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Last active April 11, 2019 06:48
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  • Save bartoszek/a2913e28f6cdef035fd07ffa4b13797b to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save bartoszek/a2913e28f6cdef035fd07ffa4b13797b to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Move AUR packages to and post message to package comment section informing users about the switch.
#!/bin/bash -x
# configuration: github user(required), github token(optional)
token="" #
#test if user non-zero
[ -z "$user" ] && {
echo "fill user variable in configuration section" >&2;
read -p "github username:" user;
#test if inside clone of aur repo
git remote get-url origin|grep -q || { echo "run `basename $0` for within clone of aur repo" >&2; exit 1; }
#test if has jq
hash jq || { echo "jq(1) is requred" >&2; exit 1; }
#repo name from pwd
repo_name="AUR-$(basename $(pwd))"
#test if repo already exist befor poking the API
#add "API rate limit exceeded"
message=$(curl -s${user}/${repo_name}|jq -r .message)
expr match "$message" "API rate limit exceeded.*" && { echo $message >&2; exit 1; }
[ "$message" = "Not Found" ] && {
[ -n "$token" ] \
&& curl -H "Authorization: token ${token}" -d "{\"name\":\"${repo_name}\"}" \
|| curl -u "${user}" -d "{\"name\":\"${repo_name}\"}"
} >&2
#test if remote already exist before trying to add one
git remote get-url github || git remote add github${user}/${repo_name}.git
git push github master
#!/bin/bash -x
#wip: probe for ID alongside $token
# configuration
#trap 'rm /tmp/aur_cookie.txt' EXIT
#test if configured
[ -z "&aur_username" -or -z "&git_username" ] && { echo "fill configuration variable in script header" &>2; exit 1; }
# define evals for `curl`
_curl='curl -s -b /tmp/aur_cookie.txt "${pkgname}/"'
# post comment needs: token, comment, ID ( can be anything, AUR isn't chacking it )
_curl_post_comment=$_curl' -d "action=do_AddComment&ID=141089&token=${token}&comment=${message}"'
# pin comment needs: token, comment_id
_curl_pin_comment=$_curl' -d "action=do_PinComment&comment_id=${comment_id}&token=${token}"'
# message base on PKGBUILD
[ ! -f PKGBUILD ] && { echo "PKGBUILD missing, run $(basename "$0") inside package folder" >&2; exit 1; }
pkgname=$(. PKGBUILD; echo $pkgname)
message="$(eval echo $_message_eval_template)"
# check if cookie.txt exist
# get cookie with: curl -c cookie.txt -d "user=" -d "password="
[ -f /tmp/aur_cookie.txt ] || {
read -p "password for ${aur_username}@aur:" pass
curl -s -c /tmp/aur_cookie.txt '' -d "user=${aur_username}&passwd=$pass" >/dev/null
# get post token by probing comment FORM
token=$(eval ${_curl}|grep -Po 'name="token" value="\K[a-z0-9]*'|head -n1)
# post a comment
eval ${_curl_post_comment}
# get $comment_id
comment_id=$(eval ${_curl}|grep -Po 'name="comment_id" value="\K[0-9]*'|head -n1)
# ping comment base on $comment_id
eval ${_curl_pin_comment}
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