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Created May 24, 2017 02:07
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open Containers;
type destination;
type pitch = C | Cs | D | Eb | E | F | Fs | G | Gs | A | Bb | B;
module Pitches = Map.Make({ type t = pitch; let compare = compare; });
let pitches = Pitches.fromList
(C, 16.35),
(Cs, 17.32),
(D, 18.35),
(Eb, 19.45),
(E, 20.60),
(F, 21.83),
(Fs, 23.12),
(G, 24.50),
(Gs, 25.96),
(A, 27.50),
(Bb, 29.14),
(B, 30.87),
let rec pow b e => {
e == 0.0 ? 1.0 : b *. pow b (e -. 1.0);
let getPitch pitch octave => {
(pow 2.0 octave) *. Pitches.find pitch pitches;
type oscillator = Js.t {
frequency: Js.t {
value [@bs.set] [@bs.get]: float
connect [@bs.meth] : destination => unit,
_type [@bs.set] [@bs.get] : string,
start [@bs.meth] : float => unit,
stop [@bs.meth] : float => unit
type audioContext = Js.t {
destination: destination,
createOscillator [@bs.meth] : unit => oscillator
external audioContext : unit => audioContext = "window.AudioContext" [];
external createOscillator : audioContext => unit => oscillator = "" [@@bs.send];
let c = audioContext ();
let play note => {
let o = c##createOscillator ();
o##_type #= "square";
o##frequency##value #= (getPitch note 4.0);
o##connect (c##destination);
o##start (0.25);
let o = play B;
Js_global.setTimeout (fun _ => {o##frequency##value #= (getPitch C 4.0)}) 1000;
Js_global.setTimeout (fun _ => {o##stop 0.0}) 10000;
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