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Last active November 17, 2016 10:16
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A HOWTO guide for setting up Python 3.x+ on MacOS.

Setup brew, Python 3, Pip, VirtualEnv, Postgres, gettext, memcached, SSH in MacOS Sierra

By: Bartlomiej Mika at Date: Oct, 13th, 2016


  1. Install Xcode from the Apple App Store.

  2. Install the Command Line Tools of Xcode. Open a Terminal and type:

$ xcode-select --install
  1. Next, we need to install Homebrew. In the Terminal, type this command line:
$ /usr/bin/ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL"
  1. Now, we need to insert the Homebrew directory at the top of the PATH environment variable. In this way, some Homebrew installations will take precedence over stock OS X binaries. Open or create the file ~/.bash_profile and write:
export PATH=/usr/local/bin:$PATH
  1. Close your Terminal and open it again to make these changes effective.

Python 3+

  1. Install python 3 (latest)
$ brew install python3
  1. You can check which version is installed by typing
$ python3 --version
  1. Verify latest is installed:
$ python3


sudo easy_install pip


Q: What is it? A: Python packages installed via the steps above are global in the sense that they are available across all of your projects. That can be convenient at times, but it can also create problems. For example, sometimes one project needs the latest version of Django, while another project needs an older Django version to retain compatibility with a critical third-party extension. This is one of many use cases that virtualenv was designed to solve. On my systems, only a handful of general-purpose Python packages (such as Mercurial and virtualenv) are globally available — every other package is confined to virtual environments.

  1. To install:
$ sudo pip install virtualenv
  1. Create some directories to store our projects and virtual environments, respectively:
$ mkdir -p ~/Developer ~/Virtualenvs
  1. We’ll then open the ~/.bashrc file (which may be created if it doesn’t exist yet)…
$ vi ~/.bashrc

And add some lines to it:

# pip should only run if there is a virtualenv currently activated
# cache pip-installed packages to avoid re-downloading
export PIP_DOWNLOAD_CACHE=$HOME/.pip/cache
  1. Let’s re-load our bash environment:
$ source ~/.bash_profile


  1. Install library for pip.
brew install postgresql
  1. Download for OSX:

  2. Copy into /Applications

  3. Run it

  4. includes many command line tools. If you want to use them, you must configure the $PATH variable. If you are using bash (default shell on OS X), add the following line to ~/.bash_profile:

export PATH=$PATH:/Applications/

SSH Keys

  1. Generate SSH key for account.
mkdir ~/.ssh/;
cd ~/.ssh/;
ssh-keygen -t rsa;
  1. Print the SSH key and copy it to whatever service you us.
cat ~/.ssh/;


Using brew to install the app.

brew install gettext
brew link gettext --force


  1. Run the following command:
brew install memcached
brew install libmemcached
brew install lzlib
  1. To startup the cache, run the following.
/usr/local/bin/memcached -d -u nobody


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