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Forked from jlehtoma/wms_proto.R
Created April 10, 2013 14:14
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# Author: Joona Lehtomäki <>
# Updated: 13.11.2011
# Version: 0.0.1
if (!require("rgdal")) {
if (!require("raster")) {
if (!require("XML")) {
if (!require("sorvi")) {
install.packages("sorvi", repos="",
type = "source", dependencies = TRUE)
# URLs to OIVA site ( WMS servers.
# Servers registered here include two data sets so far:
# 1. Maanpeite (Corine 2000 / 2006) - land use categorization
# 2. Suojelualueet (suojelualueet + Natura2000) - protected areas
OIVA.URLS <- c(Corine='',
#' Create a WMS service description that is used to load data from WMS server.
#' WMS service description file is a XML file that describes required and
#' optional information on how to retrieve an exisiting WMS raster over the
#' web. The extent of the raster tile from the data source is defined by the
#' extent of a SpatialPolygonsDataFrame object (no other ways of
#' providing extent are implemented yet). Raster resolution (pixel size is
#' also provided as a parameter.
#' @param data.source string describing the name of the data source
#' @param layer string name of the layer to be fetched from the data source
#' @param extent SpatialPolygonsDataFrame object to be used to define the extent
#' @param resolution integer value of the resolution (CRS dependent)
#' @return A character string of XML
#' @note function does not check whether data source or the layer actually exist
#' @references
#' \url{}
#' @author Joona Lehtomäki \email{}
WMSserviceDesc <- function(data.source, layer, extent, resolution) {
# Check if data.source is included in OIVA.URLS
if ([data.source])) {
stop(paste('Data source', data.source, 'not found'))
# Extent is defined by the bounding box of the SpatialPolygonsObject provided
# as extent parameter.
# TODO: implement other ways of providing the extent
if (class(extent) == 'SpatialPolygonsDataFrame') {
bbox.extent <- bbox(extent)
# Number of columns and rows (i.e. resolution) is defined by the real
# width and height of the raster divided by the resolution parameter
# (all this depends on the CRS, not very tested)
ncols <- round((bbox.extent[1, 2] - bbox.extent[1, 1]) / resolution, 0)
nrows <- round((bbox.extent[2, 2] - bbox.extent[2, 1]) / resolution, 0)
# Set the extent corners
ulx <- bbox.extent[1, 1]
uly <- bbox.extent[2, 2]
lrx <- bbox.extent[1, 2]
lry <- bbox.extent[2, 1]
} else {
stop('Function only supports SpatialPolygonDataFrames')
# Create the XML structure based on the GDAL specification at
# Root level
root <- newXMLNode('GDAL_WMS')
# Service level
service <- newXMLNode('Service', attrs=c(name='WMS'), parent=root)
version <- newXMLNode('Version', text='1.1.1', parent=service)
serverUrl <- newXMLNode('ServerUrl', text=OIVA.URLS[data.source], parent=service)
# TODO: CRS should not be hard coded
srs <- newXMLNode('SRS', text='EPSG:3067', parent=service)
# Not sure if really needed
imageFormat <- newXMLNode('ImageFormat', text='image/tiff', parent=service)
layers <- newXMLNode('Layers', text=layer, parent=service)
# Style is needed even if empty
style <- newXMLNode('Style', parent=service)
# DataWindow level
dataWindow <- newXMLNode('DataWindow', parent=root)
# Note that the following notation is minX, maxY, maxX, minY
upperLeftX <- newXMLNode('UpperLeftX', text=ulx, parent=dataWindow)
upperLeftY <- newXMLNode('UpperLeftY', text=uly, parent=dataWindow)
lowerRightX <- newXMLNode('LowerRightX', text=lrx, parent=dataWindow)
lowerRightY <- newXMLNode('LowerRightY', text=lry, parent=dataWindow)
# TODO: although size is set here, it is not completely clear how the
# native raster resolution on the WMS server is related to resolution
# requested
sizeX <- newXMLNode('SizeX', text=ncols, parent=dataWindow)
sizeY <- newXMLNode('Sizey', text=nrows, parent=dataWindow)
yOrigin <- newXMLNode('YOrigin', text='top', parent=dataWindow)
# Back to the root level
projection <- newXMLNode('Projection', text='EPSG:3067', parent=root)
# Optional, this is also the default. Seems to be required in case where the
# the raster requested is 3-band RGB raster.
bandsCount <- newXMLNode('BandsCount', text='3', parent=root)
# Optional, probably not needed here
cache <- newXMLNode('Cache', parent=root)
# Save the created XML object, not providing a file path converts the object
# into string.
# Use soRvi to get some reference data (municipalities)
sp <- MML[["1_milj_Shape_etrs_shape"]][["kunta1_p"]]
# Preprocess MML Shape file
sp <- preprocess.shape.mml(sp)
# Select 2 example locations: Helsinki and Tampere
# Helsinki - Corine 2006 land use classes
# Extract only the polygon for Helsinki <- sp[which(sp@data$Kunta_ni1 == "Helsinki"),]
# Create the WMS description XML string <- WMSserviceDesc('Corine', 'CorineLandCover2006_25m',, 25)
# Use GDAL to read in the value, readGDAL returns a SpatialObject <-readGDAL(
# Use brick function from package raster to squeeze the 3 RGB band into a
# RasterBrick object for easy plotting <- brick(
# Use plotRGB from package raster to plot the RGB raster
# Add municipality borders
plot(, add=TRUE, lwd=2)
# Helsinki - Natura 2000 polygons <- WMSserviceDesc('Suojelu',
'ProtectedSites.Natura2000Polygons',, 25) <- readGDAL( <- brick(
plot(, add=TRUE, lwd=2)
# Tampere - Corine 2006
sp.tampere <- sp[which(sp@data$Kunta_ni1 == "Tampere"),]
wms.xmlDesc.tampere <- WMSserviceDesc('Corine', 'CorineLandCover2006_25m',
sp.tampere, 25)
wms.img.tampere <- readGDAL(wms.xmlDesc.tampere)
b.wms.img.tampere <- brick(wms.img.tampere)
plot(sp.tampere, add=TRUE, lwd=2)
# Tampere - Natura 2000 polygons
wms.xmlDesc.tampere <- WMSserviceDesc('Suojelu',
sp.tampere, 25)
wms.img.tampere <- readGDAL(wms.xmlDesc.tampere)
b.wms.img.tampere <- brick(wms.img.tampere)
plot(sp.tampere, add=TRUE, lwd=2)
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