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Created December 3, 2015 00:24
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formatter for clojure using cljfmt
;; boot fmt -f myfile.clj
;; boot fmt -f src
;; -- it will change files inplace
(set-env! :dependencies '[[cljfmt "0.3.0"]])
(require '[cljfmt.core :as fmt]
'[ :as io])
(defn fmt-file [f]
(println "formatting" (.getName f))
(spit f (fmt/reformat-string (slurp f))))
(defn clj-file? [f]
(and (.exists f) (.isFile f) (not (.isHidden f))
(contains? #{"clj" "cljs" "cljc" "cljx" "boot"}
(last (.split (.toLowerCase (.getName f)) "\\.")))))
(deftask fmt [f files VAL str "file(s) to format"]
(let [f (io/file files)]
(when (.exists f)
(doall (map fmt-file (filter clj-file? (if (.isDirectory f) (file-seq f) [f])))))))
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