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Created June 25, 2012 22:41
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  • Save basketofsoftkittens/2991907 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save basketofsoftkittens/2991907 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
After talking to drew, we decided that we would need more precision in creating widgets. Making so many resources private poses the problem of interchangeability. I propose we allow variables in our dependency code to determine which level of resource use when we create the widget. for example -->
<script type="text/mint-customer-something">
Base: "$mint/src/models/model.Base.js",
Address: "$global/src/model/model.Base.js",
CustomerSomething: "$module/model/model.CustomerSomething.js"
<!-- thoughts? -->
'proposed module structure
1. widgets are modules
2. widgets have resources(models/views/controllers) that are owned by the widget (other modules cant access because they are declared privately)
3. widgets can share resources when they are declared and registered via a "manager" (mint.widget,mint.model). shared resources are declared outside of the scope of the module
4. dependency management can include modules which include their resources and their resources dependencies
5. at the mint level, each store has a directory which holds widget overrides for a widget, or a widget resource.'
proposed structure:
.. src
`-- models // shared resources
`-- store_widgets
| `-- homemint
| `--checkout_form
| `-- models
| `--
// src/widgets/checkout_form/models/
exp.CouponModel = ready.model.Base.extend({
// src/store_widgets/homemint/checkout_form/models/
exp.CouponModel = CouponModel.extend({
initialize:function(){ alert("hello world")}
// src/widgets/checkout_form/form.js
init:function(){ this.loadDependencies();}
var resources = populate(data);
this.CouponModel = new resources.CouponModel();
// js.php turns a modules directory into something like.
var populate = function(ready){
var exp = {};
exp.CouponModel = ready.model.Base.extend({ ...
exp.CouponView = Backbone.View.extend({...
// start store specific loading of resources
exp.CouponModel = CouponModel.extend({ ...
return exp;
mint.widget.register('checkout-form',{ .....
var resources = populate(this,data);
// should alert "hello world" from mint specific overwritten resource
this.CouponModel = new resources.CouponModel();
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@dstokes yes, those are the pros for private modules. as far as flexibility, i think it depends on how we implement the privacy glue code. i think this module structure provides flexibility in its cleary defined dependecy and export vars and by promoting a real separation of concerns (since you cant talk to what you dont know about). in the future, if we wanted to use a real dependency loader we could still keep this same structure and alter our glue code. thoughts?

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Yeah, hopefully in the long-term we'd have very few mint-specific overrides and it would be feature/config based.

product detail -> use breadcrumbs (bool)
account settings -> orders can be processed in multiple shipments (bool)

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agreed, although I ideally I'd really rather see a common model so we could just decide which widgets to render and not worry about setting parameters on a monster widget, some widgets which might be good candidates:

product blurb

That way we can keep files smaller and encapsulate logic to data requests to the models instead

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@JeremyRylan: definietly. what i am hoping to accomplish with this structure is more code like

// src/widgets/checkout_form/models/
exp.CouponModel = ready.model.Base.extend({

// src/store_widgets/homemint/checkout_form/models/
exp.CouponModel = CouponModel.extend({

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👍 on private module scoping. That's a good way to cut down on cookie jar violations, where one module depends on another module's functionality. This is pretty innocuous right now, but also part of the reason we can't easily break our ish out into separate modules.

@juyeno-bm: how would this play with your decorator pattern?

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dstokes commented Jun 25, 2012

@basketofsoftkittens to promote DRY modules we should be making as many of them globally available as possible, and handle mint specific logic with feature checking. Doing so allows us to do things like add coupon code information to the customer bar without having to create a new private module based on the private model in the checkout widget.

The only modules that should really be 100% privatized are models that would never be applicable to any other view. This would be true in most cases for widget state models, but even that is debatable.

Also, something feels dangerous to me about defining module dependencies (private modules) in the file system..

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dstokes commented Jun 25, 2012

That's not to say that an instantiated module from the manager could not be registered privately in the widgets closure, btw

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@8bitDesigner would likely play out very differently depending on how we implemented decorators and / or widgets on a page... I was envisioning a view file looking something like:

<script type="mint-catalog-product-breadcrumbs">
    mintSpecificSettings : false  

<script type="mint-xmint-util-carousel">
  { images : <?php echo $this->images ?> }

<script type="mint-catalog-product-details_portrait_layout">
      [ 'views-util-label'
      , mint.decorator( 'text', { content: 'Buy Now!' } )

// omit product blurb script here since we don't want to show it
<!--script type="mint-xmint-catalog-product-blurb"></script-->

And in xmint/util/carousel.js:

options: {
  decorators: {
     imageThumbDecorator :
       [ 'views-util-carousel-imageThumb',
       , mint.decorator('tag',
            { 'class' : 'blah minty-blah'
            , 'tag' : 'caption'
       , 'views-util-row'


Which I realize seems verbose, but also means that we can mix and match features by mint without having to modify code too much, and common views like a row or image caption could be reused. Also what we wouldn't see any more are essentially duped templates for every mint (though Jeremy probably already helped quite a bit with that).

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@dstokes. i think it promotes DRY modules by making it easier to develop DRY modules. a good example of this is and if you look at the content and directory structure of the two files, it speaks volumes to what is a natural inclination of devs.
the private vars in a file system do seem scary without the proper glue code, the inherit import/export structure alleviates the worry of the timing/scoping issues that happen with privat vars. i also believe that knowing that all you have access to is the variables in the file itself promotes a better separation of concerns. we have invested heavily in a framework that uses these separation of concerns, i think that this helps create code that utilizes the work we have done.

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