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Last active January 19, 2024 20:07
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Neovim must have plugins

Neovim must have plugins

This is my curated list of the neovim plugins I can't live without

Note: if you are just starting out, check out kickstart.nvim

  • Lazy.nvim - The plugin manager I use. Not to be confused with LazyVim the neovim distribution.
  • lspconfig - The must have plugin for configuring LSP support in neovim.
  • nvim-cmp - Completion engine for neovim. Without this you won't get autocomplete for anything
  • oil.nvim - A magical plugin which lets you browse and edit your files and folders like they are in an editor buffer
  • nvim-treesitter - If you don't have treesitter, syntax highlighting will be bad. Tree sitter is an AST (Abstract Syntax Tree) parser that neovim can use.
  • conform.nvim - Conform lets you hook up autoformatting commands into neovim to do formatting of code and format on save.
  • mini.comment - Lets you bind a shortcut to commmenting in and out lines of code based on the language
  • mini.pairs - Autocompletes the matching closing bracket/quote/paren etc.
  • nvim-telescope - Telescope is a fuzzy finder for neovim. Lets you fuzzy find files, git files, buffers and pretty much anything you can think of.
  • telescope-zoxide - Combine the power of telescope with the power of zoxide.
  • arrow.nvim - A tool to bookmark files you are working on and quickly jump to them, bookmarks them per project directory
  • nvim-osc52 - This plugin is hard to describe, but it allows you to yank to the clipboard in a way that works in tmux, across SSH sessions and on your local machine.
  • undotree - Undo tree. If you haven't used this it's hard to explain. Shows you a history of your edits to your files in a tree and lets you jump back to any point in history.
  • trouble.nvim - Shows you diagnostic errors from your code in a separate panel.
  • indent-blankline - Shows indention guides in neovim.
  • nvim-treesitter-context - Shows you the first line of the code block you are in fixed at the top of the screen. Go watch the demo, it's hard to explain.
  • dadbod.vim - The only non-lua vimscript plugin on this list, but it's done by tpope, so it's okay. This lets you connect to database servers and do SQL queries right from inside vim.
  • fidget.nvim - fidget just puts a little display in the corner of your neovim window to tell you the status of your LSP and if it's loaded yet or not.\
  • which-key.nvim - Which key pops up a floating window when you type certain neovim commands so you can see what options you have. Good while learning, once you get fast, you may not need it.
  • flash.nvim - Crazy fast way to jump to a specific place in a buffer. Look at the README, it explains it better than I can.
  • rainbow-delimiters - Color codes nested parens, braces, etc.
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