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Created July 8, 2020 17:19
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/// Thread-safe coordinator that batches concurrent requests for a single <c>dispatch</> invocation such that:
/// - requests arriving together can be coalesced into the batch during the linger period via TryAdd
/// - callers that have had items admitted can concurrently await the shared fate of the dispatch via AwaitResult
/// - callers whose TryAdd has been denied can await the completion of the in-flight batch via AwaitCompletion
type internal AsyncBatch<'Req, 'Res>(dispatch : 'Req[] -> Async<'Res>, linger : System.TimeSpan) =
let lingerMs = int linger.TotalMilliseconds
// Yes, naive impl in the absence of a cleaner way to have callers sharing the AwaitCompletion coordinate the adding
do if lingerMs < 5 then invalidArg "linger" "must be >= 5ms"
let queue = new System.Collections.Concurrent.BlockingCollection<'Req>()
let dispatch = async {
do! Async.Sleep lingerMs
let reqs = queue.ToArray()
return! dispatch reqs
let task = lazy (Async.StartAsTask dispatch)
/// Attempt to add a request to the flight
/// Succeeds during linger interval (which commences when the first caller triggers the dispatch via AwaitResult)
/// Fails if this flight has closed (caller should generate a fresh, potentially after awaiting this.AwaitCompletion)
member __.TryAdd(item) = queue.TryAdd(item)
/// Await the outcome of dispatching the batch (on the basis that the caller has contributed a request to it)
member __.AwaitResult() = Async.AwaitTaskCorrect task.Value
/// Wait for dispatch to conclude (for any reason: ok/exn/cancel; we only care about the channel being clear)
member __.AwaitCompletion() =
Async.FromContinuations(fun (cont, _, _) ->
task.Value.ContinueWith(fun (_ : System.Threading.Tasks.Task<'Res>) -> cont ())
|> ignore)
/// Manages concurrent work such that requests arriving while a batch is in flight converge to wait for the next window
type AsyncBatchingGate<'Req, 'Res>(dispatch : 'Req[] -> Async<'Res>, ?linger) =
let mkBatch () = AsyncBatch(dispatch, defaultArg linger (System.TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds 5.))
let mutable cell = mkBatch()
member __.Execute req = async {
let current = cell
// If current has not yet been dispatched, hop on and join
if current.TryAdd req then
return! current.AwaitResult()
else // Any thread that discovers a batch in flight, needs to wait for it to conclude first
do! current.AwaitCompletion()
// where competing threads discover a closed flight, we only want a single one to regenerate it
let _ = System.Threading.Interlocked.CompareExchange(&cell, mkBatch (), current)
return! __.Execute req
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now in jet/equinox#228 (with tests and handling for exn from TryAdd)

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