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Created August 19, 2014 07:49
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Laravel 4 IDE Helper in JSON format for (created using with `--format=json` option)
"php": {
"classes": {
"App": {
"functions": {
"__construct": "($request = null)",
"bindInstallPaths": "($paths)",
"getBootstrapFile": "()",
"startExceptionHandling": "()",
"environment": "()",
"isLocal": "()",
"detectEnvironment": "($envs)",
"runningInConsole": "()",
"runningUnitTests": "()",
"forceRegister": "($provider, $options = array())",
"register": "($provider, $options = array(), $force = false)",
"getRegistered": "($provider)",
"resolveProviderClass": "($provider)",
"loadDeferredProviders": "()",
"registerDeferredProvider": "($provider, $service = null)",
"make": "($abstract, $parameters = array())",
"bound": "($abstract)",
"extend": "($abstract, $closure)",
"before": "($callback)",
"after": "($callback)",
"finish": "($callback)",
"shutdown": "($callback = null)",
"useArraySessions": "($callback)",
"isBooted": "()",
"boot": "()",
"booting": "($callback)",
"booted": "($callback)",
"run": "($request = null)",
"middleware": "($class, $parameters = array())",
"forgetMiddleware": "($class)",
"handle": "($request, $type = 1, $catch = true)",
"dispatch": "($request)",
"terminate": "($request, $response)",
"callFinishCallbacks": "($request, $response)",
"prepareRequest": "($request)",
"prepareResponse": "($value)",
"readyForResponses": "()",
"isDownForMaintenance": "()",
"down": "($callback)",
"abort": "($code, $message = '', $headers = array())",
"missing": "($callback)",
"error": "($callback)",
"pushError": "($callback)",
"fatal": "($callback)",
"getConfigLoader": "()",
"getEnvironmentVariablesLoader": "()",
"getProviderRepository": "()",
"getLoadedProviders": "()",
"setDeferredServices": "($services)",
"isDeferredService": "($service)",
"requestClass": "($class = null)",
"setRequestForConsoleEnvironment": "()",
"onRequest": "($method, $parameters = array())",
"getLocale": "()",
"setLocale": "($locale)",
"registerCoreContainerAliases": "()",
"__get": "($key)",
"__set": "($key, $value)",
"resolved": "($abstract)",
"isAlias": "($name)",
"bind": "($abstract, $concrete = null, $shared = false)",
"bindIf": "($abstract, $concrete = null, $shared = false)",
"singleton": "($abstract, $concrete = null)",
"share": "($closure)",
"bindShared": "($abstract, $closure)",
"instance": "($abstract, $instance)",
"alias": "($abstract, $alias)",
"rebinding": "($abstract, $callback)",
"refresh": "($abstract, $target, $method)",
"build": "($concrete, $parameters = array())",
"resolving": "($abstract, $callback)",
"resolvingAny": "($callback)",
"isShared": "($abstract)",
"getBindings": "()",
"forgetInstance": "($abstract)",
"forgetInstances": "()",
"offsetExists": "($key)",
"offsetGet": "($key)",
"offsetSet": "($key, $value)",
"offsetUnset": "($key)"
"Artisan": {
"functions": {
"start": "($app)",
"make": "($app)",
"boot": "()",
"call": "($command, $parameters = array(), $output = null)",
"add": "($command)",
"resolve": "($command)",
"resolveCommands": "($commands)",
"renderException": "($e, $output)",
"setExceptionHandler": "($handler)",
"setLaravel": "($laravel)",
"setAutoExit": "($boolean)",
"__construct": "($name = 'UNKNOWN', $version = 'UNKNOWN')",
"setDispatcher": "($dispatcher)",
"run": "($input = null, $output = null)",
"doRun": "($input, $output)",
"setHelperSet": "($helperSet)",
"getHelperSet": "()",
"setDefinition": "($definition)",
"getDefinition": "()",
"getHelp": "()",
"setCatchExceptions": "($boolean)",
"getName": "()",
"setName": "($name)",
"getVersion": "()",
"setVersion": "($version)",
"getLongVersion": "()",
"register": "($name)",
"addCommands": "($commands)",
"get": "($name)",
"has": "($name)",
"getNamespaces": "()",
"findNamespace": "($namespace)",
"find": "($name)",
"all": "($namespace = null)",
"getAbbreviations": "($names)",
"asText": "($namespace = null, $raw = false)",
"asXml": "($namespace = null, $asDom = false)",
"getTerminalDimensions": "()",
"setTerminalDimensions": "($width, $height)",
"extractNamespace": "($name, $limit = null)",
"setDefaultCommand": "($commandName)",
"__call": "($method, $parameters)"
"Auth": {
"functions": {
"createDatabaseDriver": "()",
"createEloquentDriver": "()",
"getDefaultDriver": "()",
"setDefaultDriver": "($name)",
"__construct": "($app)",
"driver": "($driver = null)",
"extend": "($driver, $callback)",
"getDrivers": "()",
"__call": "($method, $parameters)",
"check": "()",
"guest": "()",
"user": "()",
"id": "()",
"once": "($credentials = array())",
"validate": "($credentials = array())",
"basic": "($field = 'email', $request = null)",
"onceBasic": "($field = 'email', $request = null)",
"attempt": "($credentials = array(), $remember = false, $login = true)",
"attempting": "($callback)",
"login": "($user, $remember = false)",
"loginUsingId": "($id, $remember = false)",
"onceUsingId": "($id)",
"logout": "()",
"getCookieJar": "()",
"setCookieJar": "($cookie)",
"getDispatcher": "()",
"setDispatcher": "($events)",
"getSession": "()",
"getProvider": "()",
"setProvider": "($provider)",
"getUser": "()",
"setUser": "($user)",
"getRequest": "()",
"setRequest": "($request)",
"getLastAttempted": "()",
"getName": "()",
"getRecallerName": "()",
"viaRemember": "()"
"Blade": {
"functions": {
"compile": "($path = null)",
"getPath": "()",
"setPath": "($path)",
"compileString": "($value)",
"compileEchoDefaults": "($value)",
"extend": "($compiler)",
"createMatcher": "($function)",
"createOpenMatcher": "($function)",
"createPlainMatcher": "($function)",
"setContentTags": "($openTag, $closeTag, $escaped = false)",
"setEscapedContentTags": "($openTag, $closeTag)",
"getContentTags": "()",
"getEscapedContentTags": "()",
"__construct": "($files, $cachePath)",
"getCompiledPath": "($path)",
"isExpired": "($path)"
"Cache": {
"functions": {
"getPrefix": "()",
"setPrefix": "($name)",
"getDefaultDriver": "()",
"setDefaultDriver": "($name)",
"__construct": "($app)",
"driver": "($driver = null)",
"extend": "($driver, $callback)",
"getDrivers": "()",
"__call": "($method, $parameters)",
"has": "($key)",
"get": "($key, $default = null)",
"pull": "($key, $default = null)",
"put": "($key, $value, $minutes)",
"add": "($key, $value, $minutes)",
"remember": "($key, $minutes, $callback)",
"sear": "($key, $callback)",
"rememberForever": "($key, $callback)",
"getDefaultCacheTime": "()",
"setDefaultCacheTime": "($minutes)",
"getStore": "()",
"offsetExists": "($key)",
"offsetGet": "($key)",
"offsetSet": "($key, $value)",
"offsetUnset": "($key)",
"macro": "($name, $macro)",
"hasMacro": "($name)",
"__callStatic": "($method, $parameters)",
"macroCall": "($method, $parameters)",
"increment": "($key, $value = 1)",
"decrement": "($key, $value = 1)",
"forever": "($key, $value)",
"forget": "($key)",
"flush": "()",
"getFilesystem": "()",
"getDirectory": "()"
"ClassLoader": {
"functions": {
"Config": {
"functions": {
"__construct": "($loader, $environment)",
"has": "($key)",
"hasGroup": "($key)",
"get": "($key, $default = null)",
"set": "($key, $value)",
"package": "($package, $hint, $namespace = null)",
"afterLoading": "($namespace, $callback)",
"addNamespace": "($namespace, $hint)",
"getNamespaces": "()",
"getLoader": "()",
"setLoader": "($loader)",
"getEnvironment": "()",
"getAfterLoadCallbacks": "()",
"getItems": "()",
"offsetExists": "($key)",
"offsetGet": "($key)",
"offsetSet": "($key, $value)",
"offsetUnset": "($key)",
"parseKey": "($key)",
"setParsedKey": "($key, $parsed)"
"Controller": {
"functions": {
"Cookie": {
"functions": {
"make": "($name, $value, $minutes = 0, $path = null, $domain = null, $secure = false, $httpOnly = true)",
"forever": "($name, $value, $path = null, $domain = null, $secure = false, $httpOnly = true)",
"forget": "($name, $path = null, $domain = null)",
"hasQueued": "($key)",
"queued": "($key, $default = null)",
"queue": "()",
"unqueue": "($name)",
"setDefaultPathAndDomain": "($path, $domain)",
"getQueuedCookies": "()"
"Crypt": {
"functions": {
"__construct": "($key)",
"encrypt": "($value)",
"decrypt": "($payload)",
"setKey": "($key)",
"setCipher": "($cipher)",
"setMode": "($mode)"
"DB": {
"functions": {
"__construct": "($app, $factory)",
"connection": "($name = null)",
"purge": "($name = null)",
"disconnect": "($name = null)",
"reconnect": "($name = null)",
"getDefaultConnection": "()",
"setDefaultConnection": "($name)",
"extend": "($name, $resolver)",
"getConnections": "()",
"__call": "($method, $parameters)",
"getSchemaBuilder": "()",
"useDefaultQueryGrammar": "()",
"useDefaultSchemaGrammar": "()",
"useDefaultPostProcessor": "()",
"table": "($table)",
"raw": "($value)",
"selectOne": "($query, $bindings = array())",
"select": "($query, $bindings = array())",
"insert": "($query, $bindings = array())",
"update": "($query, $bindings = array())",
"delete": "($query, $bindings = array())",
"statement": "($query, $bindings = array())",
"affectingStatement": "($query, $bindings = array())",
"unprepared": "($query)",
"prepareBindings": "($bindings)",
"transaction": "($callback)",
"beginTransaction": "()",
"commit": "()",
"rollBack": "()",
"transactionLevel": "()",
"pretend": "($callback)",
"logQuery": "($query, $bindings, $time = null)",
"listen": "($callback)",
"getDoctrineColumn": "($table, $column)",
"getDoctrineSchemaManager": "()",
"getDoctrineConnection": "()",
"getPdo": "()",
"getReadPdo": "()",
"setPdo": "($pdo)",
"setReadPdo": "($pdo)",
"setReconnector": "($reconnector)",
"getName": "()",
"getConfig": "($option)",
"getDriverName": "()",
"getQueryGrammar": "()",
"setQueryGrammar": "($grammar)",
"getSchemaGrammar": "()",
"setSchemaGrammar": "($grammar)",
"getPostProcessor": "()",
"setPostProcessor": "($processor)",
"getEventDispatcher": "()",
"setEventDispatcher": "($events)",
"getPaginator": "()",
"setPaginator": "($paginator)",
"getCacheManager": "()",
"setCacheManager": "($cache)",
"pretending": "()",
"getFetchMode": "()",
"setFetchMode": "($fetchMode)",
"getQueryLog": "()",
"flushQueryLog": "()",
"enableQueryLog": "()",
"disableQueryLog": "()",
"logging": "()",
"getDatabaseName": "()",
"setDatabaseName": "($database)",
"getTablePrefix": "()",
"setTablePrefix": "($prefix)",
"withTablePrefix": "($grammar)"
"Eloquent": {
"functions": {
"findMany": "($id, $columns = array())",
"first": "($columns = array())",
"firstOrFail": "($columns = array())",
"get": "($columns = array())",
"pluck": "($column)",
"chunk": "($count, $callback)",
"lists": "($column, $key = null)",
"paginate": "($perPage = null, $columns = array())",
"simplePaginate": "($perPage = null, $columns = array())",
"increment": "($column, $amount = 1, $extra = array())",
"decrement": "($column, $amount = 1, $extra = array())",
"forceDelete": "()",
"onDelete": "($callback)",
"getModels": "($columns = array())",
"eagerLoadRelations": "($models)",
"where": "($column, $operator = null, $value = null, $boolean = 'and')",
"orWhere": "($column, $operator = null, $value = null)",
"has": "($relation, $operator = '>=', $count = 1, $boolean = 'and', $callback = null)",
"whereHas": "($relation, $callback, $operator = '>=', $count = 1)",
"orHas": "($relation, $operator = '>=', $count = 1)",
"orWhereHas": "($relation, $callback, $operator = '>=', $count = 1)",
"getQuery": "()",
"setQuery": "($query)",
"getEagerLoads": "()",
"setEagerLoads": "($eagerLoad)",
"getModel": "()",
"setModel": "($model)",
"macro": "($name, $callback)",
"getMacro": "($name)",
"select": "($columns = array())",
"selectRaw": "($expression)",
"addSelect": "($column)",
"distinct": "()",
"from": "($table)",
"join": "($table, $one, $operator = null, $two = null, $type = 'inner', $where = false)",
"joinWhere": "($table, $one, $operator, $two, $type = 'inner')",
"leftJoin": "($table, $first, $operator = null, $second = null)",
"leftJoinWhere": "($table, $one, $operator, $two)",
"rightJoin": "($table, $first, $operator = null, $second = null)",
"rightJoinWhere": "($table, $one, $operator, $two)",
"whereRaw": "($sql, $bindings = array(), $boolean = 'and')",
"orWhereRaw": "($sql, $bindings = array())",
"whereBetween": "($column, $values, $boolean = 'and', $not = false)",
"orWhereBetween": "($column, $values)",
"whereNotBetween": "($column, $values, $boolean = 'and')",
"orWhereNotBetween": "($column, $values)",
"whereNested": "($callback, $boolean = 'and')",
"addNestedWhereQuery": "($query, $boolean = 'and')",
"whereExists": "($callback, $boolean = 'and', $not = false)",
"orWhereExists": "($callback, $not = false)",
"whereNotExists": "($callback, $boolean = 'and')",
"orWhereNotExists": "($callback)",
"whereIn": "($column, $values, $boolean = 'and', $not = false)",
"orWhereIn": "($column, $values)",
"whereNotIn": "($column, $values, $boolean = 'and')",
"orWhereNotIn": "($column, $values)",
"whereNull": "($column, $boolean = 'and', $not = false)",
"orWhereNull": "($column)",
"whereNotNull": "($column, $boolean = 'and')",
"orWhereNotNull": "($column)",
"whereDay": "($column, $operator, $value, $boolean = 'and')",
"whereMonth": "($column, $operator, $value, $boolean = 'and')",
"whereYear": "($column, $operator, $value, $boolean = 'and')",
"dynamicWhere": "($method, $parameters)",
"groupBy": "()",
"having": "($column, $operator = null, $value = null, $boolean = 'and')",
"orHaving": "($column, $operator = null, $value = null)",
"havingRaw": "($sql, $bindings = array(), $boolean = 'and')",
"orHavingRaw": "($sql, $bindings = array())",
"orderBy": "($column, $direction = 'asc')",
"latest": "($column = 'created_at')",
"oldest": "($column = 'created_at')",
"orderByRaw": "($sql, $bindings = array())",
"offset": "($value)",
"skip": "($value)",
"limit": "($value)",
"take": "($value)",
"forPage": "($page, $perPage = 15)",
"union": "($query, $all = false)",
"unionAll": "($query)",
"lock": "($value = true)",
"lockForUpdate": "()",
"sharedLock": "()",
"toSql": "()",
"remember": "($minutes, $key = null)",
"rememberForever": "($key = null)",
"cacheTags": "($cacheTags)",
"cacheDriver": "($cacheDriver)",
"getFresh": "($columns = array())",
"getCached": "($columns = array())",
"getCacheKey": "()",
"generateCacheKey": "()",
"implode": "($column, $glue = null)",
"buildRawPaginator": "($paginator, $results, $perPage)",
"getPaginationCount": "()",
"exists": "()",
"count": "($columns = '*')",
"min": "($column)",
"max": "($column)",
"sum": "($column)",
"avg": "($column)",
"aggregate": "($function, $columns = array())",
"insert": "($values)",
"insertGetId": "($values, $sequence = null)",
"truncate": "()",
"mergeWheres": "($wheres, $bindings)",
"raw": "($value)",
"getBindings": "()",
"getRawBindings": "()",
"setBindings": "($bindings, $type = 'where')",
"addBinding": "($value, $type = 'where')",
"mergeBindings": "($query)",
"getProcessor": "()",
"getGrammar": "()"
"Event": {
"functions": {
"__construct": "($container = null)",
"listen": "($events, $listener, $priority = 0)",
"hasListeners": "($eventName)",
"queue": "($event, $payload = array())",
"subscribe": "($subscriber)",
"until": "($event, $payload = array())",
"flush": "($event)",
"firing": "()",
"fire": "($event, $payload = array(), $halt = false)",
"getListeners": "($eventName)",
"makeListener": "($listener)",
"createClassListener": "($listener)",
"forget": "($event)"
"File": {
"functions": {
"exists": "($path)",
"get": "($path)",
"getRequire": "($path)",
"requireOnce": "($file)",
"put": "($path, $contents)",
"prepend": "($path, $data)",
"append": "($path, $data)",
"delete": "($paths)",
"move": "($path, $target)",
"copy": "($path, $target)",
"extension": "($path)",
"type": "($path)",
"size": "($path)",
"lastModified": "($path)",
"isDirectory": "($directory)",
"isWritable": "($path)",
"isFile": "($file)",
"glob": "($pattern, $flags = 0)",
"files": "($directory)",
"allFiles": "($directory)",
"directories": "($directory)",
"makeDirectory": "($path, $mode = 493, $recursive = false, $force = false)",
"copyDirectory": "($directory, $destination, $options = null)",
"deleteDirectory": "($directory, $preserve = false)",
"cleanDirectory": "($directory)"
"Form": {
"functions": {
"__construct": "($html, $url, $csrfToken)",
"open": "($options = array())",
"model": "($model, $options = array())",
"setModel": "($model)",
"close": "()",
"token": "()",
"label": "($name, $value = null, $options = array())",
"input": "($type, $name, $value = null, $options = array())",
"text": "($name, $value = null, $options = array())",
"password": "($name, $options = array())",
"hidden": "($name, $value = null, $options = array())",
"email": "($name, $value = null, $options = array())",
"url": "($name, $value = null, $options = array())",
"file": "($name, $options = array())",
"textarea": "($name, $value = null, $options = array())",
"select": "($name, $list = array(), $selected = null, $options = array())",
"selectRange": "($name, $begin, $end, $selected = null, $options = array())",
"selectYear": "()",
"selectMonth": "($name, $selected = null, $options = array(), $format = '%B')",
"getSelectOption": "($display, $value, $selected)",
"checkbox": "($name, $value = 1, $checked = null, $options = array())",
"radio": "($name, $value = null, $checked = null, $options = array())",
"reset": "($value, $attributes = array())",
"image": "($url, $name = null, $attributes = array())",
"submit": "($value = null, $options = array())",
"button": "($value = null, $options = array())",
"getIdAttribute": "($name, $attributes)",
"getValueAttribute": "($name, $value = null)",
"old": "($name)",
"oldInputIsEmpty": "()",
"getSessionStore": "()",
"setSessionStore": "($session)",
"macro": "($name, $macro)",
"hasMacro": "($name)",
"__callStatic": "($method, $parameters)",
"__call": "($method, $parameters)"
"Hash": {
"functions": {
"make": "($value, $options = array())",
"check": "($value, $hashedValue, $options = array())",
"needsRehash": "($hashedValue, $options = array())"
"HTML": {
"functions": {
"__construct": "($url = null)",
"entities": "($value)",
"decode": "($value)",
"script": "($url, $attributes = array(), $secure = null)",
"style": "($url, $attributes = array(), $secure = null)",
"image": "($url, $alt = null, $attributes = array(), $secure = null)",
"link": "($url, $title = null, $attributes = array(), $secure = null)",
"secureLink": "($url, $title = null, $attributes = array())",
"linkAsset": "($url, $title = null, $attributes = array(), $secure = null)",
"linkSecureAsset": "($url, $title = null, $attributes = array())",
"linkRoute": "($name, $title = null, $parameters = array(), $attributes = array())",
"linkAction": "($action, $title = null, $parameters = array(), $attributes = array())",
"mailto": "($email, $title = null, $attributes = array())",
"email": "($email)",
"ol": "($list, $attributes = array())",
"ul": "($list, $attributes = array())",
"attributes": "($attributes)",
"obfuscate": "($value)",
"macro": "($name, $macro)",
"hasMacro": "($name)",
"__callStatic": "($method, $parameters)",
"__call": "($method, $parameters)"
"Input": {
"functions": {
"instance": "()",
"method": "()",
"root": "()",
"url": "()",
"fullUrl": "()",
"path": "()",
"decodedPath": "()",
"segment": "($index, $default = null)",
"segments": "()",
"is": "()",
"ajax": "()",
"secure": "()",
"exists": "($key)",
"has": "($key)",
"all": "()",
"input": "($key = null, $default = null)",
"only": "($keys)",
"except": "($keys)",
"query": "($key = null, $default = null)",
"hasCookie": "($key)",
"cookie": "($key = null, $default = null)",
"file": "($key = null, $default = null)",
"hasFile": "($key)",
"header": "($key = null, $default = null)",
"server": "($key = null, $default = null)",
"old": "($key = null, $default = null)",
"flash": "($filter = null, $keys = array())",
"flashOnly": "($keys)",
"flashExcept": "($keys)",
"flush": "()",
"merge": "($input)",
"replace": "($input)",
"json": "($key = null, $default = null)",
"isJson": "()",
"wantsJson": "()",
"format": "($default = 'html')",
"createFromBase": "($request)",
"session": "()",
"__construct": "($query = array(), $request = array(), $attributes = array(), $cookies = array(), $files = array(), $server = array(), $content = null)",
"initialize": "($query = array(), $request = array(), $attributes = array(), $cookies = array(), $files = array(), $server = array(), $content = null)",
"createFromGlobals": "()",
"create": "($uri, $method = 'GET', $parameters = array(), $cookies = array(), $files = array(), $server = array(), $content = null)",
"setFactory": "($callable)",
"duplicate": "($query = null, $request = null, $attributes = null, $cookies = null, $files = null, $server = null)",
"__toString": "()",
"overrideGlobals": "()",
"setTrustedProxies": "($proxies)",
"getTrustedProxies": "()",
"setTrustedHosts": "($hostPatterns)",
"getTrustedHosts": "()",
"setTrustedHeaderName": "($key, $value)",
"getTrustedHeaderName": "($key)",
"normalizeQueryString": "($qs)",
"enableHttpMethodParameterOverride": "()",
"getHttpMethodParameterOverride": "()",
"get": "($key, $default = null, $deep = false)",
"getSession": "()",
"hasPreviousSession": "()",
"hasSession": "()",
"setSession": "($session)",
"getClientIps": "()",
"getClientIp": "()",
"getScriptName": "()",
"getPathInfo": "()",
"getBasePath": "()",
"getBaseUrl": "()",
"getScheme": "()",
"getPort": "()",
"getUser": "()",
"getPassword": "()",
"getUserInfo": "()",
"getHttpHost": "()",
"getRequestUri": "()",
"getSchemeAndHttpHost": "()",
"getUri": "()",
"getUriForPath": "($path)",
"getQueryString": "()",
"isSecure": "()",
"getHost": "()",
"setMethod": "($method)",
"getMethod": "()",
"getRealMethod": "()",
"getMimeType": "($format)",
"getFormat": "($mimeType)",
"setFormat": "($format, $mimeTypes)",
"getRequestFormat": "($default = 'html')",
"setRequestFormat": "($format)",
"getContentType": "()",
"setDefaultLocale": "($locale)",
"setLocale": "($locale)",
"getLocale": "()",
"isMethod": "($method)",
"isMethodSafe": "()",
"getContent": "($asResource = false)",
"getETags": "()",
"isNoCache": "()",
"getPreferredLanguage": "($locales = null)",
"getLanguages": "()",
"getCharsets": "()",
"getEncodings": "()",
"getAcceptableContentTypes": "()",
"isXmlHttpRequest": "()"
"Lang": {
"functions": {
"__construct": "($loader, $locale)",
"has": "($key, $locale = null)",
"get": "($key, $replace = array(), $locale = null)",
"choice": "($key, $number, $replace = array(), $locale = null)",
"trans": "($id, $parameters = array(), $domain = 'messages', $locale = null)",
"transChoice": "($id, $number, $parameters = array(), $domain = 'messages', $locale = null)",
"load": "($namespace, $group, $locale)",
"addNamespace": "($namespace, $hint)",
"parseKey": "($key)",
"getSelector": "()",
"setSelector": "($selector)",
"getLoader": "()",
"locale": "()",
"getLocale": "()",
"setLocale": "($locale)",
"getFallback": "()",
"setFallback": "($fallback)",
"setParsedKey": "($key, $parsed)"
"Log": {
"functions": {
"debug": "($message, $context = array())",
"info": "($message, $context = array())",
"notice": "($message, $context = array())",
"warning": "($message, $context = array())",
"error": "($message, $context = array())",
"critical": "($message, $context = array())",
"alert": "($message, $context = array())",
"emergency": "($message, $context = array())",
"__construct": "($monolog, $dispatcher = null)",
"useFiles": "($path, $level = 'debug')",
"useDailyFiles": "($path, $days = 0, $level = 'debug')",
"useErrorLog": "($level = 'debug', $messageType = 0)",
"listen": "($callback)",
"getMonolog": "()",
"getEventDispatcher": "()",
"setEventDispatcher": "($dispatcher)",
"write": "()",
"__call": "($method, $parameters)"
"Mail": {
"functions": {
"__construct": "($views, $swift, $events = null)",
"alwaysFrom": "($address, $name = null)",
"plain": "($view, $data, $callback)",
"send": "($view, $data, $callback)",
"queue": "($view, $data, $callback, $queue = null)",
"queueOn": "($queue, $view, $data, $callback)",
"later": "($delay, $view, $data, $callback, $queue = null)",
"laterOn": "($queue, $delay, $view, $data, $callback)",
"handleQueuedMessage": "($job, $data)",
"pretend": "($value = true)",
"isPretending": "()",
"getViewFactory": "()",
"getSwiftMailer": "()",
"failures": "()",
"setSwiftMailer": "($swift)",
"setLogger": "($logger)",
"setQueue": "($queue)",
"setContainer": "($container)"
"Paginator": {
"functions": {
"__construct": "($request, $view, $trans, $pageName = 'page')",
"make": "($items, $total, $perPage = null)",
"getPaginationView": "($paginator, $view = null)",
"getCurrentPage": "()",
"setCurrentPage": "($number)",
"getCurrentUrl": "()",
"setBaseUrl": "($baseUrl)",
"setPageName": "($pageName)",
"getPageName": "()",
"getViewName": "($view = null)",
"setViewName": "($viewName)",
"getLocale": "()",
"setLocale": "($locale)",
"getRequest": "()",
"setRequest": "($request)",
"getViewFactory": "()",
"setViewFactory": "($view)",
"getTranslator": "()"
"Password": {
"functions": {
"__construct": "($reminders, $users, $mailer, $reminderView)",
"remind": "($credentials, $callback = null)",
"sendReminder": "($user, $token, $callback = null)",
"reset": "($credentials, $callback)",
"validator": "($callback)",
"getUser": "($credentials)"
"Queue": {
"functions": {
"__construct": "($app)",
"looping": "($callback)",
"failing": "($callback)",
"stopping": "($callback)",
"connected": "($name = null)",
"connection": "($name = null)",
"extend": "($driver, $resolver)",
"addConnector": "($driver, $resolver)",
"getDefaultDriver": "()",
"setDefaultDriver": "($name)",
"getName": "($connection = null)",
"__call": "($method, $parameters)",
"push": "($job, $data = '', $queue = null)",
"pushRaw": "($payload, $queue = null, $options = array())",
"later": "($delay, $job, $data = '', $queue = null)",
"pop": "($queue = null)",
"marshal": "()",
"bulk": "($jobs, $data = '', $queue = null)",
"getTime": "()",
"setContainer": "($container)",
"setEncrypter": "($crypt)"
"Redirect": {
"functions": {
"__construct": "($generator)",
"home": "($status = 302)",
"back": "($status = 302, $headers = array())",
"refresh": "($status = 302, $headers = array())",
"guest": "($path, $status = 302, $headers = array(), $secure = null)",
"intended": "($default = '\/', $status = 302, $headers = array(), $secure = null)",
"to": "($path, $status = 302, $headers = array(), $secure = null)",
"away": "($path, $status = 302, $headers = array())",
"secure": "($path, $status = 302, $headers = array())",
"route": "($route, $parameters = array(), $status = 302, $headers = array())",
"action": "($action, $parameters = array(), $status = 302, $headers = array())",
"getUrlGenerator": "()",
"setSession": "($session)"
"Request": {
"functions": {
"instance": "()",
"method": "()",
"root": "()",
"url": "()",
"fullUrl": "()",
"path": "()",
"decodedPath": "()",
"segment": "($index, $default = null)",
"segments": "()",
"is": "()",
"ajax": "()",
"secure": "()",
"exists": "($key)",
"has": "($key)",
"all": "()",
"input": "($key = null, $default = null)",
"only": "($keys)",
"except": "($keys)",
"query": "($key = null, $default = null)",
"hasCookie": "($key)",
"cookie": "($key = null, $default = null)",
"file": "($key = null, $default = null)",
"hasFile": "($key)",
"header": "($key = null, $default = null)",
"server": "($key = null, $default = null)",
"old": "($key = null, $default = null)",
"flash": "($filter = null, $keys = array())",
"flashOnly": "($keys)",
"flashExcept": "($keys)",
"flush": "()",
"merge": "($input)",
"replace": "($input)",
"json": "($key = null, $default = null)",
"isJson": "()",
"wantsJson": "()",
"format": "($default = 'html')",
"createFromBase": "($request)",
"session": "()",
"__construct": "($query = array(), $request = array(), $attributes = array(), $cookies = array(), $files = array(), $server = array(), $content = null)",
"initialize": "($query = array(), $request = array(), $attributes = array(), $cookies = array(), $files = array(), $server = array(), $content = null)",
"createFromGlobals": "()",
"create": "($uri, $method = 'GET', $parameters = array(), $cookies = array(), $files = array(), $server = array(), $content = null)",
"setFactory": "($callable)",
"duplicate": "($query = null, $request = null, $attributes = null, $cookies = null, $files = null, $server = null)",
"__toString": "()",
"overrideGlobals": "()",
"setTrustedProxies": "($proxies)",
"getTrustedProxies": "()",
"setTrustedHosts": "($hostPatterns)",
"getTrustedHosts": "()",
"setTrustedHeaderName": "($key, $value)",
"getTrustedHeaderName": "($key)",
"normalizeQueryString": "($qs)",
"enableHttpMethodParameterOverride": "()",
"getHttpMethodParameterOverride": "()",
"get": "($key, $default = null, $deep = false)",
"getSession": "()",
"hasPreviousSession": "()",
"hasSession": "()",
"setSession": "($session)",
"getClientIps": "()",
"getClientIp": "()",
"getScriptName": "()",
"getPathInfo": "()",
"getBasePath": "()",
"getBaseUrl": "()",
"getScheme": "()",
"getPort": "()",
"getUser": "()",
"getPassword": "()",
"getUserInfo": "()",
"getHttpHost": "()",
"getRequestUri": "()",
"getSchemeAndHttpHost": "()",
"getUri": "()",
"getUriForPath": "($path)",
"getQueryString": "()",
"isSecure": "()",
"getHost": "()",
"setMethod": "($method)",
"getMethod": "()",
"getRealMethod": "()",
"getMimeType": "($format)",
"getFormat": "($mimeType)",
"setFormat": "($format, $mimeTypes)",
"getRequestFormat": "($default = 'html')",
"setRequestFormat": "($format)",
"getContentType": "()",
"setDefaultLocale": "($locale)",
"setLocale": "($locale)",
"getLocale": "()",
"isMethod": "($method)",
"isMethodSafe": "()",
"getContent": "($asResource = false)",
"getETags": "()",
"isNoCache": "()",
"getPreferredLanguage": "($locales = null)",
"getLanguages": "()",
"getCharsets": "()",
"getEncodings": "()",
"getAcceptableContentTypes": "()",
"isXmlHttpRequest": "()"
"Response": {
"functions": {
"Route": {
"functions": {
"__construct": "($events, $container = null)",
"get": "($uri, $action)",
"post": "($uri, $action)",
"put": "($uri, $action)",
"patch": "($uri, $action)",
"delete": "($uri, $action)",
"options": "($uri, $action)",
"any": "($uri, $action)",
"match": "($methods, $uri, $action)",
"controllers": "($controllers)",
"controller": "($uri, $controller, $names = array())",
"resource": "($name, $controller, $options = array())",
"getResourceUri": "($resource)",
"getResourceWildcard": "($value)",
"group": "($attributes, $callback)",
"mergeWithLastGroup": "($new)",
"mergeGroup": "($new, $old)",
"dispatch": "($request)",
"dispatchToRoute": "($request)",
"matched": "($callback)",
"before": "($callback)",
"after": "($callback)",
"filter": "($name, $callback)",
"when": "($pattern, $name, $methods = null)",
"whenRegex": "($pattern, $name, $methods = null)",
"model": "($key, $class, $callback = null)",
"bind": "($key, $binder)",
"createClassBinding": "($binding)",
"pattern": "($key, $pattern)",
"patterns": "($patterns)",
"callRouteBefore": "($route, $request)",
"findPatternFilters": "($request)",
"callRouteAfter": "($route, $request, $response)",
"callRouteFilter": "($filter, $parameters, $route, $request, $response = null)",
"withoutFilters": "($callback)",
"enableFilters": "()",
"disableFilters": "()",
"input": "($key, $default = null)",
"getCurrentRoute": "()",
"current": "()",
"has": "($name)",
"currentRouteName": "()",
"is": "()",
"currentRouteNamed": "($name)",
"currentRouteAction": "()",
"uses": "()",
"currentRouteUses": "($action)",
"getCurrentRequest": "()",
"getRoutes": "()",
"getControllerDispatcher": "()",
"setControllerDispatcher": "($dispatcher)",
"getInspector": "()",
"getPatterns": "()",
"handle": "($request, $type = 1, $catch = true)"
"Schema": {
"functions": {
"hasTable": "($table)",
"getColumnListing": "($table)",
"__construct": "($connection)",
"hasColumn": "($table, $column)",
"table": "($table, $callback)",
"create": "($table, $callback)",
"drop": "($table)",
"dropIfExists": "($table)",
"rename": "($from, $to)",
"getConnection": "()",
"setConnection": "($connection)",
"blueprintResolver": "($resolver)"
"Seeder": {
"functions": {
"Session": {
"functions": {
"getSessionConfig": "()",
"getDefaultDriver": "()",
"setDefaultDriver": "($name)",
"__construct": "($app)",
"driver": "($driver = null)",
"extend": "($driver, $callback)",
"getDrivers": "()",
"__call": "($method, $parameters)",
"start": "()",
"getId": "()",
"setId": "($id)",
"getName": "()",
"setName": "($name)",
"invalidate": "($lifetime = null)",
"migrate": "($destroy = false, $lifetime = null)",
"regenerate": "($destroy = false)",
"save": "()",
"ageFlashData": "()",
"has": "($name)",
"get": "($name, $default = null)",
"pull": "($key, $default = null)",
"hasOldInput": "($key = null)",
"getOldInput": "($key = null, $default = null)",
"set": "($name, $value)",
"put": "($key, $value = null)",
"push": "($key, $value)",
"flash": "($key, $value)",
"flashInput": "($value)",
"reflash": "()",
"keep": "($keys = null)",
"all": "()",
"replace": "($attributes)",
"remove": "($name)",
"forget": "($key)",
"clear": "()",
"flush": "()",
"isStarted": "()",
"registerBag": "($bag)",
"getBag": "($name)",
"getMetadataBag": "()",
"getBagData": "($name)",
"token": "()",
"getToken": "()",
"regenerateToken": "()",
"setExists": "($value)",
"getHandler": "()",
"handlerNeedsRequest": "()",
"setRequestOnHandler": "($request)"
"SSH": {
"functions": {
"__construct": "($app)",
"into": "($name)",
"connection": "($name = null)",
"group": "($name)",
"multiple": "($names)",
"resolve": "($name)",
"getDefaultConnection": "()",
"setDefaultConnection": "($name)",
"__call": "($method, $parameters)",
"define": "($task, $commands)",
"task": "($task, $callback = null)",
"run": "($commands, $callback = null)",
"get": "($remote, $local)",
"getString": "($remote)",
"put": "($local, $remote)",
"putString": "($remote, $contents)",
"display": "($line)",
"status": "()",
"getGateway": "()",
"getOutput": "()",
"setOutput": "($output)"
"Str": {
"functions": {
"URL": {
"functions": {
"__construct": "($routes, $request)",
"full": "()",
"current": "()",
"previous": "()",
"to": "($path, $extra = array(), $secure = null)",
"secure": "($path, $parameters = array())",
"asset": "($path, $secure = null)",
"secureAsset": "($path)",
"forceSchema": "($schema)",
"route": "($name, $parameters = array(), $absolute = true, $route = null)",
"action": "($action, $parameters = array(), $absolute = true)",
"forceRootUrl": "($root)",
"isValidUrl": "($path)",
"getRequest": "()",
"setRequest": "($request)"
"Validator": {
"functions": {
"__construct": "($translator, $container = null)",
"make": "($data, $rules, $messages = array(), $customAttributes = array())",
"extend": "($rule, $extension, $message = null)",
"extendImplicit": "($rule, $extension, $message = null)",
"replacer": "($rule, $replacer)",
"resolver": "($resolver)",
"getTranslator": "()",
"getPresenceVerifier": "()",
"setPresenceVerifier": "($presenceVerifier)"
"View": {
"functions": {
"__construct": "($engines, $finder, $events)",
"make": "($view, $data = array(), $mergeData = array())",
"of": "($view, $data = array())",
"name": "($view, $name)",
"alias": "($view, $alias)",
"exists": "($view)",
"renderEach": "($view, $data, $iterator, $empty = 'raw|')",
"getEngineFromPath": "($path)",
"share": "($key, $value = null)",
"creator": "($views, $callback)",
"composers": "($composers)",
"composer": "($views, $callback, $priority = null)",
"callComposer": "($view)",
"callCreator": "($view)",
"startSection": "($section, $content = '')",
"inject": "($section, $content)",
"yieldSection": "()",
"stopSection": "($overwrite = false)",
"appendSection": "()",
"yieldContent": "($section, $default = '')",
"flushSections": "()",
"flushSectionsIfDoneRendering": "()",
"incrementRender": "()",
"decrementRender": "()",
"doneRendering": "()",
"addLocation": "($location)",
"addNamespace": "($namespace, $hints)",
"prependNamespace": "($namespace, $hints)",
"addExtension": "($extension, $engine, $resolver = null)",
"getExtensions": "()",
"getEngineResolver": "()",
"getFinder": "()",
"setFinder": "($finder)",
"getDispatcher": "()",
"setDispatcher": "($events)",
"getContainer": "()",
"setContainer": "($container)",
"shared": "($key, $default = null)",
"getShared": "()",
"getSections": "()",
"getNames": "()"
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