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Last active December 27, 2015 20:49
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Save bash0C7/7387774 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Gorutine Training
package main
import "fmt"
import "time"
import "os"
import "flag"
func main() {
buffer_size := func() int {
b := 0
flag.IntVar(&b, "buffer_size", 0, "buffer_size")
return b
doit("html", "urlstring", buffer_size)
func doit(format string, url string, buffer_size int) {
fmt.Println("start of doit")
source := make(chan string, buffer_size)
post_done := make(chan int)
source_count := prepair_source(source, url)
go post(post_done, source)
exit_if(func() bool {
fmt.Println(" #start of exit_if block")
posted_count := 0
for {
posted_count = posted_count + <-post_done
if source_count <= posted_count {
fmt.Println(" #end of set exit_if block")
return true
fmt.Println("end of doit")
func post(post_done chan int, source chan string) {
fmt.Println(" !start of post")
for {
time.Sleep(time.Second + time.Second)
fmt.Println(" !start of for")
fmt.Println(" !post! " + <-source)
fmt.Println(" !end of for")
post_done <- 1
fmt.Println(" !end of post")
func prepair_source(source chan string, url string) int {
fmt.Println(" @start of prepair_source")
go func() {
fmt.Println(" @start of gorutine in prepair_source")
fmt.Println(" @set url1")
source <- url + "1"
fmt.Println(" @set url2")
source <- url + "2"
fmt.Println(" @set url3")
source <- url + "3"
fmt.Println(" @end of gorutine in prepair_source")
fmt.Println(" @end of set prepair_source")
return 3
func exit_if(condition func() bool) {
if condition() {
## チャネルのバッファが3=読み込み全部バッファに入る数
go run gorutine_training.go -buffer_size 3
start of doit
@start of prepair_source
@end of set prepair_source
@start of gorutine in prepair_source
#start of exit_if block
@set url1
!start of post
@set url2
!start of for
!post! urlstring1
!end of for
@set url3
@end of gorutine in prepair_source
!start of for
!post! urlstring2
!end of for
!start of for
!post! urlstring3
!end of for
#end of set exit_if block
## チャネルのバッファがゼロ=実質シーケンシャルな動き
go run gorutine_training.go -buffer_size 0
start of doit
@start of prepair_source
@end of set prepair_source
@start of gorutine in prepair_source
#start of exit_if block
@set url1
!start of post
!start of for
!post! urlstring1
!end of for
@set url2
!start of for
!post! urlstring2
!end of for
@set url3
!start of for
!post! urlstring3
@end of gorutine in prepair_source
!end of for
#end of set exit_if block
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