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Last active December 19, 2019 23:43
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package main
import (
type Palette struct {
Name string
Colours map[string]string
type reference struct {
P *Palette
Count int
func main() {
palettes := []*Palette{
Name: "colours",
Colours: map[string]string{
"tomato": "#FF1212",
"apple": "#11DD22",
Name: "brand",
Colours: map[string]string{
"brand": "#001122",
"brand-light": "#112233",
Name: "grey",
Colours: map[string]string{
"light": "#DDDDDD",
"dark": "#121212",
Name: "aggregated",
Colours: map[string]string{
"ligher": "grey--light",
"light": "brand--brand",
"dark": "grey--dark",
"darker": "interactions--button-primary",
"apple": "colours--apple",
Name: "interactions",
Colours: map[string]string{
"button-primary": "brand--brand",
"button-danger": "colours--tomato",
"button-positive": "colours--apple",
"button-other": "colours--apple",
Name: "notifications",
Colours: map[string]string{
"danger": "colours--tomato",
"positive": "colours--apple",
"other": "colours--apple",
// Build colours index (colour -> palette)
colours := map[string]string{}
for _, p := range palettes {
for ck := range p.Colours {
name := strings.Join([]string{p.Name, ck}, "--")
colours[name] = p.Name
// Build distance matrix & ref counter
mref := map[string]*reference{}
dmap := clustering.DistanceMap{}
for i := range palettes {
cmap := map[clustering.ClusterItem]float64{}
a := palettes[i].Name
dmap[a] = cmap
mref[a] = &reference{P: palettes[i]}
for j := range palettes {
b := palettes[j].Name
cmap[b] = math.MaxInt8 // Add distance between the two vertices
// Populate matrix
for _, p := range palettes {
for _, cv := range p.Colours {
other, ok := colours[cv]
if !ok {
continue // Not a pointer to another colour
// Inc palettes ref counter
// Reduce distance as we add a new reference
// Cluster palettes
clusters := clustering.NewDistanceMapClusterSet(dmap)
chk := clustering.MaxClusters(len(palettes) / 2)
clustering.Cluster(clusters, chk, clustering.CompleteLinkage())
// Enumerate clusters and print palettes
clusters.EachCluster(-1, func(cluster int) {
clusters.EachItem(cluster, func(x clustering.ClusterItem) {
debug(cluster, x)
// Output(ish):
// 0 colours
// 0 brand
// 0 notifications
// 1 aggregated
// 1 interactions
// 2 grey
// Get ref counter and sort it
refs := make([]*reference, 0, len(palettes))
for _, ref := range mref {
refs = append(refs, ref)
sort.Slice(refs, func(i, j int) bool { return refs[i].Count > refs[j].Count })
debug("\nMost referenced palettes")
for _, ref := range refs {
debug(ref.P.Name, ref.Count)
// Output:
// colours 7
// aggregated 5
// interactions 5
// notifications 3
// brand 2
// grey 2
func debug(v ...interface{}) {
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