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Created November 5, 2010 12:52
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1. uses a ContextFixture (which requires Disposal)
2. keeps all Context/ContextFixture+Do+Assert/Observation in a single Test Method at all costs -- lambdas get very yucky the minute you factor calls to any of these into test methods
3. The TheoryDataProvider junk at the end is also applicable to xUnit [Theory] stuff (and you use the same [ClassData] and friends as one uses for other stuff and just removes some cruft from writing up test cases)
4. uses sut/result/exception standard names
5. This is a sample and has stuff that doesnt scale up that I wouldnt do. e.g. dont use Conditional Logic in tests with care - something as simple as a should succeed / should fail set of cases should generally be two separate Thesis methods
Go look in bitbucket - there's a good set of tests that serve as a better set of samples.
This snippet will self destruct when someone tells me that the acceptance tests and samples in Johannes' fork are clearer and more complete
public class ThesisExample
public class Cases : TheoryDataProvider
protected override IEnumerable<object[]> DataSource()
yield return new object[] { "A", "a", true };
yield return new object[] { "B", null, false };
[ClassData( typeof( Cases ) )]
public static void StuffMatchingACases( string input, string output, bool shouldSucceed )
var sut = default( AMangler );
"Given a mangler"
.ContextFixture( () =>
sut = new AMangler() );
var exception = default( Exception );
var result = default( string );
("Mangling " + input)
.Do( () =>
exception = Record.Exception( () =>
result = sut.Match( input ) ) );
if ( shouldSucceed )
"is handled correctly"
.Observation( () =>
Assert.Equal( output, result ) );
"is rejected"
.Observation( () =>
Assert.IsType<ArgumentException>( exception ) );
class AMangler : IDisposable
public string Match( string param )
if ( param != "A" )
throw new ArgumentException( "don't like it" );
return param.ToLower();
void IDisposable.Dispose()
Console.WriteLine( "Disposing" );
public abstract class TheoryDataProvider : IEnumerable<object[]>
protected abstract IEnumerable<object[]> DataSource();
public IEnumerator<object[]> GetEnumerator()
return DataSource().GetEnumerator();
IEnumerator IEnumerable.GetEnumerator()
return DataSource().GetEnumerator();
public abstract class SingleItemTheoryDataProvider : TheoryDataProvider
protected override sealed IEnumerable<object[]> DataSource()
return SingleItemDataSource().Select( x => new object[] { x } );
protected abstract IEnumerable<object> SingleItemDataSource();
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