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Last active April 1, 2020 07:38
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How to use MessagePack with Django REST Framework and Axios

How to use MessagePack with Django REST Framework and Axios

Part 1 of 2: Django Backend

1. Setup Project

  1. Go to the django-rest-framework-msgpack library and have a look around. This is the main library we will be using to implement the MessagePack serializing and deseerializing. Just spend time reading the developer documentation.

  2. Setup our Django example project by running the following:

virtualenv -p python3.6 env
source env/bin/activate
pip install django
python django_admin startproject msgpackserver
cd msgpackserver
  1. Install our Django REST Framework library and our Django Rest Framework Msgpack extention to support MessagePack.
pip install djangorestframework
pip install djangorestframework-msgpack
  1. Configure our settings to look more-or-less like this.
# msgpackserver/msgpackserver/






# - We are able to add different kind of parsers/renders into
#   Django REST and decide which ones to use when the client
#   makes calls.
# - We use set the `Content-Type` and `Accept` in the header
#   to let Django REST know which parser/render to use.


2. Setup App

  1. Run the following command to create our app.
python startapp api
  1. Update our file to look like this:
# msgpackserver/msgpackserver/




  1. Create our file and populate it with the following code:
# msgpackserver/api/

from django.urls import path

from api.views import *
urlpatterns = (
    path('api/hello', HellowAPIView.as_view(), name='hello_api_endpoint'),
  1. Finally make sure our api/ is registered.
# msgpackserver/msgpackserver/

from django.contrib import admin
from django.conf.urls.i18n import i18n_patterns
from django.urls import path, include # This needs to be added

urlpatterns = ([
    # Allow the following apps for being accessed without language string.
    path('', include('shared_foundation.urls')),
    path('', include('api.urls')),

# Add support for language specific context URLs.
urlpatterns += i18n_patterns(
    path('', include('api.urls')),

3. Create API endpoint using MessagePack

Copy and past the following code into your msgpackserver/api/ file:

# msgpackserver/api/

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from rest_framework.views import APIView
from rest_framework.response import Response

class HelloAPIView(APIView):
    throttle_classes = ()
    permission_classes = ()

    def post(self, request):
        name ='name', None)
        return Response(data={
            'details': 'Hello ' + name
        }, status=status.HTTP_200_OK)

Part 2 of 2: Javascript Frontend - Axios

  1. We will be using the msgpack-lite library. Please spend some time reviewing their documentation.

  2. Also if you haven't already read the documentation, please read the axios documentation.

  3. Install our dependencies

npm install --save axios
npm install --save msgpack-lite
  1. The follow code will work.
import axios from 'axios';
import msgpack from 'msgpack-lite';

export function postHello() {
    return dispatch => {
        // Create a new Axios instance which will be sending and receiving in
        // MessagePack (Buffer) format.
        const customAxios = axios.create({
            headers: {
                'Content-Type': 'application/msgpack;', // (1)
                'Accept': 'application/msgpack',        // (2)
            responseType: 'arraybuffer'                 // (3)

        // (1) By setting the value to ``application/msgpack`` we are telling
        //     ``Django REST Framework`` to use our ``MessagePack`` library.
        // (2) Same as (1)
        // (3) We are telling ``Axios`` that the data returned from our server
        //     needs to be in ``arrayBuffer`` format so our ``msgpack-lite``
        //     library can decode it. Special thanks to the following link:

        // Encode from JS Object to MessagePack (Buffer)
        var buffer = msgpack.encode({
            'name': 'Bartlomiej Mika',
        });"http://localhost:8000/api/hello", buffer).then( (successResponse) => {
            // Decode our MessagePack (Buffer) into JS Object.
            const responseData = msgpack.decode(Buffer(;

            // You should see your output in the console! :)

        }).catch( (errorResponse) => {
            // Decode our MessagePack (Buffer) into JS Object.
            const responseData = msgpack.decode(Buffer(;

            // You should see your output in the console! :(

        }).then( () => {
            // Do nothing.

  1. Happy coding! If you would like to see a real-life example, click the following links:
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