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Debugging life, one line at a time...

Barry O'Donovan barryo

Debugging life, one line at a time...
View GitHub Profile
barryo / ExampleTimer.php
Created June 8, 2012 06:40
The most simple timing tool for PHP
require_once( 'Timer.php' );
// do something
echo "Time elapsed: " . Timer::end() . "\n";
barryo /
Created November 18, 2013 15:43
Script to start and / or reconfigure Bird daemons on INEX's quarantine VLANs
#! /bin/bash
barryo / dovecot-10-auth.conf
Last active October 21, 2024 10:51
Configuration Files for ViMbAdmin on Ubuntu 13.10 with Dovecot and Postfix - referenced from
auth_mechanisms = plain login
!include auth-sql.conf.ext

Contract Killer

The popular open-source contract for web designers and developers by Stuff & Nonsense

  • Originally published: 23/12/2008
  • Revised date: 15/12/2013
  • Original post

barryo / and-the-reverse.txt
Last active May 22, 2016 07:17
curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-H "Accept: application/json" \
-d '{ "definitions": [
"target": "",
"description": "AS5466-AS44384-IPv4",
"type": "traceroute",
"af": 4,
"is_oneoff": true,
barryo / migrate-ipaddresses-from-ipplan-to-phpipam.php
Created July 15, 2016 20:34
Hacky Simple IPPlan to {php}IPAM script
* Quick and dirty script to import IPv4 addresses from an IPPlan export (converted to CSV)
* into {php}IPAM to suit a particular use case:
* - IPv4 only
* - no consideration of VLANs, VRFs
* - subnets already exist (we could import the IPPlan export directly into {php}IPAM
barryo / ixpmanager-v4.9.3-to-v.5.0.0
Last active May 18, 2019 10:57
Sample run of IXP Manager upgrade from v4.9.x to v5.0.0
$ git fetch --all
Fetching origin
remote: Enumerating objects: 381, done.
remote: Counting objects: 100% (381/381), done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (53/53), done.
remote: Total 713 (delta 342), reused 358 (delta 327), pack-reused 332
Receiving objects: 100% (713/713), 1.13 MiB | 2.37 MiB/s, done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (500/500), completed with 170 local objects.
* [new branch] release-v5 -> origin/release-v5
barryo /
Last active May 9, 2019 15:29
Sample email to members for IXP Manager v4.9 to v5.0 user changes

Hi all,

there are some changes coming as to how users are managed in IXP Manager. No action is required by you but we do want to let you know what's happening.

The current system has two user types for our members:

  1. a customer administrator user whose only purpose is to create and manage users. This user cannot do anything else.

  2. a standard customer user who cannot manage users but has all the other functionality including peering manager, port graphs, peer to peer graphs, etc.

barryo / 2020_04_27_112353_create_log_table.php
Last active September 20, 2023 06:59
Logging Changes in Laravel Eloquent
use Illuminate\Database\Migrations\Migration;
use Illuminate\Database\Schema\Blueprint;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Schema;
class CreateLogTable extends Migration
* Run the migrations.
use IXP\Models\Customer;
// sample customer with ID 18:
$cust = Customer::find(18);
// iterate over the customer's contacts:
foreach( $cust->contacts as $c ) {