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Last active December 11, 2015 02:59
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  • Save bartrail/4534893 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save bartrail/4534893 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
This is a plugin for the famous RoyalSlider by Dmitry Semenov. It adds HTML5 History API support for sliding through images or content. Basically it replaces the deeplinking plugin - which is already great and very much useful for most cases. But I needed named urls and more custom features, also Dimitry suggests to build an own plugin, well her…
(function($) {
* This plugin is released under the MIT Licene (
* RoyalSlider HTML5 HistoryApi Plugin by Conrad Barthelmes
* @requires RoyalSlider
* @requires History.js API
* - bundled jquery.history.js for html4+html5 support
* @version 0.1 - 2013-01-14
$.extend($.rsProto, {
_initHistoryApi: function() {
var self = this,
baseTitle = document.title, // the original page title, might be needed for changing titles later
slides = []; // keeps an obj with id and attrUrl for identification with RS
self.rsHistory = window.History; // History object stored in the RS instance for better extensibility from the History.js API
self._historyDefaults = {
enabled : true, // enables the plugin
baseUri : '/', // when you're dealing with human-readable uri's with slashes like /portfolio/web/
// and load this page intially, all other paths will be attached and /portfolio/web/ is not replaced,
// so change this to your actual base uri where the slider is
dataAttr : {
uri : 'history-uri', // slides should keep an data-{history-uri}="about-me"
// attribute with their target uri, otherwise id "?slide={id}"will be used as default
title : 'history-title', // slides can keep an data-{history-title}="About me"
// attribute with their target page title which can be changed too
// leave empty in slide or leave out for no title change
data : 'history-data' // some custom data in json format or an js-object that can be used elsewhere
// data-{history-data}='{ "my":"data", "is":["super","flexible"]}'
// NOTE: be sure to enter it with single colons and use double quotes for
// properties and all values to have jQuery read it as an object
title: {
prefix : false, // you may set a title prefix when changing titles with dataAttr.title
keepOriginal: true // whether or not to keep the original title, add a prefix to have all three
// {originalTitle}{prefix}{slideTitle}
callbacks: {
afterPushState: function(pushData) {}, //
stateChange : function(state) {} // stateChange callback after the state has changed with the history.js state object
// merge deep recursively = $.extend(true, {}, self._historyDefaults,;
if( {
if(!self.rsHistory.enabled) {
// History.js is disabled for this browser.
// This is because we can optionally choose to support HTML4 browsers or not.
// @see
return false;
// build slides array after initialization
self.ev.on('rsAfterInit', function(ev) {
var uri, i;
// build slides array with uris to match their id
for(i = 0; i < self.slides.length; i++) {
uri = self.slides[i];
// fill with default value
if(uri == undefined) {
uri = '?slide='+i
uri : uri
// now check if a current id is running and show it :)
var currentUri = document.location.pathname.replace(, '');
for(i = 0; i < slides.length; i++) {
// load found url // or default one
if(slides[i].uri == currentUri || slides[i].uri == {
// other way to go directly to desired slide instead of changing speed?
var transitionSpeed =; = 0;
self.goTo(i); = transitionSpeed;
// the actual statechange event to show the slides
self.rsHistory.Adapter.bind(window, 'statechange', function() {
var state = self.rsHistory.getState();
for(var i = 0; i < slides.length; i++) {
if(slides[i].uri == {
// update the history before an animation
self.ev.on('rsBeforeAnimStart', function(ev) {
var currentSlide = this.currSlide.content, // jquery slide object
historyData =, // the custom data
historyUri = slides[this.currSlideId].uri, // the custom uri-part
historyUrl, // the whole url
historyTitle =, // the title
pushData; // the pushed data
// missing data attribute filling with null
if(historyData == undefined) {
historyData = null;
// add baseUri because pushState replaces everything
historyUrl = + historyUri;
// missing title attribute filling with default one
if(historyTitle == undefined) {
historyTitle = baseTitle;
// check for prefix and add it if avaiable
if( {
historyTitle =;
// add the original title if wanted
if( {
historyTitle = baseTitle + historyTitle;
pushData = {
slide: this.currSlideId, // the slide's id
title: historyTitle, // the pushed page title
uri: historyUri, // NOTE: historyUri (only the custom path),
url: historyUrl, // NOTE: historsUrl (the whole path)
data: historyData // the custom history data
// push the new page to the history stack
historyTitle, // the new title
historyUrl // NOTE: historyUrl (the whole path)
// call callback after pushing state;
$.rsModules.historyApi = $.rsProto._initHistoryApi;
// Usage:
var slider = $('.royalSlider').royalSlider({
keyboardNavEnabled: true,
loop: true,
historyOptions: {
enabled : true,
baseUri : '/my-subfolder/with/gallery/',
dataAttr : { // customize them when needed
uri : 'history-uri',
title : 'history-title',
data : 'history-data'
title : {
prefix : ' - ',
keepOriginal : true
callbacks: {
afterPushState: function(pushData) {
// do something after the pushState action
stateChange : function(state) {
// do something after the stateChange event
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Hi Conrad,

The features of your plugin seems awesome, but we (some friends and I) can't manage to make it work with the latest version of RoyalSlider (9.4.8).
Do you have a link to provide for a demo, or a website using it effectively please?

Thanks very much!

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addiing attributes to my slides does not change the url

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ghost commented Feb 1, 2015

Anyone have a working example of this, cant seem to get it to work.

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