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Created September 17, 2012 19:49
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statsd client
import sys
import random
import logging
from socket import socket, AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM
from django.conf import settings
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class Statsd(object):
Send statstics to the stats daemon over UDP.
Expects a STATSD setting in django.conf.settings
'HOST': '',
'PORT': 8125,
Additional parameters in STATSD:
`PREFIX`, Prefix each stat key with value.
def timing(stat, time, sample_rate=1):
Log timing information
>>> from statsd import Statsd
>>> Statsd.timing('some.time', 500)
stats = {}
stats[stat] = "%d|ms" % time
Statsd.send(stats, sample_rate)
def increment(stats, sample_rate=1):
Increments one or more stats counters
>>> Statsd.increment('')
>>> Statsd.increment('',0.5)
Statsd.update_stats(stats, 1, sample_rate)
def decrement(stats, sample_rate=1):
Decrements one or more stats counters
>>> Statsd.decrement('')
Statsd.update_stats(stats, -1, sample_rate)
def update_stats(stats, delta=1, sampleRate=1):
Updates one or more stats counters by arbitrary amounts
>>> Statsd.update_stats('',10)
if (type(stats) is not list):
stats = [stats]
data = {}
for stat in stats:
data[stat] = "%s|c" % delta
Statsd.send(data, sampleRate)
def send(data, sample_rate=1):
Squirt the metrics over UDP
if not settings.STATSD or len(set(settings.STATSD.keys()).intersection(['HOST', 'PORT'])) < 2:
logger.warning("You must set a HOST and PORT key in the STATSD \
dictionary within the project settings.")
prefix = settings.STATSD.get('PREFIX', '')
# Adjust the keys within the data
addr = (settings.STATSD['HOST'], settings.STATSD['PORT'])
sampled_data = {}
if(sample_rate < 1):
if random.random() <= sample_rate:
for stat in data.keys():
value = data[stat]
sampled_data[stat] = "%s|@%s" %(value, sample_rate)
udp_sock = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM)
for stat in sampled_data.keys():
value = sampled_data[stat]
if prefix:
stat = '.'.join([prefix, stat])
send_data = "%s:%s" % (stat, value)
logger.debug("Statsd - %s" % send_data)
udp_sock.sendto(send_data, addr)
# If anythin happens, log it.
logger.error("Unexpected error sending to statsd", exc_info=sys.exc_info())
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