtrs'][0], griddef['LowerRightMtrs'][0], griddef['XDim'])
y = np.linspace(griddef['LowerRightMtrs'][1], griddef['UpperLeftPointMtrs'][1], griddef['YDim'])
ds.coords[xkey] = x
ds.coords[ykey] = y
ds.coords[f'Orbits:{gdnam}'] = pd.to_datetime(
[t[:-1] for t in attrs['Orbit_time_stamp'].split()], format='%Y%j%H%M'
return ds
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