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Created January 29, 2014 12:48
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// Marionette.Gauntlet v0.0.0
// --------------------------
// Build wizard-style workflows with an event-emitting state machine
// Requires Backbone.Picky (
// Copyright (C) 2012 Muted Solutions, LLC.
// Distributed under MIT license
// Modifications by Sebastiaan Hilbers
(function (factory) {
// Set up Marionette.Gauntlet appropriately for the environment. Start with AMD.
if (typeof define === 'function' && define.amd)
define(['backbone', 'backbone.picky', 'backbone.marionette', 'jquery', 'underscore'], factory);
// Next for Node.js or CommonJS.
else if (typeof exports === 'object')
factory(require('backbone'), require('backbone.picky'), require('backbone.marionette'), require('jquery'), require('underscore'));
// Finally, as a browser global.
factory(Backbone, Backbone.Picky, Backbone.Marionette, $, _);
}(function (Backbone, Picky, Marionette, $, _) {
return Marionette.Gauntlet = function () {
// A selectable model that represents an individual step
// in the wizard / workflow
var WizardStep = Backbone.Model.extend({
initialize: function () {
var selectable = new Picky.Selectable(this);
_.extend(this, selectable);
// A collection of wizard steps, defining the over-all workflow
// of the wizard.
var WizardStepCollection = Backbone.Collection.extend({
model: WizardStep,
initialize: function () {
this.emptyStep = new this.model({ isEmpty: true });
this.finalStep = new this.model({ isFinal: true, name: "Done" });
var selectable = new Picky.SingleSelect(this);
_.extend(this, selectable);
// Get the next step in the workflow
getNext: function () {
var index, nextIndex, nextStep;
if (!this.selected) {
index = 0;
} else {
index = this.indexOf(this.selected);
if (index < this.length - 1) {
nextIndex = index + 1;
nextStep = || this.emptyStep;
} else {
nextStep = this.finalStep;
return nextStep;
// Get the previous step in the workflow
getPrevious: function () {
var index, nextIndex;
if (!this.selected) {
index = 0;
} else {
index = this.indexOf(this.selected);
if (index > 0) {
nextIndex = index - 1;
} else {
nextIndex = -1;
return || this.emptyStep;
var Gauntlet = Marionette.Controller.extend({
constructor: function (options) {
Marionette.Controller.prototype.constructor.apply(this, arguments);
if (!options || !options.workflowSteps) {
var error = new Error("Wizard needs `workflowSteps` badly.") = "NoWorkflowStepsError";
throw error;
this.steps = new WizardStepCollection(options.workflowSteps);
this.filters = {};
this.onSteps = {};
// Get the list of steps that run this workflow
getSteps: function () {
return this.steps;
// Update the list of steps that run this workflow
updateSteps: function (workflowSteps) {
var _currentStep = this._currentStep;
var currentStepId = _currentStep ? : null;
var currentStep = null;
if (currentStepId && (currentStep = this.steps.get(currentStepId))) {
getCurrentStep: function() {
return this._currentStep;
getNextStep: function () {
return this.steps.getNext();
getPreviousStep: function () {
return this.steps.getPrevious();
// Move to the next step in the workflow
nextStep: function () {
var nextStep = this.steps.getNext();
// Move to the previous step in the workflow
previousStep: function () {
var previousStep = this.steps.getPrevious();
// Complete the workflow and move on
complete: function () {
var onComplete = this.filters.onComplete;
if (_.isObject(onComplete)) {;
// Add a step handler by key, providing a handler
// callback function and an optional context object
// for executing the handler callback
onStep: function (stepKey, handler, context) {
var stepList = this.onSteps[stepKey];
if (!stepList) {
stepList = [];
this.onSteps[stepKey] = stepList;
handler: handler,
context: context
// Run a callback before moving to another step
beforeMove: function (fn, context) {
this.filters.beforeMove = { fn: fn, context: context };
// Run a callback after moving to another step
afterMove: function (fn, context) {
this.filters.afterMove = { fn: fn, context: context };
// Run a callback after the workflow has been completed
onComplete: function (fn, context) {
this.filters.onComplete = { fn: fn, context: context };
// Move to a given step by the step's "key"
moveToByKey: function (stepKey) {
stepKey = stepKey || "";
var step = this.steps.where({ key: stepKey })[0];
if (step) {
// Move to a specified step
moveTo: function (step) {
var oldStep = this.getCurrentStep();
// build a function to call when we're ready to move
var done = _.bind(function (doChangeStep) {
if (doChangeStep) {
// set the current step, then run all the step callbacks
this._setCurrentStep(step, function () {
var key = step.get("key");
var afterMove = this.filters.afterMove;
if (_.isObject(afterMove)) {, oldStep && oldStep.attributes, step.attributes);
}, this);
// only run the beforeMove filter if this is not the first
// step to be shown in this instance of the gauntlet
var isFirstUse = (!this._currentStep);
var beforeMove = this.filters.beforeMove;
if (/*!isFirstUse && */_.isObject(beforeMove)) {, oldStep && oldStep.attributes, step.attributes, done);
} else {
// Set the current step and optionally run a callback
// function after the current step has been set.
_setCurrentStep: function (step, cb) {
var key = step.get("key");
this.trigger("step", key);
this.trigger("step:" + key);
if (this._currentStep !== step) {
this._currentStep = step;;
if (cb) { cb.apply(this); }
// Clear the current step
_clearCurrentStep: function () {
if (this._currentStep) {
delete this._currentStep;
_runStepCallbacks: function (stepKey) {
var stepList = this.onSteps[stepKey];
if (!stepList) { return; }
var length = stepList.length;
for (var i = 0; i < length; i++) {
var config = stepList[i];
if (!_.isFunction(config.handler)) {
var error = new Error("Cannot run step for '" + stepKey + "'. Handler not found."); = "StepHandlerNotFound";
throw error;
// Export Public API
return Gauntlet;
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