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#r/Yoga Information Hub

When in doubt, use the search engine in the sidebar to look through older posts. There are plenty of posts on getting into yoga, coming into yoga from injuries, etc.

##Getting Into Yoga

At Home

function love.conf(t)
t.screen.width = 400
t.screen.height = 700
Hexagon = {}
function Hexagon:new(x, y, height)
obj = {}
setmetatable(obj, self)
self.__index = self
obj.x = x
obj.y = y
obj.height = height
class WebGL
getWebGLContext: (id) ->
elm = document.getElementById(id)
ctx = elm.getContext("webgl") || elm.getContext("experimental-webgl")
getShader: (id) ->
shaderScript = document.getElementById(id)
theSource = shaderScript.textContent
if shaderScript.type == "x-shader/x-fragment"
shader = @gl.createShader(@gl.FRAGMENT_SHADER)
http = require("http")
fs = require("fs")
port = undefined
readPort = ->
fs.readFile "port", (err, data) ->
port = Number(data)
# Usage:
# To include everything, do not stage beforehand or pass arguments.
# Otherwise, stage what you wish to include beforehand and/or pass an argument
# here for git add.
# Examples:
# deploy-working #=> Stages everything (git add .) and deploys
sass: sass --watch game.scss:game.css
coffee: ./compile
import math, re
from stack import *
class RPNCalculator:
def __init__(self): = stack()
# Create lists of valid operators.
self.lang_operators = ["+", "-", "*", "/", "**", "//"]
self.binary_operators = []
class GameEngine
constructor: ->
@bg = document.getElementById("bg").getContext("2d")
@fg = document.getElementById("fg").getContext("2d")
@gW = 5000
@gH = 3750
@vW = @fg.canvas.width
@vH = @fg.canvas.height
@dX = (@gW - @vW) / -2
class Game
constructor: ->
@ctx = document.getElementById("game").getContext("2d") = "#000"
@startAngle = (5 * Math.PI) / 6
@endAngle = Math.PI / 6
@curSA = @startAngle
@curEA = @endAngle
@notifier = document.createElement("canvas")
@notifier.width = 64;