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Last active June 9, 2023 14:26
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$ cat ./ ./gpt | gpt Please update the README >

Just kidding, I wrote the readme... or did I?

$ gpt

This Bash script uses the OpenAI API to generate a response to a user-specified query using the GPT-3 language model. The response is appended to a specified context file, which contains the history of messages and responses.


To use this script, you will need:

  • Bash (version 4 or later)
  • curl
  • jq
  • pandoc (optional pretty printing to terminal)
  • elinks (optional retty printing to terminal)

You will also need an OpenAI API key, which can be obtained from the OpenAI website.


  1. Copy paste the script in a $PATH directory.
  2. Make the script executable with chmod +x gpt.
  3. Add export OPENAI_KEY="your-api-key" to your .bashrc.

You can now run the script.

Note: If you do not wish to export your OpenAI API key, you can include it directly in the script by replacing $OPENAI_KEY with your actual API key.


To run the script, use the following command:

gpt                   # Opens the context file for editing.
gpt Hellp gpt         # Uses the arguments as input.
stdin | gpt           # Uses the stdin as user input.
stdin | gpt Hello gpt # Uses stdin + arguments as input.

It's important to know that you can configure gpt using the environment variables. I create gpt aliases for different tasks. Here is a list of those variables and their default values.


$WINDOWID is unique for every terminal you open. This allows you to spawn a new terminal and start with a clean slate.

alias programmer-gpt='OPENAI_PROMPT="$HOME/programmer.prompt" gpt'
alias git-gpt='OPENAI_PROMPT="$HOME/git.prompt" gpt'
#!/usr/bin/env bash
set -eou pipefail
# Set default environment variables
readonly OPENAI_API=""
readonly OPENAI_KEY="${OPENAI_KEY:?OPENAI_KEY is not set}"
readonly OPENAI_MODEL="${OPENAI_MODEL:-gpt-3.5-turbo}"
readonly OPENAI_PROMPT="${OPENAI_PROMPT:-/tmp/gpt.$WINDOWID.prompt}"
# Create the prompt file if it doesn't exist
if [ ! -f "$OPENAI_PROMPT" ]; then
echo 'You are a helpful assistant that answers questions.
You print valid markdown.' > "$OPENAI_PROMPT"
echo -e "\n$OPENAI_PROMPT"
cat "$OPENAI_PROMPT" 1>&2
# Function to handle script exits and print error messages
function handle_exit {
local status=$?
if [ $status -ne 0 ]; then
echo "Script failed with status code $status on command: $BASH_COMMAND" >&2
trap handle_exit EXIT
# If no arguments and no stdin
if [ -z "$*" ] && [ -t 0 ]; then
if [ -t 1 ]; then
exit 0
# If input is provided, append it to the context file
if [ ! -t 0 ]; then
cat - >> "$OPENAI_CONTEXT"
# Append any arguments to the context file
if [ -n "$*" ]; then
echo "$*" >> "$OPENAI_CONTEXT"
# Function to create the prompt object for OpenAI API
function create_prompt {
jq --raw-input '{"role": "system", "content": .}' < "$OPENAI_PROMPT" | jq --slurp
function pretty_print {
if [ -t 1 ] ; then
pandoc -f markdown -t html - | elinks --dump --dump-color-mode 1
cat -
# TODO: change temperature, and/or presence/frequency penalty settings in order to unlobotomise the bot a little more.
# Build the message object and send it to OpenAI API with curl
jq --null-input \
--argfile PROMPT <(create_prompt) \
--rawfile MESSAGE <(tail -c "$OPENAI_TOKENS" "$OPENAI_CONTEXT") '{
"model": $MODEL,
"messages": [
"role": "user",
"content": $MESSAGE
}' | curl --fail-early -s \
--no-buffer \
-H "Authorization: Bearer $OPENAI_KEY" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
--data-binary @- "$OPENAI_API" |
jq -e -r '.choices[0].message.content' |
tee -a "$OPENAI_CONTEXT" |
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Nice warper! You may want to check out my script script, it has lots of features and maybe it can be useful for your use cases. Cheers!

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bas081 commented May 28, 2023

Thanks @mountaineerbr, I assume you meant wrapper; warper sounds way cooler though. I might borrow an idea or two from your script, but this gist is meant to stay a simple warper.

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@bas081 OK, I understand. That is worthwhile to have your own chatgpt script, at least you know exactly what is going on!
If I may point it out, perhaps setting temperature, and/or presence/frequency penalty is in order to unlobotomise the bot a little more..
The guys at The Linux Link Tech Show use the word "warp" as a verb for describing what some programmes do, not as agentive noun which is grammatically wrong, but you get the gist! Cheers!

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