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Created May 24, 2017 02:08
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open Containers;
external pow : float => float => float = "Math.pow" [@@bs.val];
external requestAnimationFrame : (unit => unit) => unit = "window.requestAnimationFrame" [@@bs.val];
module rec AudioContext: {
type destination;
type t = Js.t {
destination : destination,
sampleRate : float,
createBufferSource [@bs.meth] : unit => AudioBufferSource.t,
createBuffer [@bs.meth] : int => int => float => AudioBuffer.t,
currentTime : float
external make : unit => t = "window.AudioContext" [];
} = AudioContext
and AudioBuffer: {
type t = Js.t {
copyToChannel [@bs.meth]: Js_typed_array.Float32Array.t => int => int => unit
} = AudioBuffer
and AudioBufferSource: {
type t;
external connect : t => AudioContext.destination => unit = "connect" [@@bs.send];
external setBuffer : t => AudioBuffer.t => unit = "buffer" [@@bs.set];
external start : t => float => unit = "start" [@@bs.send];
external stop : t => float => unit = "stop" [@@bs.send];
} = AudioBufferSource;
module Synth = {
type octave = float;
type duration = float;
type pitch = C | Cs | D | Ds | E | F | Fs | G | Gs | A | As | B;
type note = Note pitch octave duration | Rest duration;
type noteArray = Js_typed_array.Float32Array.t;
module Notes = Map.Make({ type t = pitch; let compare = compare; });
let notes = Notes.fromList [
(C, 16.35),
(Cs, 17.32),
(D, 18.35),
(Ds, 19.45),
(E, 20.60),
(F, 21.83),
(Fs, 23.12),
(G, 24.50),
(Gs, 25.96),
(A, 27.50),
(As, 29.14),
(B, 30.87),
let makeNote : AudioContext.t => note => AudioBuffer.t = fun ctx note => {
switch note {
| Note pitch octave duration => {
let length = truncate @@ duration *. ctx##sampleRate;
let c = ctx##createBuffer 2 (length) ctx##sampleRate;
let freq = (pow 2.0 octave) *. Notes.find pitch notes;
let noteDivisor = (ctx##sampleRate /. freq);
let b = Array.make length 1.0
|> Array.mapi (fun i _ => Js_math.sin (3.1415 *. 2.0 *. (float i) /. noteDivisor))
|> Js_typed_array.Float32Array.make;
c##copyToChannel b 0 0;
c##copyToChannel b 1 0;
| Rest duration => {
let length = truncate @@ duration *. ctx##sampleRate;
let c = ctx##createBuffer 2 (length) ctx##sampleRate;
let b = Array.make length 0.0
|> Js_typed_array.Float32Array.make;
c##copyToChannel b 0 0;
c##copyToChannel b 1 0;
let stop = fun source time => {
AudioBufferSource.stop source time;
let play : AudioContext.t => AudioBuffer.t => float => AudioBufferSource.t = fun audioCtx c time => {
let source = audioCtx##createBufferSource ();
AudioBufferSource.setBuffer source c;
AudioBufferSource.connect source audioCtx##destination;
AudioBufferSource.start source time;
let audioCtx = AudioContext.make ();
let start = audioCtx##currentTime +. 0.05;
let spn = 60.0 /. 80.0;
let rec schedule (currentEnd, playing) (duration, source) list => {
let currentTime = audioCtx##currentTime -. start;
if (currentEnd < currentTime +. 0.25) {
Synth.stop playing (currentEnd);
let nowPlaying = audioCtx source currentEnd;
if (List.length list > 0) {
let [(n1, n2),] = list;
requestAnimationFrame (fun _ => schedule (spn *. duration +. currentTime, nowPlaying) (n1, n2) rest);
} else {
Synth.stop nowPlaying (currentEnd +. duration *. spn);
} else {
requestAnimationFrame (fun _ => schedule (currentEnd, playing) (duration, source) list);
let main song => {
switch song {
| [] => ()
| [(d, s)] => {
let x = audioCtx s start;
| [(d, s), (d', s'),] => {
let x = audioCtx s start;
schedule (start +. d *. spn, x) (d', s') rest;
let f = fun x => {
switch x {
| Synth.Note n o d => (d, Synth.makeNote audioCtx (Note n o d))
| Synth.Rest d => (d, Synth.makeNote audioCtx (Rest d))
main @@ f [
Synth.Note E 4.0 1.0,
Synth.Note E 4.0 1.0,
Synth.Note F 4.0 1.0,
Synth.Note G 4.0 1.0,
Synth.Note G 4.0 1.0,
Synth.Note F 4.0 1.0,
Synth.Note E 4.0 1.0,
Synth.Note D 4.0 1.0,
Synth.Note C 4.0 1.0,
Synth.Note C 4.0 1.0,
Synth.Note D 4.0 1.0,
Synth.Note E 4.0 1.0,
Synth.Note E 4.0 1.75,
Synth.Note D 4.0 0.25,
Synth.Note D 4.0 1.0,
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