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Created April 1, 2014 22:15
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import grails.util.GrailsUtil
import grails.util.Environment
printMessage = { String message -> event('StatusUpdate', [message]) }
errorMessage = { String message -> event('StatusError', [message]) }
configSlurp = { -> new ConfigSlurper(GrailsUtil.environment).parse(new File("./grails-app/conf/Config.groovy").toURL())}
eventCleanStart = {
def config = configSlurp()
println "deleting ${config."coffeescript-compiler".appSource.jsOutputPath} with compiled coffee files"
//printMessage "deleting is ${config."coffeescript-compiler".appSource.jsOutputPath}"
eventCompileEnd = { kind ->
println "coffeescript-compiler compiling...."
def config = configSlurp()
//hack to work around the CoffeeCompiler needing the Holder.grailsApplication.classLoader
def ga = [getClassLoader:{-> classLoader}] as org.codehaus.groovy.grails.commons.GrailsApplication
def coffeeCompilerManager = classLoader.loadClass("").newInstance()
//println "got ${coffeeCompilerManager} "
def csconfig = config."coffeescript-compiler".pluginConfig
//println "got coffeescript-compiler config ${csconfig}"
coffeeCompilerManager.minifyJS = getMinifyJSFlag( csconfig )
coffeeCompilerManager.minifyJS = false
coffeeCompilerManager.purgeJS = csconfig.containsKey( "purgeJS" ) ? csconfig.purgeJS as Boolean : false
coffeeCompilerManager.wrapJS = ( csconfig.containsKey( "wrapJS" ) ) ? csconfig.wrapJS as Boolean : true
coffeeCompilerManager.overrideJS = ( csconfig.containsKey( "overrideJS" ) ) ? csconfig.overrideJS as Boolean : true
coffeeCompilerManager.forceRhino = ( csconfig.containsKey( "forceRhino" ) ) ? csconfig.forceRhino as Boolean : false
coffeeCompilerManager.compileFromConfig( config )
println "coffeescript-compiler finished"
* Will only minifyJS in configured environments or production of config is left out.
* @param config The application config
* @return Boolean if current environment matches one in the config
getMinifyJSFlag = { csconfig ->
csconfig?.containsKey( "minifyInEnvironment" ) ?
csconfig.minifyInEnvironment.intersect( [ Environment.current, Environment.current.toString() ] ).size() > 0 :
Environment.current == Environment.PRODUCTION
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