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Last active July 10, 2021 16:30
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Module not found: Error: Can't resolve 'fs'

add this line at the top of the file: import fs from 'fs';

Delete images on heroku after upload

it is because of heroku policy for free dyno. It delete all files after 30 mins idle. if you want to keep them you need to buy a paid dyno. get it from here:

URL it is /product/undefined

Check why the product link does not contain the product id in HomeScreen.js and Product.js component. Your code seems right. clone this repo and run it on your computer. It works.

Then compare your code with this.

Cast to objectid faild for value '1'

make sure you did not return static data in data.js in server.js.

clone this repo and run it on your computer. It works.

Then compare your code with this.

New Payment Gateway

In this course, I only teach PayPal. for others you need to read the docs for node.js and react framework.

Error "SyntaxError: Cannot use import statement outside a module"

Did you use this command in this package.json? and this in Procfile?

Messages stay after reopenning the pages

To fix this issue we need to use a modal to show messages and user has to close it to continue. use this to wrap messages inside it:

Seller Error: Can't read property name of undefined

Follow these steps to fix this error:

1- Login with this seller account and in User Profile set a name for this seller.

2- Make sure you have a user with this id (product.seller._id) or not. if you deleted that user you need to delete the product too and create it again. make sure for current user you have set the seller name in User profile.

If it does not work you can simply clone the course repo:

Then follow this guide to run it locally:

Then compare your code with this.

User validation failed: isAdmin: Path isAdmin is required

to fix validation error you need to check if you set the default value for isAdmin like this in userModal.js

and also try to set isAdmin: false in register API to fix this issue:

Map flashes and then disappears

whether you did not set the google API key correctly or your google account on firebase is not verified.

check this please: TypeError: Cannot read property 'name' of undefined

it means that user is null.

why user is null?

The user has been deleted. so you need to have a check like this:

{req.user?'Deleted User'}

or delete the order and create a new user and create order for them.

Deleted Item in Cart When Refresh Item in the cart

when you refresh the page at this address /cart/productid, then it adds productid to the cart again.

one simple solution is to move dispatch(addToCart(productId, qty)) from cart and product screen. so change ProductScreen.js:

 const addToCartHandler = () => {
    dispatch(addToCart(productId, 1)); // you need to import dispatch like in cart screen

then remove this line from CartScreen.js:

Proxy Error

you get proxy error if: not export Server

first of all make sure you have this version of

the remove node engine part to use the latest node in the Heroku.

sample image does not display

for not showing images:


if they are ok then you should see images.

Make images from different size to same size

use this guide to make all images same size:


hello there,

Paytm is not part of this course but I found this video to interagte paytm with node apps:

product not delete for seller

hello there,

yes, you are right. it is becaus of this:

you can change isAdmin with isSellerOrAdmin to fix it. but I don't recommend it because of security reasons

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