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Last active December 31, 2015 01:19
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Keplerian rates to coordinates
# Based on NASA JPL -
# Perhaps increase accuracy with big.js
keplerian_position = (data, centuries) ->
data = data.kepler
T = centuries # past J2000.0
keplerian_value = (data, value, T) ->
data[value + '0'] + data[value + '1'] * T
a = keplerian_value(data, 'a', T)
e = keplerian_value(data, 'e', T)
I = keplerian_value(data, 'I', T)
L = keplerian_value(data, 'L', T)
p = keplerian_value(data, 'p', T)
n = keplerian_value(data, 'n', T)
# Argument of perihelion
w = p - n
# Mean anomaly
M = L - p
# Modulus the mean anomaly so that -180 <= M <= +180 degrees
# M = M % 180
to_degrees = (angle) -> angle * (180 / Math.PI)
to_radians = (angle) -> angle * (Math.PI / 180)
approximate_E = (e, M) ->
e_star = to_degrees(e)
tolerance = Math.pow 10, -4
E_n = M + e_star * Math.sin(to_radians M)
delta_E = 1
i = 0
while Math.abs(delta_E) > tolerance
delta_M = M - (E_n - e_star * Math.sin(to_radians E_n))
delta_E = delta_M / (1 - e * Math.cos(to_radians E_n))
E_n = E_n + delta_E
if i > 3000
console.error 'Maximum iterations reached while approximating E_n with ' + e + ' and ' + M
return to_radians E_n
E = approximate_E(e, M)
x_ = a * (Math.cos(E) - e)
y_ = a * Math.sqrt(1 - Math.pow(e, 2)) * Math.sin(E)
z_ = 0
# Prepare frequently calculated values
w_rad = to_radians w
n_rad = to_radians n
I_rad = to_radians I
L_rad = to_radians L
cos_w_rad = Math.cos(w_rad)
sin_w_rad = Math.sin(w_rad)
cos_n_rad = Math.cos(n_rad)
sin_n_rad = Math.sin(n_rad)
cos_I_rad = Math.cos(I_rad)
sin_I_rad = Math.sin(I_rad)
x = (cos_w_rad * cos_n_rad - sin_w_rad * sin_n_rad * cos_I_rad) * x_ + (-1 * sin_w_rad * cos_n_rad - cos_w_rad * sin_n_rad * cos_I_rad) * y_
y = (cos_w_rad * cos_n_rad + sin_w_rad * sin_n_rad * cos_I_rad) * x_ + (-1 * sin_w_rad * cos_n_rad + cos_w_rad * sin_n_rad * cos_I_rad) * y_
z = (sin_w_rad * sin_I_rad) * x_ + (cos_w_rad * sin_I_rad) * y_
# Obtain equatorial coordinates in ICRF / J2000 frame
obliquity = to_radians 23.43828
x_eq = x
y_eq = Math.cos(obliquity) * y - Math.sin(obliquity) * z
z_eq = Math.sin(obliquity) * y - Math.cos(obliquity) * z
return {'x': x_eq, 'y': y_eq, 'z': z_eq, 'E': E}
# Export and cache
root = exports ? this
root.keplerian_position = _.memoize keplerian_position, (d,t) -> "#{},#{t}"
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