Hello and Welcome to my coding course to build a multi-vendor ecommerce website by MERN stack. In this course you will learn the essential tools and skills to design, develop and deploy a fully-function marketplace website using React and Redux in frontend and Node and MongoDB in backend.
This is a practical coding course and we are gonna learn and build lots of stuff in this multi-vendor ecommerce website like:
- create functional component by react
- use react hooks to handle form inputs
- manage application state by redux using custom hooks
- create backend web api by node and express js
- design database model by mongodb
- perform CRUP operations on orders, products and users by mongoose ORM
- handle authentication and authorization using JsonWebToken
- create seller and admin roles to manage products, orders and users
- handle shopping cart for customer to place orders
This course is for non-coders or juniors who want to be a professional web developer to get a job in 22 million job opportunities around the world. Basic knowledge of web developments like html, css and basic javascript is necessary for this course.
- What we will build
- HomeScreen
- Create react app
- Use bootstrap and react-bootstrap
- Product Screen
- Url routing in react
- handle events in react
- Cart Screen
- Save and retrieve data in local storage
- Working javascript array functions
- Update summary based on cart changes
- Sign-in and Register Screen
- Create dynamic form
- Input validation in frontend and backend
- Create web server using node.js
- Connect to Mongodb database
- Add registered user to the database
- Authenticate user based on email and password
- Using Jsonwebtoken to authorize users
- Shipping and Payment Screen
- Create wizard form to get user data in multiple steps
- Save user info in the local storage
- Place Order Screen
- Validate and create order in the database
- Order Screen
- Payment with paypal
- Show order state based on user and admin activities
- Profile Screen
- Create authenticated routes
- enable user to update their informations
- enable user to logout and clear local storage
- show list of orders to user and link it to details
- Seller Menu
- add products, upload files
- manage orders
- Admin Menu
- manage users
- HomeScreen
- Create React Bootstrap App
- Create react app
- Install react-bootstrap
- Add project to git repo and publish on GitHub
- Build Home Screen
- create an array of products
- use map function to render products array
- create Product component
- use Card and Link to shape product thumbnails
- Create Product Details Screen
- use Row and Col to shape 3 columns content
- read url params to get product id
- create button for Add To Cart
- Create Node.JS Server
- npm init in root folder
- create backend folder and server.js file
- create a simple express server to server products
- Use ES6 Syntax In Backend
- install babel transpiler
- config babel
- Enable Code Linter and Essential Extension
- npm install -D eslint
- install VSCode eslint extension
- JavaScript (ES6) code snippets
- ES7 React/Redux/GraphQL/React-Native snippets
- Prettier - Code formatter
- Load Products From Backend
- send ajax request using axios
- use useEffect
- list items in react
- Manage State With Redux
- What is Redux
- create store
- import in App.js
- Connect HomeScreen to Redux
- create actions, reducers for product list
- load products from redux store
- Connect Product Screen to Redux
- Add To Cart Action
- Cart Screen UI
- Update and Delete Cart Items
- Connect To MongoDB and Create Admin User
- Sign-in Screen UI
- Sign-in Screen Backend
- Sign-in Screen Action
- Create Progress Indicator and Alert Component
- Register Screen
- User Profile Screen
- Checkout Wizard
- PlaceOrder Screen UI
- PlaceOrder Screen Action
- Order Screen
- PayPal Payment
- Display Orders History
- Admin Dashboard UI
- Admin Products UI
- Create Product
- Edit Product UI
- Edit Product Backend
- Upload Product Image
- Build Project
- Delete Product
- Admin Orders
- Deliver Order
- Handle Seller Role
- Handle User Role
- Publish to heroku
- Search Products
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