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Created June 27, 2011 18:28
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UCC.cpp: Unreal command-line launcher.
Copyright 1997-1999 Epic Games, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Revision history:
* Created by Tim Sweeney.
#if WIN32
#include <windows.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <malloc.h>
#include <stdio.h>
// Core and Engine
#include "Engine.h"
// Extra stuff for static links for Engine.
#include "UnEngineNative.h"
#include "UnCon.h"
#include "UnRender.h"
#include "UnNet.h"
// NullNetDriver static stuff
#include "NullNetDriver.h"
#ifdef __LINUX_X86__
// Fire static stuff.
//#include "UnFractal.h"
// IpDrv static stuff.
//#include "UnIpDrv.h"
//#include "UnTcpNetDriver.h"
//#include "UnIpDrvCommandlets.h"
//#include "UnIpDrvNative.h"
// UWeb static stuff
//#include "UWeb.h"
//#include "UWebNative.h"
INT GFilesOpen, GFilesOpened;
Global variables.
// General.
#if _MSC_VER
extern "C" {HINSTANCE hInstance;}
extern "C" {TCHAR GPackage[64]=TEXT("UCC");}
// Log.
#include "FOutputDeviceFile.h"
FOutputDeviceFile Log;
// Error.
#include "FOutputDeviceAnsiError.h"
FOutputDeviceAnsiError Error;
// Feedback.
#include "FFeedbackContextAnsi.h"
FFeedbackContextAnsi Warn;
// File manager.
#if WIN32
#include "FFileManagerWindows.h"
FFileManagerWindows FileManager;
#include "FMallocAnsi.h"
FMallocAnsi Malloc;
#elif __PSX2_EE__
#include "FFileManagerPSX2.h"
FFileManagerPSX2 FileManager;
#include "FMallocAnsi.h"
FMallocAnsi Malloc;
#elif __LINUX_X86__
#include "FFileManagerLinux.h"
FFileManagerLinux FileManager;
#include "FMallocAnsi.h"
FMallocAnsi Malloc;
#include "FFileManagerAnsi.h"
FFileManagerAnsi FileManager;
// Config.
#include "FConfigCacheIni.h"
// Unreal command-line applet executor.
FString RightPad( FString In, INT Count )
while( In.Len()<Count )
In += TEXT(" ");
return In;
INT Compare( FString& A, FString& B )
return appStricmp( *A, *B );
void ShowBanner( FOutputDevice& Warn )
Warn.Logf( TEXT("=======================================") );
Warn.Logf( TEXT("ucc.exe: UnrealOS execution environment") );
Warn.Logf( TEXT("Copyright 1999 Epic Games Inc") );
Warn.Logf( TEXT("=======================================") );
Warn.Logf( TEXT("") );
int main( int argc, char* argv[] )
// Clean lookups.
for (INT k=0; k<ARRAY_COUNT(GNativeLookupFuncs); k++)
GNativeLookupFuncs[k] = NULL;
// Core lookups.
GNativeLookupFuncs[0] = &FindCoreUObjectNative;
GNativeLookupFuncs[1] = &FindCoreUCommandletNative;
// Engine lookups.
GNativeLookupFuncs[2] = &FindEngineAActorNative;
GNativeLookupFuncs[3] = &FindEngineAPawnNative;
GNativeLookupFuncs[4] = &FindEngineAPlayerPawnNative;
GNativeLookupFuncs[5] = &FindEngineADecalNative;
GNativeLookupFuncs[6] = &FindEngineAStatLogNative;
GNativeLookupFuncs[7] = &FindEngineAStatLogFileNative;
GNativeLookupFuncs[8] = &FindEngineAZoneInfoNative;
GNativeLookupFuncs[9] = &FindEngineAWarpZoneInfoNative;
GNativeLookupFuncs[10] = &FindEngineALevelInfoNative;
GNativeLookupFuncs[11] = &FindEngineAGameInfoNative;
GNativeLookupFuncs[12] = &FindEngineANavigationPointNative;
GNativeLookupFuncs[13] = &FindEngineUCanvasNative;
GNativeLookupFuncs[14] = &FindEngineUConsoleNative;
GNativeLookupFuncs[15] = &FindEngineUScriptedTextureNative;
#ifdef __LINUX_X86__
// IpDrv lookups.
// GNativeLookupFuncs[16] = &FindIpDrvAInternetLinkNative;
// GNativeLookupFuncs[17] = &FindIpDrvAUdpLinkNative;
// GNativeLookupFuncs[18] = &FindIpDrvATcpLinkNative;
// UWeb lookups.
// GNativeLookupFuncs[19] = &FindUWebUWebResponseNative;
// GNativeLookupFuncs[20] = &FindUWebUWebRequestNative;
#if !_MSC_VER
INT ErrorLevel = 0;
GIsStarted = 1;
#ifndef _DEBUG
GIsGuarded = 1;
#if !_MSC_VER
// Set module name.
appStrcpy( GModule, argv[0] );
// Parse command line.
TCHAR CmdLine[1024], *CmdLinePtr=CmdLine;
*CmdLinePtr = 0;
#if WIN32
ANSICHAR* Ch = GetCommandLineA();
while( *Ch && *Ch!=' ' )
while( *Ch==' ' )
while( *Ch )
*CmdLinePtr++ = *Ch++;
*CmdLinePtr++ = 0;
for( INT i=2; i<argc; i++ )
if( i>2 )
appStrcat( CmdLine, " " );
appStrcat( CmdLine, argv[i] );
// Init engine core.
appInit( TEXT("UnrealTournament"), CmdLine, &Malloc, &Log, &Error, &Warn, &FileManager, FConfigCacheIni::Factory, 1 );
// Init static classes.
#ifdef __LINUX_86__
// Set up meta package readers.
// for( i=0; i<GSys->MetaPackages.Num(); i++ )
// {
// printf("%s\n", *GSys->MetaPackages(i));
// ((FFileManagerPSX2*) GFileManager)->AddMetaArchive( *GSys->MetaPackages(i), &Error );
// }
// Get the ucc stuff going.
FString Token = argc>1 ? appFromAnsi(argv[1]) : TEXT("");
TArray<FRegistryObjectInfo> List;
UObject::GetRegistryObjects( List, UClass::StaticClass(), UCommandlet::StaticClass(), 0 );
GIsClient = GIsServer = GIsEditor = GIsScriptable = 1;
GLazyLoad = 0;
UBOOL Help = 0;
DWORD LoadFlags = LOAD_NoWarn | LOAD_Quiet;
if( Token==TEXT("") )
ShowBanner( Warn );
Warn.Logf( TEXT("Use \"ucc help\" for help") );
else if( Token==TEXT("HELP") )
ShowBanner( Warn );
verify(UObject::StaticLoadClass( UCommandlet::StaticClass(), NULL, TEXT("Core.Commandlet"), NULL, LOAD_NoFail, NULL )==UCommandlet::StaticClass());
const TCHAR* Tmp = appCmdLine();
GIsEditor = 0; // To enable loading localized text.
if( !ParseToken( Tmp, Token, 0 ) )
INT i;
Warn.Logf( TEXT("Usage:") );
Warn.Logf( TEXT(" ucc <command> <parameters>") );
Warn.Logf( TEXT("") );
Warn.Logf( TEXT("Commands for \"ucc\":") );
TArray<FString> Items;
for( i=0; i<List.Num(); i++ )
UClass* Class = UObject::StaticLoadClass( UCommandlet::StaticClass(), NULL, *List(i).Object, NULL, LoadFlags, NULL );
if( Class )
UCommandlet* Default = (UCommandlet*)Class->GetDefaultObject();
new(Items)FString( FString(TEXT(" ucc ")) + RightPad(Default->HelpCmd,21) + TEXT(" ") + Default->HelpOneLiner );
new(Items)FString( TEXT(" ucc help <command> Get help on a command") );
Sort( &Items(0), Items.Num() );
for( i=0; i<Items.Num(); i++ )
Warn.Log( Items(i) );
Help = 1;
goto Process;
// Look it up.
if( Token==TEXT("Make") )
LoadFlags |= LOAD_DisallowFiles;
UClass* Class = UObject::StaticLoadClass( UCommandlet::StaticClass(), NULL, *Token, NULL, LoadFlags, NULL );
if( !Class )
Class = UObject::StaticLoadClass( UCommandlet::StaticClass(), NULL, *(Token+TEXT("Commandlet")), NULL, LoadFlags, NULL );
if( !Class )
for( INT i=0; i<List.Num(); i++ )
FString Str = List(i).Object;
while( Str.InStr(TEXT("."))>=0 )
Str = Str.Mid(Str.InStr(TEXT("."))+1);
if( Token==Str || Token+TEXT("Commandlet")==Str )
if( i<List.Num() )
Class = UObject::StaticLoadClass( UCommandlet::StaticClass(), NULL, *List(i).Object, NULL, LoadFlags, NULL );
if( Class )
UCommandlet* Default = (UCommandlet*)Class->GetDefaultObject();
if( Help )
// Get help on it.
if( Default->HelpUsage!=TEXT("") )
Warn.Logf( TEXT("Usage:") );
Warn.Logf( TEXT(" ucc %s"), *Default->HelpUsage );
if( Default->HelpParm[0]!=TEXT("") )
Warn.Logf( TEXT("") );
Warn.Logf( TEXT("Parameters:") );
for( INT i=0; i<ARRAY_COUNT(Default->HelpParm) && Default->HelpParm[i]!=TEXT(""); i++ )
Warn.Logf( TEXT(" %s %s"), *RightPad(Default->HelpParm[i],16), *Default->HelpDesc[i] );
if( Default->HelpWebLink!=TEXT("") )
Warn.Logf( TEXT("") );
Warn.Logf( TEXT("For more info, see") );
Warn.Logf( TEXT(" %s"), *Default->HelpWebLink );
// Run it.
if( Default->LogToStdout )
Warn.AuxOut = GLog;
GLog = &Warn;
if( Default->ShowBanner )
ShowBanner( Warn );
debugf( TEXT("Executing %s"), Class->GetFullName() );
GIsClient = Default->IsClient;
GIsServer = Default->IsServer;
GIsEditor = Default->IsEditor;
GLazyLoad = Default->LazyLoad;
UCommandlet* Commandlet = ConstructObject<UCommandlet>( Class );
Commandlet->ParseParms( appCmdLine() );
Commandlet->Main( appCmdLine() );
if( Commandlet->ShowErrorCount )
GWarn->Logf( TEXT("Success - 0 error(s), %i warnings"), Warn.WarningCount );
if( Default->LogToStdout )
Warn.AuxOut = NULL;
GLog = &Log;
ShowBanner( Warn );
Warn.Logf( TEXT("Commandlet %s not found"), *Token );
GIsGuarded = 0;
#ifndef _DEBUG
catch( ... )
// Crashed.
ErrorLevel = 1;
GIsGuarded = 0;
GIsStarted = 0;
return ErrorLevel;
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