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Created February 3, 2017 14:48
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DailyProgrammer -- 301 [Hard] Guitar Tablature
-- stack exec -- ghc -O2 Main.hs
-- cat input1.txt | ./Main --sound | aplay
module Main where
import Control.Applicative
import Data.List
import Data.Maybe
import Data.WAVE
import Notes
import Safe (readMay)
import System.Environment
import System.IO (stdout)
type GuitarChord = [Pitch]
type Bar = [GuitarChord]
type Tab = [Bar]
data Option
= OutputNames
| OutputSound
main :: IO ()
main = do
opt <- parseOptions <$> getArgs
tab <- parseTab <$> getContents
case opt of
OutputNames -> printTab tab
OutputSound -> playTab tab
printTab :: Tab -> IO ()
printTab = print
. unwords
. map show
. concat
. concat
playTab :: Tab -> IO ()
playTab =
hPutWAVE stdout
. WAVE (WAVEHeader 1 44100 16 $ Just 10000000)
-- Just ... is to lazily output the wave file and not run out of memory
. toSamples 44100
. toTrack
parseOptions :: [String] -> Option
parseOptions [] = OutputNames
parseOptions ("-n":_) = OutputNames
parseOptions ("--names":_) = OutputNames
parseOptions ("-s":_) = OutputSound
parseOptions ("--sound":_) = OutputSound
parseOptions (_:opts) = parseOptions opts
parseTab :: String -> Tab
parseTab = map
( map catMaybes -- to GuitarChord
. transpose
. zipWith stringToPitch guitarStrings
. parseTabFrets
. transpose -- split into bars
. map separateBars
. concat -- make one long tab
. groupBy6
. map (drop 1) -- remove the note names at the beginning of each line
. filter (/=[]) -- remove empty lines
. lines
. filter (`notElem` " \t") -- simple removal of whitespace
groupBy6 :: [a] -> [[a]]
groupBy6 [] = []
groupBy6 xs = uncurry (:) . fmap groupBy6 . splitAt 6 $ xs
parseTabFrets :: [String] -> [[Maybe Int]]
parseTabFrets ["", "", "", "", "", ""] = [[], [], [], [], [], []]
parseTabFrets xs
| null $ catMaybes frets = next 1
| maximum frets > Just 9 = next 2
| otherwise = next 1
frets = map parseFret xs
next skip = zipWith (:) frets
. parseTabFrets
. map (drop skip)
$ xs
stringToPitch :: Pitch -> [Maybe Int] -> [Maybe Pitch]
stringToPitch p = map (fmap (fretToPitch p))
fretToPitch :: Pitch -> Int -> Pitch
fretToPitch (Pitch o n) f
| fromEnum n + f > 11 = fretToPitch (Pitch (o + 1) n) (f - 12)
| otherwise = Pitch o (toEnum $ fromEnum n + f)
-- This assumes there is always a '-' after '|' (except at the end of a line)
separateBars :: String -> [String]
separateBars "" = []
separateBars ('|':xs) = "" : separateBars (drop 1 xs)
separateBars (x:xs) =
case separateBars xs of
[] -> [[x]]
(y:ys) -> (x:y) : ys
parseFret :: String -> Maybe Int
parseFret ('-':_) = Nothing -- make sure it isn't parsed as a negative number
parseFret xs = readMay (take 2 xs) <|> readMay (take 1 xs)
guitarStrings :: [Pitch]
guitarStrings =
[ Pitch 4 E
, Pitch 3 B
, Pitch 3 G
, Pitch 3 D
, Pitch 2 A
, Pitch 2 E
toTrack :: Tab -> [Chord]
toTrack = map (uncurry toChord)
. concatMap noteLengths
toChord :: [Pitch] -> Float -> Chord
toChord [] d = Chord [note d 0.0 $ Pitch 4 A] -- silence
toChord ps d = Chord $ map (note d a) ps
a = 1.0 / fromIntegral (length ps)
note :: Float -> Float -> Pitch -> Note
note d a = Note (d * basicDur) a env timbre
basicDur = 0.1 -- time equivalent to 1 '-' in the tab
env = Envelope 0.05 0.1
timbre = map (/ sum harmonics) harmonics
harmonics = [10, 7, 4, 0, 3, 1.5, 1]
noteLengths :: Bar -> [([Pitch], Float)]
noteLengths = reverse . foldl' go []
go :: [([Pitch], Float)] -> [Pitch] -> [([Pitch], Float)]
go [] [] = [([], 1.0)]
go ((xs,d):ys) [] = (xs, d + 1.0) : ys
go ys ps = (ps, 1.0) : ys
{-# LANGUAGE MagicHash #-}
module Notes where
import Data.List
import Data.WAVE
data NoteName = C | C# | D | D# | E | F | F# | G | G# | A | A# | B
deriving (Enum, Show)
type Octave = Int
data Pitch = Pitch Octave NoteName
instance Show Pitch where
show (Pitch o n) = show n ++ show o
----| duration |----
----| attack |--------| release |----
data Envelope
= Envelope
{ attack :: Float -- in seconds
, release :: Float -- in seconds
} deriving Show
data Note
= Note
{ duration :: Float -- in seconds
, amplitude :: Float -- in [0..1]
, envelope :: Envelope
, timbre :: [Float]
, pitch :: Pitch
} deriving Show
newtype Chord = Chord { notes :: [Note] } deriving Show
class Samples a where
toSamples :: Float -> a -> WAVESamples
instance Samples a => Samples [a] where
toSamples rate = concatMap (toSamples rate)
instance Samples Chord where
toSamples rate = mix . map (toSamples rate) . notes
instance Samples Note where
toSamples rate note
| amplitude note == 0 = replicate size [0]
| otherwise = applyEnvelope rate (envelope note)
. take size
. (map . map) (amplitude note .*)
. applyTimbre (timbre note)
. toSamples rate
$ pitch note
size = floor $ duration note * rate
instance Samples Pitch where
toSamples rate pitch =
map (\x -> [floor $ maxAmplitude * sin ( 2 * pi * freq * fromIntegral x / rate)]) [0..]
freq = frequency pitch
maxAmplitude = 0.95 * fromIntegral (maxBound :: WAVESample)
infixl 6 .*
(.*) :: Float -> WAVESample -> WAVESample
x .* y = floor $ x * fromIntegral y
mix :: [WAVESamples] -> WAVESamples
mix = foldl' (zipWith (zipWith (+))) (repeat [0])
applyTimbre :: [Float] -> WAVESamples -> WAVESamples
applyTimbre weights = mix
. zipWith (\w -> (map . map) (w .*)) weights
. zipWith skippingStep [0..]
. replicate (length weights)
skippingStep :: Int -> [a] -> [a]
skippingStep _ [] = []
skippingStep n (x:xs) = x : skippingStep n (drop n xs)
applyEnvelope :: Float -> Envelope -> WAVESamples -> WAVESamples
applyEnvelope rate env samples =
[ linear attackSize $ zip [0..] pre
, hold
, linear releaseSize $ zip [releaseSize, pred releaseSize..] post
attackSize = floor $ attack env * rate
releaseSize = floor $ release env * rate
(pre, rest) = splitAt attackSize samples
(hold, post) = splitAt (length rest - releaseSize) rest
linear :: Int -> [(Int, [WAVESample])] -> WAVESamples
linear n = map (\(x, s) -> map (fromIntegral x / fromIntegral n .*) s)
frequency :: Pitch -> Float
frequency pitch = referenceFreq * 1.0594630943592953 ** n
-- 1.0594630943592953 is 2 ** (1/12)
index (Pitch octave name) = 12 * octave + fromEnum name
referencePitch = Pitch 4 A
referenceFreq = 440.0
n = fromIntegral $ index pitch - index referencePitch
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