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Created March 30, 2015 19:26
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Sample tribe-events.css (examples of theming The Events Calendar views)
* Sample CSS customizations for The Events Calendar and related plugins.
* Contents: 1. Tribe Bar Customizations
* 2. General Customizations for All Views
* 3. Month View Customizations
* 4. List View Customizations
* 5. Single Event Page Customizations
* Usage: This file can be used "as is" - simply save it as "tribe-events.css" within
* your theme's "tribe-events" directory, ie:
* wp-content/themes/YOUR_THEME/tribe-events/tribe-events.css
* However, it is not expected that you will leave it untouched. Instead, use
* this as a vehicle to learn about styling The Events Calendar: experiment, modify
* and improve to your heart's content!
* Last revised: 30 March 2015
* Target version: 3.9.1 (The Events Calendar)
* ---------------------------
* These tweaks relate to the Tribe Bar, which is the default filter/search
* bar provided by The Events Calendar itself.
/** Add a border to the Tribe Bar */
#tribe-events-bar {
border: 1px solid black;
/** Change the background colour of the Tribe Bar, view selector, etc */
#tribe-bar-views .tribe-bar-views-list .tribe-bar-views-option a,
#tribe-bar-form #tribe-bar-views .tribe-bar-views-list:hover .tribe-bar-views-option a {
background: yellow;
/** Style the "Find Events" button to give it rounded corners and a new colour scheme */
#tribe-bar-form .tribe-bar-submit input[type="submit"] {
background: lightyellow;
border: 2px solid black;
border-radius: 26px;
color: black;
/** Invert the "Find Events" button colours when a vistor hovers over it */
#tribe-bar-form .tribe-bar-submit input[type="submit"]:hover {
background: black;
color: white;
/** Restyle the form fields to look more like regular inputs */
#tribe-bar-form input[type="text"] {
background: lightyellow;
border: 1px solid black;
padding: 5px;
* ---------------------------------------
/** Make the page main title appear in uppercase */
#tribe-events-content h2.tribe-events-page-title,
#tribe-events-content h2.tribe-events-single-event-title {
text-transform: uppercase;
/** Make pagination links visible at the top of event archive views (not just in the footer area) */
#tribe-events-header .tribe-events-sub-nav li,
#tribe-events-header .tribe-events-sub-nav .tribe-events-nav-next a {
display: inline-block;
* ----------------------------
/** Highlight events in month/grid view belonging to a specific category
(in this case a hypothetical category with a slug of "test-category") */
#tribe-events-content .tribe-events-calendar .tribe-events-category-test-category h3 a {
color: red;
text-decoration: underline;
/** Hide any events included from the previous/next month */
#tribe-events-content .tribe-events-calendar td.tribe-events-othermonth > div {
display: none;
/** Highlight calendar cells for the first day of the week */
.tribe-events-calendar tr td:first-child {
background: orange;
* ---------------------------
/** Hide the month seperators/headers */
.tribe-events-list-separator-month {
display: none;
* -----------------------------------
/** Remove default grey-shading and border around single event meta areas */
.single-tribe_events .tribe-events-event-meta {
background: transparent;
border: none;
/** Remove the padding from the left side of meta blocks within the single event meta areas */
.tribe-events-event-meta .tribe-events-meta-group {
padding-left: 0;
/** Differentiate the Google Calendar export button */
.tribe-events-button, #tribe-events .tribe-events-button.tribe-events-gcal {
background: #803060;
/** Differentiate the iCal export button */
.tribe-events-button, #tribe-events .tribe-events-button.tribe-events-ical {
background: #907010;
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Petra28 commented Feb 8, 2016

Hi there, I am working with virtue premium - I tried to change the background color of the single event page by adding the code (.single-tribe_events .tribe-events-event-meta { background: transparent; Border: none;} ), but it didn't work. Can you help?


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Petra28 commented Feb 8, 2016

Hi again,
another question: how do I change the font colors & sizes and where does the css have to go?

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