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Last active December 16, 2020 17:57
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Minor typos have been fixed throughout the book.
Page 63: On the What Kind of Corp Do You Work For table you roll 1d10, not 1d6.
Page 95: The Air Pistol listing on the Exotic Weapons table incorrectly notes it as a Very Heavy Pistol. It is a Medium Pistol.
Page 114: The Description & Data for Grafted Muscle and Bone Lace has changed to clarify multiple instances stack. It now reads: Increases BODY by 2. The increase changes HP, Wound Threshold, and Death Save. Multiple installments stack. Cannot raise BODY above 10.
Page 117: The EMP loss for the Cyberware packages are incorrect. They should read as follows: Rockerboy: -1 EMP • Solo: -2 EMP • Netrunner: -2 EMP • Tech: -2 EMP • Medtech: -2 EMP • Media: -1 EMP • Lawman: -1 EMP • Exec: -2 EMP • Fixer: -2 EMP • Nomad: -2 EMP
Page 148: A Data Pop was inadvertently left out on page 148. It reads: Fabricating a Cheap item costs 5eb.
Page 148: Text was added to the 2nd column, 1st paragraph under Upgrade Expertise. The paragraph now reads: To upgrade an item, you roll TECH + the TECH Skill that the item is typically repaired with + your Rank in this specialty + d10. The Tech must purchase materials of the same price category of the item being upgraded, which installing the upgrade consumes. The DV you roll against and the time it takes to install the upgrade is based on the price category of the item you are upgrading. The one exception is vehicle upgrades, which are treated as being 1,000eb (Very Expensive) for this purpose.
Page 173: The Autofire DVs Based on Range table is incorrect. The correct table is below.
▶ Autofire DVs Based on Range
Weapon Type | 0 to 6 m/yds | 7 to 12 m/yds | 13 to 25 m/yds | 26 to 50 m/yds | 51 to 100 m/yds
SMGs 20 17 20 25 30
Assault Rifle 22 20 17 20 25
Page 173: The Autofire Example sidebar uses incorrect DVs. The text for the math portion of the example should read: According to the Autofire specific Range Table, he needs to beat a DV17 to hit a target 14 m/yds away. Royal rolls 1d10, gets a 7, and adds his 8 REF + 6 Autofire Skill, for a total of 21. Since he beat the Autofire DV17 by 4, he rolls 2d6 for damage, getting 10, and multiplies the result by 4, the amount he beat the Autofire DV by, for a total of 40 damage.
Page 175: The Melee Combat Example sidebar is incorrect. It should read: After his set, Rico Rico, a Rockerboy, is accosted by two clowns (not Bozos, thankfully) who didn't like his sound. The Combat Zone is a tough place to play as a solo act. The assailants set upon Rico Rico with machetes (medium melee weapons). They attack Rico Rico with their DEX + Melee Weapon Skill + 1d10, vs. Rico Rico's DEX + Evasion Skill + 1d10. Medium Melee Weapons have a ROF 2, meaning 2 potential hits per Attack Action, so with two assailants, Rico Rico has to dodge the clowns' machetes four times before he gets a Turn. He dodges three attacks, but the fourth hits him and rolls a 7 for damage. Damage dealt by Melee Weapons ignores half of the defender's armor (round up), so Rico Rico's SP11 Light Armorjack is treated as SP6, meaning 1 damage slips through. Rico Rico's Light Armorjack is also Ablated, which decreases it's SP by one to 10.
Page 181: The Effect of Deadly Poisons on the Poisons table is incorrectly listed as 2d6. It should be 3d6.
Page 201: The following text was added to the end of the first paragraph under Defeating a Program. Attack Programs are an exception. They are activated when making an Attack and, once used, automatically deactivate themselves. The following text was added to the end of the first paragraph under Programs: Attack programs Deactivate themselves once used.
Page 227: A Data Pop was inadvertently left out on page 227. It reads: Biosculpting can be used for cosmetic purposes but also for therapeutic ones, including helping remove scar tissue, repairing damage caused by cancer and treatments for cancer, and gender affirmation.
Page 277: The date of Andrew Rocklin’s disappearance is incorrect. It should be 2023, not 223.
Page 345: A Data Pop has been added to page 345. It reads: Armor-Piercing ammunition is the standard, basic level for Grenades and Rockets.
Page 346: Slugs has been added to the Ammo Types Available list for Incendiary and Smart Ammunition.
Page 346: The following sentence has been added to the end of the description for Rubber Ammunition: Rubber Ammunition counts as Basic Ammunition for the purposes of use with Exotic Weapons.
Page 347: The description for Smoke Ammunition has been changed. It now reads: When using this ammunition, you deal no damage with your attack. Obscures a 10m/yd by 10m/yd area with smoke for a minute on impact. The typical penalty for trying to perform a task obscured by smoke is -4.
Page 354: The descriptive text for the Linear Frame ß (Beta) and the Linear Frame Σ (Sigma) have been flipped. The Linear Frame ß (Beta) should read: Powered exoskeleton, giving the user even more tremendous strength. The Linear Frame Σ (Sigma) should read: Powered exoskeleton, giving the user tremendous strength. In addition, the phrase using two installations of Interface Plugs has been removed from the Linear Frame Σ (Sigma) description. All other notes are correct.
Page 363: The Description & Data for Grafted Muscle and Bone Lace has changed to clarify multiple instances stack. The last line now reads: Multiple installments stack. Cannot raise BODY above 10.
Page 378: The Cost to Buy a Luxury Penthouse is 150,000eb and not 50,000eb.
Page 395: The description for the Tech Tool is incorrect. It should read: An all-in-one tool. The various parts, including a small utility blade, pliers, various screwdrivers, files, and clippers all fold up into a compact and easy to carry package.
Page 415: The Security Officer should have Stealth 8 (6) and Tactics 6.
Page 452: All Control Skills should utilize REF as their paired STAT and not TECH. In addition, there are several errors on the Cyberware page of the Character Sheet. For a correct sheet, please see the following pages or visit the game aids download section of our website.
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