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Created November 9, 2023 17:32
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template script for exploring classification relationships using buttons and SPARQL
# sparql_gui, a script for making SPARQL queries from a graphical interface.
VERSION_MODIFIED = '2023-08-16'
# (c) 2023 Vanderbilt University. This program is released under a GNU General Public License v3.0
# Author: Steve Baskauf
# For more information, see
# The Sparqler class code is (c) 2022-2023 Steven J. Baskauf
# and released under a GNU General Public License v3.0
# For more information, see
# -----------------------------------------
# Version 0.1.0 change notes:
# - Initial version
# -----------------------------------------
# ------------
# import modules
# ------------
from tkinter import *
import sys
import requests
import datetime
import time
import json
import csv
# ------------
# Global variables
# ------------
# These defaults can be changed by command line arguments
DEFAULT_ENDPOINT = '' # arg: --endpoint or -E
DEFAULT_METHOD = 'get' # arg: --method or -M
CSV_OUTPUT_PATH = 'sparql_results.csv' # arg: --results or -R
PREFIXES_DOC_PATH = 'prefixes.txt' # arg: --prefixes or -P
USER_AGENT = 'sparql_gui/' + SCRIPT_VERSION + ' (;'
# ------------
# Support command line arguments
# ------------
arg_vals = sys.argv[1:]
# see
if '--version' in arg_vals or '-V' in arg_vals: # provide version information according to GNU standards
# Remove version argument to avoid disrupting pairing of other arguments
# Not really necessary here, since the script terminates, but use in the future for other no-value arguments
if '--version' in arg_vals:
if '-V' in arg_vals:
print('CommonsTool', SCRIPT_VERSION)
print('Copyright ©', VERSION_MODIFIED[:4], 'Vanderbilt University')
print('License GNU GPL version 3.0 <>')
print('This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it.')
print('There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law.')
print('Author: Steve Baskauf')
print('Revision date:', VERSION_MODIFIED)
if '--help' in arg_vals or '-H' in arg_vals: # provide help information according to GNU standards
# needs to be expanded to include brief info on invoking the program
print('''Command line arguments:
--endpoint or -E to specify a SPARQL endpoint URL, default: ''' + DEFAULT_ENDPOINT + '''
--method or -M to specify the HTTP method (get or post) to send the query, default: ''' + DEFAULT_METHOD + '''
--results or -R to specify the path (including filename) to save the CSV results, default: ''' + CSV_OUTPUT_PATH + '''
--agent or -A to specify your own user agent string to be sent with the query, default: ''' + USER_AGENT + '''
print('Report bugs to:')
# Code from
opts = [opt for opt in arg_vals if opt.startswith('-')]
args = [arg for arg in arg_vals if not arg.startswith('-')]
if '--endpoint' in opts: # specifies a Wikibase SPARQL endpoint different from the Wikidata Query Service
DEFAULT_ENDPOINT = args[opts.index('--endpoint')]
if '-E' in opts: # specifies a Wikibase SPARQL endpoint different from the Wikidata Query Service
DEFAULT_ENDPOINT = args[opts.index('-E')]
if '--results' in opts: # specifies path (including filename) where CSV will be saved
CSV_OUTPUT_PATH = args[opts.index('--results')]
if '-R' in opts: # specifies path (including filename) where CSV will be saved
CSV_OUTPUT_PATH = args[opts.index('-R')]
if '--method' in opts: # specifies the HTTP method to be used with the query
DEFAULT_METHOD = args[opts.index('--method')]
if '-M' in opts: # specifies the HTTP method to be used with the query
DEFAULT_METHOD = args[opts.index('-M')]
if '--prefixes' in opts: # specifies path (including filename) of text file containing prefixes
PREFIXES_DOC_PATH = args[opts.index('--prefixes')]
if '-P' in opts: # specifies path (including filename) of text file containing prefixes
PREFIXES_DOC_PATH = args[opts.index('-P')]
if '--agent' in opts: # to provide your own user agent string to be sent with the query
USER_AGENT = args[opts.index('--agent')]
if '-A' in opts: # to provide your own user agent string to be sent with the query
USER_AGENT = args[opts.index('-A')]
# Open the prefixes file and read it in as a string
with open(PREFIXES_DOC_PATH, 'r') as prefixes_doc:
# ------------
# Functions
# ------------
def send_query_button_click():
"""Handle the click of the "Send Query" button"""
search_string = query_text_box.get("1.0","end") # Gets all text from first character to last
search_string = search_string.strip() # Removes leading and trailing whitespace
query_string = '''SELECT DISTINCT *
FROM <https://art-classification-crosswalks>
<''' + search_string + '''> ?p ?o.
# Create a Sparqler object
# A User-Agent header is equried for Wikidata Query Service.
# For other endpoints, it's optional.
neptune = Sparqler(useragent=USER_AGENT)
# Send the query to the endpoint
data = neptune.query(query_string)
print(json.dumps(data, indent=2))
# Extract results from JSON and save them in a CSV file
with open(CSV_OUTPUT_PATH, 'w', newline='') as csvfile:
if len(data) > 0:
fieldnames = data[0].keys()
writer = csv.DictWriter(csvfile, fieldnames=fieldnames)
for row in data:
for field in fieldnames:
row[field] = row[field]['value']
print('Results written to', CSV_OUTPUT_PATH)
print('No results to write to file')
# ------------
# Classes
# ------------
class Sparqler:
"""Build SPARQL queries of various sorts
method: str
Possible values are "post" (default) or "get". Use "get" if read-only query endpoint.
Must be "post" for update endpoint.
endpoint: URL
Defaults to Wikidata Query Service if not provided.
useragent : str
Required if using the Wikidata Query Service, otherwise optional.
Use the form: appname/v.v (URL;
session: requests.Session
If provided, the session will be used for all queries. Note: required for the Commons Query Service.
If not provided, a generic requests method (get or post) will be used.
NOTE: Currently only implemented for the .query() method since I don't have any way to test the mehtods that write.
sleep: float
Number of seconds to wait between queries. Defaults to 0.1
Required modules:
requests, datetime, time
def __init__(self, method=DEFAULT_METHOD, endpoint=DEFAULT_ENDPOINT, useragent=None, session=None, sleep=0.1):
# attributes for all methods
self.http_method = method
self.endpoint = endpoint
if useragent is None:
if self.endpoint == '':
print('You must provide a value for the useragent argument when using the Wikidata Query Service.')
raise KeyboardInterrupt # Use keyboard interrupt instead of sys.exit() because it works in Jupyter notebooks
self.session = session
self.sleep = sleep
self.requestheader = {}
if useragent:
self.requestheader['User-Agent'] = useragent
if self.http_method == 'post':
self.requestheader['Content-Type'] = 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'
def query(self, query_string, form='select', verbose=False, **kwargs):
"""Sends a SPARQL query to the endpoint.
form : str
The SPARQL query form.
Possible values are: "select" (default), "ask", "construct", and "describe".
mediatype: str
The response media type (MIME type) of the query results.
Some possible values for "select" and "ask" are: "application/sparql-results+json" (default) and "application/sparql-results+xml".
Some possible values for "construct" and "describe" are: "text/turtle" (default) and "application/rdf+xml".
for response serializations supported by Neptune.
verbose: bool
Prints status when True. Defaults to False.
default: list of str
The graphs to be merged to form the default graph. List items must be URIs in string form.
If omitted, no graphs will be specified and default graph composition will be controlled by FROM clauses
in the query itself.
See and
for details.
named: list of str
Graphs that may be specified by IRI in a query. List items must be URIs in string form.
If omitted, named graphs will be specified by FROM NAMED clauses in the query itself.
If the form is "select" and mediatype is "application/json", a list of dictionaries containing the data.
If the form is "ask" and mediatype is "application/json", a boolean is returned.
If the mediatype is "application/json" and an error occurs, None is returned.
For other forms and mediatypes, the raw output is returned.
To get UTF-8 text in the SPARQL queries to work properly, send URL-encoded text rather than raw text.
That is done automatically by the requests module for GET. I guess it also does it for POST when the
data are sent as a dict with the urlencoded header.
See SPARQL 1.1 protocol notes at
query_form = form
if 'mediatype' in kwargs:
media_type = kwargs['mediatype']
if query_form == 'construct' or query_form == 'describe':
#if query_form == 'construct':
media_type = 'text/turtle'
media_type = 'application/sparql-results+json' # default for SELECT and ASK query forms
self.requestheader['Accept'] = media_type
# Build the payload dictionary (query and graph data) to be sent to the endpoint
payload = {'query' : query_string}
if 'default' in kwargs:
payload['default-graph-uri'] = kwargs['default']
if 'named' in kwargs:
payload['named-graph-uri'] = kwargs['named']
if verbose:
print('querying SPARQL endpoint')
start_time =
if self.http_method == 'post':
if self.session is None:
response =, data=payload, headers=self.requestheader)
response =, data=payload, headers=self.requestheader)
if self.session is None:
response = requests.get(self.endpoint, params=payload, headers=self.requestheader)
response = self.session.get(self.endpoint, params=payload, headers=self.requestheader)
elapsed_time = ( - start_time).total_seconds()
self.response = response.text
time.sleep(self.sleep) # Throttle as a courtesy to avoid hitting the endpoint too fast.
if verbose:
print('done retrieving data in', int(elapsed_time), 's')
if query_form == 'construct' or query_form == 'describe':
return response.text
if media_type != 'application/sparql-results+json':
return response.text
data = response.json()
return None # Returns no value if an error.
if query_form == 'select':
# Extract the values from the response JSON
results = data['results']['bindings']
results = data['boolean'] # True or False result from ASK query
return results
def update(self, request_string, mediatype='application/json', verbose=False, **kwargs):
"""Sends a SPARQL update to the endpoint.
mediatype : str
The response media type (MIME type) from the endpoint after the update.
Default is "application/json"; probably no need to use anything different.
verbose: bool
Prints status when True. Defaults to False.
default: list of str
The graphs to be merged to form the default graph. List items must be URIs in string form.
If omitted, no graphs will be specified and default graph composition will be controlled by USING
clauses in the query itself.
and for details.
named: list of str
Graphs that may be specified by IRI in the graph pattern. List items must be URIs in string form.
If omitted, named graphs will be specified by USING NAMED clauses in the query itself.
media_type = mediatype
self.requestheader['Accept'] = media_type
# Build the payload dictionary (update request and graph data) to be sent to the endpoint
payload = {'update' : request_string}
if 'default' in kwargs:
payload['using-graph-uri'] = kwargs['default']
if 'named' in kwargs:
payload['using-named-graph-uri'] = kwargs['named']
if verbose:
print('beginning update')
start_time =
response =, data=payload, headers=self.requestheader)
elapsed_time = ( - start_time).total_seconds()
self.response = response.text
time.sleep(self.sleep) # Throttle as a courtesy to avoid hitting the endpoint too fast.
if verbose:
print('done updating data in', int(elapsed_time), 's')
if media_type != 'application/json':
return response.text
data = response.json()
return None # Returns no value if an error converting to JSON (e.g. plain text)
return data
def load(self, file_location, graph_uri, s3='', verbose=False, **kwargs):
"""Loads an RDF document into a specified graph.
s3 : str
Name of an AWS S3 bucket containing the file. Omit load a generic URL.
verbose: bool
Prints status when True. Defaults to False.
The triplestore may or may not rely on receiving a correct Content-Type header with the file to
determine the type of serialization. Blazegraph requires it, AWS Neptune does not and apparently
interprets serialization based on the file extension.
if s3:
request_string = 'LOAD <https://' + s3 + '' + file_location + '> INTO GRAPH <' + graph_uri + '>'
request_string = 'LOAD <' + file_location + '> INTO GRAPH <' + graph_uri + '>'
if verbose:
print('Loading file:', file_location, ' into graph: ', graph_uri)
data = self.update(request_string, verbose=verbose)
return data
def drop(self, graph_uri, verbose=False, **kwargs):
"""Drop a specified graph.
verbose: bool
Prints status when True. Defaults to False.
request_string = 'DROP GRAPH <' + graph_uri + '>'
if verbose:
print('Deleting graph:', graph_uri)
data = self.update(request_string, verbose=verbose)
return data
# ------------
# Set up GUI
# ------------
root = Tk()
# this sets up the characteristics of the window
root.title("SPARQL Explorer GUI")
# Create a frame object for the main window
mainframe = Frame(root)
mainframe.grid(column=0, row=0, sticky=(N, W, E, S))
mainframe.columnconfigure(0, weight=1)
mainframe.rowconfigure(0, weight=1)
# Create a label object for instructions
instruction_text = StringVar()
Label(mainframe, textvariable=instruction_text).grid(column=3, row=10, sticky=(W, E))
instruction_text.set('Enter SELECT query below and click the "Send Query" button')
# Create a text box object for the SPARQL query, 100 characters wide and 25 lines high
query_text_box = Text(mainframe, width=100, height=1)
query_text_box.grid(column=3, row=11, sticky=(W, E))
# Insert the generic query text
query_text_box.insert(END, PREFIXES + '')
# Create a button object for sending the query
send_query_button = Button(mainframe, text = "Send Query", width = 30, command = lambda: send_query_button_click() )
send_query_button.grid(column=3, row=20, sticky=W)
def main():
if __name__=="__main__":
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