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test controlled vocabulary for dwc:establishmentMeans
@prefix rdf: <>.
@prefix rdfs: <>.
@prefix xsd: <>.
@prefix dwc: <>.
@prefix dc: <>.
@prefix dcterms: <>.
@prefix dcmitype: <>.
@prefix dcam: <>.
@prefix dcat: <>.
@prefix skos: <>.
@prefix emv: <>.
# Caveat: This document is a work in progress and has no official standing. It is subject to change at any time and should not be considered to be stable nor citable.
<> a skos:ConceptScheme,
rdfs:label "TDWG Establishment Means Vocabulary"@en;
dcterms:title "TDWG Establishment Means Vocabulary"@en;
rdfs:comment "This is a controlled vocabulary whose IRIs are intended to be used as values for dwciri:establishmentMeans."@en;
skos:note "This is a controlled vocabulary whose IRIs are intended to be used as values for dwciri:establishmentMeans."@en;
skos:hasTopConcept emv:native,
dc:publisher "Biodiversity Information Standards"@en.
# Note: No SKOS labels are included in this standards document. They are included in a separate document that is not part of the standard.
emv: a dcat:Dataset;
rdfs:label "GBIF Establishment Means Term List"@en;
dcterms:title "GBIF Establishment Means Term List"@en;
rdfs:comment "This document contains definitions for controlled vocabulary terms to be used as values for dwciri:establishmentMeans."@en;
skos:note "This document contains definitions for controlled vocabulary terms to be used as values for dwciri:establishmentMeans."@en;
dcterms:modified "2015-02-13"^^xsd:date;
dcterms:license <>;
rdfs:seeAlso <>,
<>; # here is the link to the translations document
dcterms:isPartOf <>;
dc:publisher "Global Biodiversity Information Facility"@en.
emv:native skos:definition "A species that is a part of the balance of nature that has developed over hundreds or thousands of years in a particular region or ecosystem. The word native should always be used with a geographic qualifier (for example, native to New England)."@en;
rdfs:comment "A species that is a part of the balance of nature that has developed over hundreds or thousands of years in a particular region or ecosystem. The word native should always be used with a geographic qualifier (for example, native to New England)."@en;
rdf:value "native";
rdfs:label "native"@en;
skos:inScheme <>;
rdfs:isDefinedBy emv:;
dcterms:isPartOf emv:;
dcam:memberOf emv:;
a skos:Concept.
emv:introduced skos:definition "A species introduced with human help (intentionally or accidentally) to a new place or new type of habitat where it was not previously found. Not all non-native species are invasive. In fact, when many non-native species are introduced to new places, they cannot reproduce or spread readily without continued human help (for example, many ornamental plants)."@en;
rdfs:comment "A species introduced with human help (intentionally or accidentally) to a new place or new type of habitat where it was not previously found. Not all non-native species are invasive. In fact, when many non-native species are introduced to new places, they cannot reproduce or spread readily without continued human help (for example, many ornamental plants)."@en;
rdf:value "introduced";
rdfs:label "introduced"@en;
skos:inScheme <>;
rdfs:isDefinedBy emv:;
dcterms:isPartOf emv:;
dcam:memberOf emv:;
a skos:Concept.
emv:naturalised skos:definition "The organism reproduces naturally and forms part of the local ecology."@en;
rdfs:comment "The organism reproduces naturally and forms part of the local ecology."@en;
rdf:value "naturalised";
rdfs:label "naturalised"@en;
skos:broader emv:introduced;
skos:inScheme <>;
rdfs:isDefinedBy emv:;
dcterms:isPartOf emv:;
dcam:memberOf emv:;
a skos:Concept.
emv:invasive skos:definition "The organism is having a deleterious impact on another organism, multiple organisms or the ecosystem as a whole."@en;
rdfs:comment "The organism is having a deleterious impact on another organism, multiple organisms or the ecosystem as a whole."@en;
rdf:value "invasive";
rdfs:label "invasive"@en;
skos:broader emv:introduced;
skos:inScheme <>;
rdfs:isDefinedBy emv:;
dcterms:isPartOf emv:;
dcam:memberOf emv:;
a skos:Concept.
emv:managed skos:definition "The organism maintains its presence through intentional cultivation or husbandry."@en;
rdfs:comment "The organism maintains its presence through intentional cultivation or husbandry."@en;
rdf:value "managed";
rdfs:label "managed"@en;
skos:broader emv:introduced;
skos:inScheme <>;
rdfs:isDefinedBy emv:;
dcterms:isPartOf emv:;
dcam:memberOf emv:;
a skos:Concept.
emv:uncertain skos:definition "Origin of organism is uncertain."@en;
rdfs:comment "Origin of organism is uncertain."@en;
rdf:value "uncertain";
rdfs:label "uncertain"@en;
skos:inScheme <>;
rdfs:isDefinedBy emv:;
dcterms:isPartOf emv:;
dcam:memberOf emv:;
a skos:Concept.
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