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Created March 1, 2016 09:46
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  • Save bartvanremortele/0cfa99eb422731b03bb7 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save bartvanremortele/0cfa99eb422731b03bb7 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Arigato Gozaimas Kato
//Load auction data from Firebase (FB)
thisAuction.on('value', function(snapshot) {
var setTime = snapshot.val().times;
var setIncrement = snapshot.val().increment;
var setItemImage = snapshot.val().image;
var setItem = snapshot.val().item;
var setItemDescription = snapshot.val().description;
var setBidders = snapshot.val().bidders;
var setBestBid = snapshot.val().bestBid;
$('#timer').text(setTime); //countdown defined by creator
// if (($('#timer').text())*1 ===0){ alert("Auction is not active yet");}
//Each time user clicks beats current amount by a constant increment defined by auction creator
ui.on('click','#doBid', function(event) {
var currentBestBid = ($('#currentBestBid').text())*1;
var increment = ($('#itemIncrement').text())*1;
var currentBid = currentBestBid+increment; //What if 'n' users are pushing at the same time ? Will data be up to date?
var pushAvatar = $('#playerAvatarProfile').find("img").attr('src');
var myBid = {
bid: currentBid,
me: pushAvatar,
thisAuctionBids.push(myBid); //public
myBids.push(myBid); //private
//update the bestBid value of the auction so that cycle can start all over again
// should we wrap this call in a transaction to ensure the bestBid value is updated to all clients properly?
}); //push offer/bid
ui.on('click','#doCreate', function(event) {
var itemName = $('#itemName').val();
var itemDescription = $('#itemDescription').val();
var itemUrl = $('#itemUrl').val();
var bidders = $('#biddersInput').val();
var time = $('#timeInput').val();
var maxBid = $('#maxBidInput').val();
var increment = $('#incrementInput').val();
var passprotected = $('#passwordInput').val();
// This 3 next lines crashes the browser * check comment below
var generateUrl = auctions.push();
var url =;
var generatedUrl= $("#urlInput").val(url);
var newAuction = {
admin:, // push my as admin
item: itemName,
image: itemUrl,
bidders: bidders,
times: time,
maxBid: maxBid,
, url: generatedUrl
// *setTimeout prevents the browser from crashing but feels very dirty :(
setTimeout(function() {
}, 5000);
// on loading auction details check if user is the admin
thisAuction.on('value', function(snapshot) {
var admin= snapshot.val().admin;
//if user is admin
if ({
//change ui (show a button that on click starts the auction)
//is this a proper way of doing it? Security rules are the answer ? I'm not 'getting it' yet. looks a bit too much for what I'm aiming for
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