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Last active August 15, 2016 17:39
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Processinglang/Java computational geometry utils
import megamu.mesh.*;
static class GeomUtils {
static PVector centroid(MPolygon polygon) {
return centroid(toVectorArray(polygon.getCoords()));
static PVector centroid(PVector[] polygon) {
int l = polygon.length;
float a = signedArea(polygon);
float sx=0, sy=0;
for (int i=0; i<l; i++) {
sx += (polygon[i%l].x + polygon[(i+1)%l].x)
* (polygon[i%l].x * polygon[(i+1)%l].y - polygon[(i+1)%l].x * polygon[i%l].y);
sy += (polygon[i%l].y + polygon[(i+1)%l].y)
* (polygon[i%l].x * polygon[(i+1)%l].y - polygon[(i+1)%l].x * polygon[i%l].y);
float cx = sx * (1/(6*a));
float cy = sy * (1/(6*a));
return new PVector(cx, cy);
static float signedArea(PVector[] polygon) {
int l = polygon.length;
float t = 0;
for (int i=0; i<l; i++) {
t += (polygon[i%l].x * polygon[(i+1)%l].y - polygon[(i+1)%l].x * polygon[i%l].y);
return t * 0.5;
static float[][] toFloatArray(PVector[] points) {
float[][] points_ = new float[points.length][2];
for (int i=0; i<points.length; i++) {
points_[i][0] = points[i].x;
points_[i][1] = points[i].y;
return points_;
static PVector[] toVectorArray(float[][] points) {
PVector[] points_ = new PVector[points.length];
for (int i=0; i<points.length; i++) {
points_[i] = new PVector(points[i][0], points[i][1]);
return points_;
static PVector[] toVectorArray(MPolygon polygon) {
return toVectorArray(polygon.getCoords());
static PVector constrainPoint(PVector point, float lx, float ly, float hx, float hy) {
return new PVector(constrain(point.x, lx, hx), constrain(point.y, ly, hy));
static PVector[] scalePolygon(PVector[] polygon, float scale) {
PVector[] polygon_ = new PVector[polygon.length];
for (int i=0; i<polygon.length; i++) {
polygon_[i] = new PVector(polygon[i].x * scale, polygon[i].y * scale);
return polygon_;
static void dump(float[][] points) {
println("Point array (len: " + points.length + "):");
for (int i=0; i<points.length; i++) {
println("\tn:" + i + " x: " + points[i][0] + " y: " + points[i][1]);
static void dump(PVector[] points) {
static void drawPolygon(PGraphics g, PVector[] points) {
for (PVector point : points) {
g.vertex(point.x, point.y);
static void drawPolygon(PGraphics g, PVector[] points, float scale) {
drawPolygon(g, scalePolygon(points, scale));
static void drawPoints(PGraphics g, PVector[] points) {
for (PVector point : points) {
g.vertex(point.x, point.y);
static void drawPoint(PGraphics g, PVector point) {
g.point(point.x, point.y);
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