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Last active February 12, 2016 00:06
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Learn you a browserify

We want to learn:

  • What is NPM
  • Dependencies installation
  • Initially package.json for your project
  • Project workflow:
    • Begin writing code
    • Require dependencies
    • Bundling

Ok, what is NPM?

It's the package manager for Javascript. Think Python's PyPi for Javascript.

That's about it!

Get npm (you should have it by now, though!)

npm is bundled with node or io.js. Get one of those and you're golden.

brew install node

Initialize your project

Each project must be packed by a package.json to work well with the npm ecosystem and browserify workflow. It is standard for any modern Javascript project to include a package.json at its root.

npm has a helper function to initialize this for your project. First, let's make a new project

 mkdir ./learn-browserify

And initialize it with a package.json

cd ./learn-browserify
npm init

You'll be asked a bunch of questions. Answer as you wish, and leave defaults where you're not sure. You should now have a package.json in your directory that looks something like this:

  "name": "learn-browserify",
  "version": "1.0.0",
  "description": "",
  "main": "index.js",
  "author": "",
  "license": "ISC"

Self explanatory for the most part. Maybe you're not sure what main means.

Basically, if someone require()'s your project then the file here (index.js) will be the entry point for finding the export.

Let's write some code!

First, download the provided index.html as a starter. It contains some essential HTML that'll be used by our app, and a link to our bundled Javascript application.

Let's begin writing our first npm-enabled module. We'll use index.js because that's what our main file is. Open that up in your favourite editor.

First, some scaffolding to get out of the way. Let's have our app bind to the select list with id region to run a function when changed.

# index.js
var App = {
  handleChange: function(ev) {
    var e = ev.currentTarget
    console.log("Selected", e.options[e.selectedIndex].value)

  blastoff: function() {
    var elem = document.getElementById("region")
    elem.addEventListener("change", this.handleChange.bind(this))


Let's build that out, and run it. You'll notice our index.html references index.js and we're not using browserify -- yet!

Open index.html in your browser and tinker with the drop down while having Chrome Inspector open (CMD + OPTION + i). You'll see it console.logs your selected value.

BTW: You can run a simple server in Python using:

python -m SimpleHTTPServer [port]


Ok, ok. Our app is simple, but now we're going to need some dependencies, and we're going to want to bundle those up into a single file.

We're going to make our app hit the G API each time the select list is changed, and then return a bunch of tours, and their links for that region. Nothing fancy, but workshop, yo.

So, we're going to need to make AJAX requests. Now, some of you might think we can just use jQuery. But not for this example! We're hipster cool here and we need to use a smaller library that focuses on just doing HTTP requests, and that's it

My preference is superagent

The npm page is a great way to understand what a package does, and the site in general is a neat tool for searching. I also like GitHub, as you get a better view of activity, forks/stars and issues.

Let's install our first module!

cd ./learn-browserify  # in case you're not already there.
npm install --save superagent

Cool! It worked. What does --save mean by the way?

It's just a simple shortcut to adding the installed version of superagent into your package.json. Open it up, it's there now. Magical.

What does dependencies mean exactly? Well, it's like pip requirements. When we run npm install in a project with a package.json, all dependencies will be installed.

Let's require superagent in our app and BUNDLE it!

Ok, time to get serious. Let's adjust our code. We're going to require superagent and make it do an API request.

var request = require('superagent')

function makeApiCall(region, callback) {
    .set("X-Application-Key", "live_b9703931efc7980f33195ba893de8c4a6834877b")
    .query({'geography__region': region})

var App = {
  displayResults: function(err, response) {

  handleChange: function(ev) {
    var e = ev.currentTarget
    var region = e.options[e.selectedIndex].value
    makeApiCall(region, this.displayResults.bind(this))

  blastoff: function() {
    var elem = document.getElementById("region")
    elem.addEventListener("change", this.handleChange.bind(this))


And now we have to bundle it. Let's use browserify. First, we install it

npm install --save-dev browserify

Hmm, --save-dev? Just like --save except it fills out devDependencies because browserify is needed for development of this project, but not necessarily to run it in the wild.

And bundle:

 browserify ./index.js -o bundled.js

Open up bundle.js and you'll see it's a big mess of code. Some of it may look familiar to you! Let's adjust index.html to look for bundled.js rather than index and re-run it.

Browserify is smart enough to follow the dependency path and ensure all requirements are bundled into your code.

Ok Bartek, but typing browserify each time I make a change sucks!

That's cool, because there's a tool for that. Just use watchify! Which is like browserify, but it watches for changes on your application.

npm install watchify
# same API as browserify
watchify ./index.js -o bundled.js -v

Sweet. Now you're developing a modern app.

(If we have time in this lunch and learn) Try parsing the results from the API into the HTML. Perhaps you can use lodash from npm and it's template function to render and append templates to the DOM. Try it out!

What about deployment?

There are a few ways you can do this. What eCommerce does is run browserify on each deploy (via a collection of gulp.js tools) to bundle that app and throw it into a static distribution directory.

Then, it's just included in templates as you would any other Javascript.

<script type='text/javascript' src='{% static "apps/dist/myapp.js" %}'></script>

More details can perhaps come at another lunch and learn, where we can focus our scope on that!

Thank you, I hope you learned something.

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fureigh commented Feb 12, 2016

@bartek Thanks for that tip!

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