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Created December 30, 2018 19:27
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{ = || "oracle";
var _ = require('lodash');
var keywords = {
deathtouch: {cr:"702.2"},
defender: {cr:"702.3"},
"double strike": {cr:"702.4"},
"first strike": {cr:"702.7"},
flash: {cr:"702.8"},
flying: {cr:"702.9"},
haste: {cr:"702.10"},
hexproof: {cr:"702.11"},
intimidate: {cr:"702.13"},
indestructable: {cr:"702.12"},
lifelink: {cr:"702.15"},
reach: {cr:"702.17"},
shroud: {cr:"702.18"},
trample: {cr:"702.19"},
vigilance: {cr:"702.20"},
flanking: {cr:"702.24"},
phasing: {cr:"702.25"},
shadow: {cr:"702.27"},
horsemanship: {cr:"702.30"},
fear: {cr:"702.35"},
flanking: {cr:"???.??"}
function numericQuery(name, op, val) {
var o;
switch ( op ) {
case ':':
case '=':
o = val;
case '>': o = {"$gt": val}; break;
case '<': o = {"$lt": val}; break;
case '>=': o = {"$gte": val}; break;
case '<=': o = {"$lte": val}; break;
var x = {};
x[name] = o;
return x;
function smartMap(a, f) {
if ( _.isObject(a) ) {
if ( '$in' in a ) return {'$in': a['$in'].map(f)};
if ( '$all' in a ) return {'$all': a['$all'].map(f)};
else return f(a);
function textQ(a) {
if ( _.isRegExp(a) ) return a;
return new RegExp(a.replace(/[-[\]{}()*+?.,\\^$|#\s]/g, "\\$&"),'i');
function fastTextQ(a) {
if ( _.isRegExp(a) ) return a;
return new RegExp("^" + a.replace(/[-[\]{}()*+?.,\\^$|#\s]/g, "\\$&"),'i');
function ucfirst(str) {
return (str + '').charAt(0).toUpperCase() + (str + '').substr(1).toLowerCase();
function mkobj(name, val) {
var obj = {};
obj[name] = val;
return obj;
if ( !_.startCase ) {
_.startCase = function(s) {
return _(s.split(' ')).map(ucfirst).value().join(' ');
start = ws* a:QueryPartList ws*
return a;
} / ws* { return [] }
ws = [ ] ws?
EOF = !.
QueryPartList = a:ComplexQueryPart b:( ws ('and' ws)? ComplexQueryPart )*
return [a].concat( { return x[2]; }));
ComplexQueryPart =
a:SomewhatComplexQueryPart ws [oO][rR] ws b:ComplexQueryPart
return {"$or": [a].concat(b) };
/ SomewhatComplexQueryPart
SomewhatComplexQueryPart = '(' ws? a:QueryPartList ws? ')'
return {"$and": a}
/ QueryPart
QueryPart = NotQuery / RarityQuery / SetQuery / CMCQuery / PowerQuery / ToughnessQuery / ColorQuery / TypeQuery / OracleQuery / FlavorQuery / ArtistQuery / FormatQuery / LoyaltyQuery / BanQuery / TagQuery / PriceQuery / SmartQuery / GenericQuery
UnescapedStringPart = $[^ :"()]
UnescapedStringListPart = $[^ :",()+]
String = $(UnescapedStringPart UnescapedStringPart*) / ["] a:$([^"]*) ["] { return a; }
StringListString = $(UnescapedStringListPart UnescapedStringListPart*) / ["] a:$([^"]*) ["] { return a; }
NumericValue = a:$( '-'? [0-9][.0-9]*) { return parseInt(a); }
NumericOperator = ':' / '=' / '<=' / '>=' / '>' / '<'
StringValue = b:String { return b } / '(' c:StringList ')' { return {'$in': c } }
FlexStringValue = c:CompactStringSet { return c } / b:String { return b } / '(' c:StringList ')' { return {'$in': c } }
StringList = a:StringListString b:(ws? ',' ws? StringListString)*
return [a].concat( { return x[3]; }));
CompactStringSet = a:StringListString o:$[,+] b:StringListString c:($[,+] StringListString)*
var list = [a,b].concat( {
if ( x[0] != o ) throw "Mixing , and + in set";
return x[1];
if ( o == '+' ) return {'$all': list }
return {'$in': list }
NotQuery = ('not' ws/'-') a:QueryPart
var out = {};
_.forEach(a, function(v,k) {
if ( !_.isObject(v) && !_.isRegExp(v) ) v = {"$eq": v};
out[k] = {'$not': v};
return out;
CMCQuery = 'cmc'i ws? a:NumericOperator ws? b:NumericValue
return numericQuery('cmc', a, b);
PowerQuery = ('pow'i / 'power'i) ws? a:NumericOperator ws? b:NumericValue
return numericQuery('power', a, b);
ToughnessQuery = ('tou'i / 'toughness'i) ws? a:NumericOperator ws? b:NumericValue
return numericQuery('toughness', a, b);
LoyaltyQuery = ('loyalty'i) ws? a:NumericOperator ws? b:NumericValue
return numericQuery('loyalty', a, b);
PriceQuery = ('$') ws? a:NumericOperator ws? b:NumericValue
if ( == "oracle") {
return numericQuery('price', a, b);
} else {
return numericQuery('price.tcgPlayer.mid', a, b);
TypeQuery = 't'i 'ype'? ':' b:StringValue
return {"allTypes": smartMap(b, function(x) {
if ( x.toLowerCase() == "legend" ) return "legendary";
return x.toLowerCase();
}) };
TagQuery = ('has'i / 'is'i) ':' b:StringValue
return {"tags": smartMap(b, function(x) {
if ( /b[A-Z]/.test(x) ) return x;
return x.toLowerCase();
SetQuery = 'e'i ':' b:FlexStringValue
var q = smartMap(b, function(x) {
var uc = x.toUpperCase();
switch ( uc ) {
case 'AL': return 'LEA';
case 'BE': return 'LEB';
case 'NEM': return 'NMS';
if ( /^p...$/i.test(x) ) {
return 'p' + uc.substr(1);
return uc;
if ( == "oracle") {
return {"sets": q};
} else {
return {"cardSet": q}
Rarity =
[Rr] 'are'? { return "Rare" } /
[Mm] 'ythic'? (' ' [Rr] 'are')? { return "Mythic Rare" } /
[Uu] 'ncommon'? { return "Uncommon" } /
[Cc] 'ommon'? { return "Common" } /
[Ss] 'pecial'? { return "Special" }
RarityValue = b:Rarity { return b } / '(' c:RarityList ')' { return {'$in': c } }
RarityList = a:Rarity b:(ws? ',' ws? Rarity)*
return [a].concat( { return x[3]; }));
RarityQuery = 'r' ':' b:RarityValue
return {"rarity": b};
Color =
[Rr] 'ed'? { return 'r' } /
[Ww] 'hite'? { return 'w' } /
[Bb] 'lack'? { return 'b' } /
[Uu] { return 'u' } /
[Bb] 'lue' { return 'u'} /
[Gg] 'reen'? { return 'g' }
ColorEx = Color / $([mc])
ColorExWithSeperator = [,]? a:ColorEx { return a; }
ColorQuery = c:('ci'i / 'rci'i / 'c'i) a:$[!:=] b:(ColorEx ColorExWithSeperator*)
c = c.toLowerCase();
var multi = false;
var colorless = false;
var bb = [b[0]];
bb.push.apply(bb, b[1]);
console.log("B", bb);
var colors = _.compact( {
switch ( c ) {
case 'r': return 'Red';
case 'b': return 'Black';
case 'g': return 'Green';
case 'w': return 'White';
case 'u': return 'Blue';
case 'm':
multi = true;
return undefined;
case 'c':
colorless = true;
return undefined;
if ( c == 'ci' && a == ':' ) a = '~';
if ( c == 'ci' && a == '=' ) a = '~';
if ( c == 'rci' ) c = 'ci';
var key = "colors";
if ( c == 'ci' ) key = "colorIdentity";
var primary;
if ( colors.length > 0 ) primary = mkobj(key, mkobj((a == '=') ? "$all" : "$in", colors));
if ( colorless ) {
var extra = {"$or":[ mkobj(key, {"$size": 0}), mkobj(key, {"$exists": false}) ]};
if ( primary ) primary = {"$or": [primary, extra]};
else primary = extra;
var q = [];
if ( primary ) q.push(primary);
if ( a == '~' ) q = []; //Dont require colors in ~ search
if ( a != ':' ) {
var not = [];
if ( !_.contains(colors, 'Red') ) not.push('Red');
if ( !_.contains(colors, 'Black') ) not.push('Black');
if ( !_.contains(colors, 'Green') ) not.push('Green');
if ( !_.contains(colors, 'White') ) not.push('White');
if ( !_.contains(colors, 'Blue') ) not.push('Blue');
q.push(mkobj(key, {"$nin": not } ));
if ( multi ) {
var x = {};
x[key + '.1'] = {'$exists': true};
if ( q.length == 1 ) return q[0];
else return {"$and": q};
OracleQuery = 'o'i ':' a:RegexString
return {text: a};
ArtistQuery = (!ReservedWord) 'a'i 'rtist'i? ':' a:RegexString
if ( == "oracle") {
return {artists: a};
} else {
return {artist: a}
Format = 'standard'i / 'extended'i / 'modern'i / 'vintage'i / 'legacy'i / 'commander'i / 'prismatic'i / 'freeform'i
/ 't2'i { return "standard" } / 'edh'i { return "commander"; } / ('centitix'i / 'pd'i / 'pennydreadful'i) { return "penny dreadful"}
FormatQuery = 'f'i 'ormat'i? ':' a:Format
var out = {};
out.inFormats = _.startCase(a);
return out;
FlavorQuery = ('fl'i / 'flavor'i) ':' a:RegexString
return {flavor: a};
BanQuery = a:('banned'i/'restricted'i/'legal'i) ':' b:Format
var out = {};
out["legalities." + _.startCase(b)] = ucfirst(a);
return out;
ReservedWord = ( 'or'i / 'and'i ) ( ws / EOF )
RegexString = '/' t:$([^/][^/]*) '/' f:$([i]*)
return new RegExp(t, f);
} / a:String {
return textQ(a);
SmartQuery = a:( SmartColor / SmarPowerToughness / SmartType / SmartRarity / SmartAbility / SmartCMC / SmartFormat )
return {'$or': [ a, {searchTerms: fastTextQ(text())}]};
SmarPowerToughness = p:NumericValue '/' t:NumericValue
return {$and: [{power: p},{toughness: t}]};
SmartColor = c:$('Red'i / 'Blue'i / 'White'i / 'Green'i / 'Black'i)
return {colors: _.startCase(c)};
SmartType = t:$('Creature'i / 'Instant'i / 'Sorcery'i / 'Land'i / 'Enchantment'i / 'Artifact'i ) 's'?
return {allTypes: t.toLowerCase()};
SmartRarity = t:RarityValue & { t.length > 1 }
return {rarity: t};
AbilityWord = a:$([^ ]+) & {
return a.toLowerCase() in keywords;
} {
return _.startCase(a);
} / 'Flyer'i {
return "Flying"
SmartAbility = ('with' ws)? a:AbilityWord {
return {text: new RegExp("\\b" + a + "\\b", 'i')};
SmartCMC = 'for'i ws n:NumericValue {
return {cmc: n};
SmartFormat = 'in' ws a:Format
var out = {};
out.inFormats = _.startCase(a);
return out;
GenericQuery = !(ReservedWord) a:RegexString
return {allNames: a};
} / !(ReservedWord) a:$([^ ()][^ ()]*) {
return {allNames: textQ(a)};
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