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Improve month view search so it is not restricted to the current month. Experimental! Use at own risk, there are known bugs/quirks with this code.
* If a search is conducted in month view but the relevant events
* are in a different month, switch to that month.
* Experimental! Especially during live ajax navigation, there are
* parts of this that don't work cleanly (pushstate/URL changes).
* Unsupported, use at own risk.
class Transmogrified_Month_View_Search {
private $month = '';
private $search = '';
private $target = '';
public function __construct() {
$this->month = empty( $_REQUEST['tribe-bar-date'] )
? date_create()->format( 'Y-m' )
: $_REQUEST['tribe-bar-date'];
$this->search = empty( $_REQUEST['tribe-bar-search'] )
? ''
: $_REQUEST['tribe-bar-search'];
add_action( 'admin_init', [ $this, 'listen_for_ajax_loads' ], 1 );
add_action( 'parse_query', [ $this, 'listen_for_direct_loads' ] );
public function listen_for_ajax_loads() {
if ( ! defined( 'DOING_AJAX' ) || ! DOING_AJAX ) {
if ( 'tribe_calendar' !== @$_POST['action'] ) {
remove_action( 'parse_query', [ $this, 'listen_for_direct_loads' ] );
add_filter( 'tribe_events_header_attributes', [ $this, 'month_view_header_attrs' ] );
public function listen_for_direct_loads( WP_Query $query ) {
remove_action( 'parse_query', [ $this, 'listen' ] );
if ( ! empty( $query->get( 'eventDate' ) ) ) {
$this->month = $query->get( 'eventDate' );
if (
! empty( $this->search )
&& 'month' === $query->get( 'eventDisplay' )
) {
private function assess() {
$events = tribe_get_events( [
'eventDisplay' => 'custom',
'start_date' => $this->month,
's' => $this->search,
'posts_per_page' => 1
] );
if ( empty( $events ) ) {
$first_event = current( $events );
$first_event_month = date_create( $first_event->EventStartDate )->format( 'Y-m' );
if ( $first_event_month !== $this->month ) {
$this->target = $first_event_month;
private function switch_month() {
defined( 'DOING_AJAX' ) && DOING_AJAX
? $this->switch_for_ajax()
: $this->switch_for_direct_loads();
private function switch_for_ajax() {
# Naughty but functional trick
foreach ( ['eventDate', 'tribe-bar-date'] as $key ) {
$_POST[ $key ] = $_REQUEST[ $key ] = $this->target;
private function switch_for_direct_loads() {
wp_redirect( $this->get_target_url() );
public function month_view_header_attrs( $attrs ) {
$attrs['data-baseurl'] = $this->get_target_url();
return $attrs;
private function get_target_url() {
$url = Tribe__Events__Main::instance()->getLink( 'month', $this->target );
return add_query_arg( 'tribe-bar-search', $this->search, $url );
new Transmogrified_Month_View_Search;
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