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__doc__ = """
# Make CMAQ WRF-Like
author: Barron H. Henderson
date: 2020-07-30
updated: 2024-06-04
# Overview
* Need: Many tools exist for WRFChem that we would like to use with CMAQ.
* Question: How make a CMAQ file WRF-Like?
* Answer: This script peforms the following steps:
1. Copy important variables from WRF (e.g., map scale, time, etc)
2. Window the WRF file (normally remove 6 cells from each side)
3. Create a place to keep CMAQ concentrations.
4. Populate the variables.
# Prerequisites
* Python3
* PseudoNetCDF (`python -m pip install pseudonetcdf`)
# How-to:
Assuming that:
1. ./wrfout_d01 is the path to a wrfout file
2. ./CCTM_CONC is the path to a CMAQ conc file on the same grid.
The command line below will create
$ python %(prog)s --btrim=6 ./wrfout_d01 ./CCTM_CONC
This can also be done in a python interpretter as follows:
from camq2wrf import cmaq2wrf
cmaq2wrf('wrfout_d01', 'CCTM_CONC', '')
import numpy as np
import PseudoNetCDF as pnc
import warnings
def cmaq2wrf(wrfoutpath, concpath, outpath=None, btrim=6, cmaq_variables=None):
wrfoutpath : str
wrfout path with same vertical and horizontal structure as CMAQ.
concpath : str
CONC (3d) file with variables to copy with WRF
outpath : str or None
If not None, save as outpath
btrim : int
boundary triming from WRF to CMAQ
cmaq_variables : list or None
If None, copy all variables from concpath. Otherwise, just
those in cmaq_variables
outf : netcdf-like
File with WRF meta-data and structure, but CMAQ contents
# Open input files
if isinstance(wrfoutpath, str):
wrff = pnc.pncopen(wrfoutpath, format='netcdf').copy()
wrff = wrfoutpath
if isinstance(concpath, str):
concf = pnc.pncopen(concpath, format='ioapi').copy()
concf = concpath
# Set trim edge setting for WRF to match CMAQ
trim_south = trim_north = trim_east = trim_west = btrim
# Check that btrim results in aligned grids.
chkrow = concf.NROWS + trim_south + trim_north
wrfrow = len(wrff.dimensions['south_north'])
chkcol = concf.NCOLS + trim_west + trim_east
wrfcol = len(wrff.dimensions['west_east'])
if chkrow != wrfrow:
f'btrim does not result in aligned rows (CMAQ={concf.NROWS},'
f'WRF={wrfrow}, WRF-2xbtrim={chkrow})'
if chkcol != wrfcol:
f'btrim does not result in aligned cols (CMAQ={concf.NCOLS},'
f'WRF={wrfcol}, WRF-2xbtrim={chkcol})'
if chkrow != wrfrow or chkcol != wrfcol:
raise ValueError('Aborting for incorrect btrim')
keepwrfkeys = [
'MAPFAC_MY', 'ZNU', 'P', 'PH', 'PHB', 'PB', 'T', 'PSFC', 'U', 'V',
keepwrfkeys = [k for k in keepwrfkeys if k in wrff.variables]
exkey = 'P'
addexpr = ""
cmaqmapping = {}
wrffactor = {}
for key in list(concf.variables):
outkey = key.lower()
cmaqunit = concf.variables[key].units.strip().lower()
if key != 'TFLAG' and (cmaq_variables is None or key in cmaq_variables):
cmaqmapping[outkey] = key
if cmaqunit in ('ppm', 'ppmv'):
# 1e-6 for ppmv to ppv
wrffactor[key] = 1e-6
wrfunit = 'ppv'
wrffactor[key] = 1
wrfunit = cmaqunit
addexpr += f"""{outkey} = {exkey} * 0
{outkey}.units = "{wrfunit}"
{outkey}.description = "{key} Concentration original unit {cmaqunit}"
# Keep only a subset of variables
# Must include P, which is the default template variable.
swrff = wrff.subset(keepwrfkeys)
# Trim boundaries off of wrfout file to match CMAQ domain
outf = swrff.slice(
west_east=slice(trim_west, -trim_east),
south_north=slice(trim_south, -trim_north),
# Define spatial meta-keys and how to adjust them
adjustkeys = {
'WEST-EAST_PATCH_END_UNSTAG': trim_west + trim_east,
'WEST-EAST_PATCH_END_STAG': trim_west + trim_east,
'SOUTH-NORTH_PATCH_END_UNSTAG': trim_south + trim_north,
'SOUTH-NORTH_PATCH_END_STAG': trim_south + trim_north
# Adjust spatial properties
for propk, adjval in adjustkeys.items():
n = getattr(outf, propk)
setattr(outf, propk, n - adjval)
# Add an CMAQ concentration variables
outf.eval(addexpr, inplace=True)
# Populate CMAQ variables
qnt = len(concf.dimensions['TSTEP'])
wnt = len(wrff.dimensions['Time'])
nt = min(qnt, wnt)
for wrfk, cmaqk in cmaqmapping.items():
print(' - Populating', wrfk, 'times:', end='')
cmaqv = concf.variables[cmaqk]
wrfv = outf.variables[wrfk]
factor = wrffactor[cmaqk]
# Iterate over times
for ti in range(nt):
print(ti, end=',', flush=True)
wrfv[ti] = cmaqv[ti] * factor
del cmaqv, wrfv
# Overwrite time from CMAQ file
times = concf.getTimes()
for ti in range(nt):
outf.variables['Times'][ti, :] = np.array(
times[ti].strftime('%Y-%m-%d_%H:%M:%S'), dtype='c'
if outpath is not None:
outf =, verbose=0)
return outf
if __name__ == '__main__':
import argparse
# Set paths to input and output files
prsr = argparse.ArgumentParser(
'--btrim', default=6, type=int, help='Boundary cells to trim (e.g, 6)'
'--cmaq-variables', default=None, type=lambda x: x.split(','),
help='Subset of CMAQ variables to process (default all)'
prsr.add_argument('wrfoutpath', help='wrfout path to use for meta-data')
prsr.add_argument('concpath', help='CMAQ concentration path for data')
prsr.add_argument('outpath', help='Path for WRF-like output with CMAQ')
args = prsr.parse_args()
kwds = vars(args)
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