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Created February 5, 2014 14:13
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F# wrapper for having AutoFixture perform post-processing on AutoFixture Specimens of a given type
type TypeThatIsARequestSpecification<'T>() =
interface IRequestSpecification with
member this.IsSatisfiedBy request =
match request with
| :? System.Type as requestType -> typeof<'T>.IsAssignableFrom( requestType)
| _ -> false
type PrepareSpecimenCommand<'T>( action) =
interface ISpecimenCommand with
member this.Execute( specimen, context) =
let instance = specimen :?> 'T
action instance
type WarmupCustomization<'T>( prepareAction) =
interface ICustomization with
member this.Customize fixture =
new FilteringSpecimenBuilder(
PrepareSpecimenCommand<'T>( prepareAction)),
type Context() as this =
inherit AutoDataAttribute()
let initializeSut (sut:IDynamicAllocationCache) =
do this.Fixture.Customize <| WarmupCustomization initializeSut |> ignore
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