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Last active January 6, 2023 19:03
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Calculates which plates to put on barbell to get desired weight
// example calculator functions
const barbellTotal = (plateWeights: Weight[]) => barbellWeight + 2 * plateWeights.reduce((a, b) => a + b, 0);
const singleDumbbellTotal = (plateWeights: Weight[]) => dumbbellWeight + 2 * plateWeights.reduce((a, b) => a + b, 0);
const doubleDumbbellTotal = (plateWeights: Weight[]) => 2 * singleDumbbellTotal(plateWeights);
const availableWeights: PlatesInventory = new Map([
// [weight, total number of plates available]
// NOTE: put number of plates -> two for each pair
[20, 2],
[12.5, 2],
[10, 2],
[7.5, 2],
[6, 2],
[5, 8],
[2.5, 6],
[1.25, 8],
const barbellWeight = 8; // kg
const dumbbellWeight = 1.5; // kg
const targetWeight = 72.5;
function printPlatesToPut(totalWeightFormula: TotalWeightFn) {
const [foundPlates, gap] = findPlatesBFS(targetWeight, barbellWeight, availableWeights, totalWeightFormula);
if (gap > 0) {
const reachableWeight = targetWeight - gap;
console.log(`Couldn't find plates for ${targetWeight} kg, closest match is ${reachableWeight} kg.`)
console.log('Plates to put: ' + => `${it} kg`).join(', '));
type Weight = number;
type TotalWeightFn = (plateWeights: Weight[]) => Weight;
type PlatesInventory = Map<Weight, number>;
function findPlatesBFS(targetWeight: Weight, nonPlateWeight: Weight, weights: PlatesInventory, calcTotalWeight: TotalWeightFn): [plates: Weight[], gap: number] {
let bestPlateWeights: Weight[] = [];
let bestLength = -1; // best number of plates, lower=better
const hasEnoughWeight = () => {
let sum = nonPlateWeight;
for (const [plateWeight, numPlates] of weights) {
sum += plateWeight * numPlates;
return sum > targetWeight;
if (!hasEnoughWeight()) {
throw new Error("Not enough plates available to reach target weight");
if (nonPlateWeight > targetWeight) {
throw new Error("Barbell/dumbbell heavier than target");
} else if (nonPlateWeight === targetWeight) {
// raw barbell is enough
return [[], 0];
let exactWeightFound = false;
let bestLocalGap = Number.MAX_VALUE;
function BFS(plateWeights: number[], remainingPlates: PlatesInventory): [length: number, best: Weight[], gap: number] {
const currWeight = calcTotalWeight(plateWeights);
if (currWeight === targetWeight) {
// found exact weight
return [plateWeights.length, bestPlateWeights, 0];
} else if (currWeight > targetWeight) {
// constructed weight greater than desired
return [-1, bestPlateWeights, Number.MAX_VALUE];
} else {
// go for breadth
// gap between current branch weight and the target one
let localGap = Math.min(bestLocalGap, targetWeight - currWeight);
if (bestLength > 0 && plateWeights.length >= bestLength) {
// won't find any better in this branch
return [bestLength, bestPlateWeights, localGap];
for (const [plateWeight, numPlates] of remainingPlates) {
if (numPlates <= 0) {
const childWeights = [...plateWeights, plateWeight];
const childRemainingWeights = new Map(remainingPlates);
childRemainingWeights.set(plateWeight, numPlates - 2);
const [childLength, , childGap] = BFS(childWeights, childRemainingWeights);
// found exact result
if (childLength > 0) {
exactWeightFound = true;
if (bestLength === -1 || childLength < bestLength) {
// new exact best
bestLength = childLength;
bestPlateWeights = childWeights;
// didn't found exact match, but check if difference from target (gap) isn't better
// this checks if:
// - haven't found any exact result yet (no need to find nearby weights if exact exists)
// - the child branch has a closer match than current
// - child branch needs less plates needed than current approximation
else if (!exactWeightFound && childGap < localGap && (bestPlateWeights.length === 0 || childWeights.length < bestPlateWeights.length)) {
// the above condition isn't enough, as sometimes worse neighbor branch could overwrite already best result
// the solution is to also compare local branch gaps and update only if better
if (localGap < bestLocalGap) {
// console.debug('set', bestLocalGap, localGap, childGap, best, newState)
bestPlateWeights = childWeights;
bestLocalGap = localGap;
localGap = Math.min(localGap, childGap);
return [bestLength, bestPlateWeights, localGap];
// sort descending
const sortResult = (a: number, b: number) => (a > b ? -1 : a < b ? 1 : 0);
let [, plates, gap] = BFS([], weights);
return [plates.sort(sortResult), gap];
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